require 'mysql2' require 'json' require 'shiba/parsers/mysql_select_fields' module Shiba class Connection class Mysql def initialize(hash) @connection = end def query(sql) @connection.query(sql) end def fetch_indexes sql =<<-EOL select * from information_schema.statistics where table_schema = DATABASE() order by table_name, if(index_name = 'PRIMARY', '', index_name), seq_in_index EOL @connection.query(sql) end def tables @connection.query("show tables").map { |r| r.values.first } end def each_column_size tables.each do |t| sql = <<-EOL select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema = DATABASE() and table_name = '#{t}' EOL columns = @connection.query(sql) col_hash = Hash[ { |c| [c['COLUMN_NAME'], c] }] estimate_column_sizes(t, col_hash) col_hash.each do |c, h| yield(t, c, h['size']) end end end def estimate_column_sizes(table, hash) columns_to_sample = [] hash.each do |name, row| row['size'] = case row['DATA_TYPE'] when 'tinyint', 'year', 'enum', 'bit' 1 when 'smallint' 2 when 'mediumint', 'date', 'time' 3 when 'int', 'decimal', 'float', 'timestamp' 4 when 'bigint', 'datetime', 'double' 8 else columns_to_sample << name nil end end return unless columns_to_sample.any? select_fields = do |c| "AVG(LENGTH(`#{c}`)) as `#{c}`" end.join(', ') res = @connection.query("select #{select_fields}, count(*) as cnt from ( select * from `#{table}` limit 10000 ) as v").first if res['cnt'] == 0 # muggles, no data. impossible to know actual size of blobs/varchars, safer to err on side of 0 res.keys.each do |c| hash[c] && hash[c]['size'] = 0 end else res.each do |k, v| hash[k] && hash[k]['size'] = v.to_i end end hash end def analyze! tables.each do |t| @connection.query("analyze table `#{t}`") rescue nil end end def count_indexes_by_table sql =<<-EOL select TABLE_NAME as table_name, count(*) as index_count from information_schema.statistics where table_schema = DATABASE() and seq_in_index = 1 and index_name not like 'fk_rails%' group by table_name order by index_count EOL @connection.query(sql).to_a end def explain(sql) rows = query("EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON #{sql}").to_a explain = JSON.parse(rows.first['EXPLAIN']) warnings = query("show warnings").to_a [explain, parse_select_fields(warnings)] end def parse_select_fields(warnings) normalized_sql = warnings.detect { |w| w["Code"] == 1003 }["Message"] end def mysql? true end end end end