module Faalis module RouteHelpers # routes to be added to dashboard def in_dashboard namespace Faalis::Engine.dashboard_namespace do yield end end # Allow localized scope def localized_scope langs = ::I18n.available_locales.join('|') scope '(:locale)', locale: do yield end end # This method allow user to define his routes in api # namespace def api_routes(version: :v1) # TODO: Add a dynamic solution for formats namespace :api, defaults: { format: :json } do namespace version do # Call user given block to define user routes # inside this namespace yield if block_given? end end scope 'module'.to_sym => 'faalis' do #dashboard = Faalis::Engine.dashboard_namespace #get "#{dashboard}/auth/groups/new", to: "#{dashboard}/groups#new" get 'auth/profile/edit', to: "profile#edit" post 'auth/profile/edit', to: "profile#update" end # TODO: Add a dynamic solution for formats namespace :api, defaults: { format: :json } do namespace version do get 'permissions', to: 'permissions#index' get 'permissions/user', to: 'permissions#user_permissions' resources :groups, except: [:new] resources :users, except: [:new] resource :profile, except: [:new, :destroy] get 'logs', to: 'logs#index' end end end end class Routes class << self attr_accessor :engine def faalis(&block) Faalis::Engine.routes.draw(&block) end def plugin(&block) self.engine.routes.draw(&block) end def draw(engine, &block) self.engine = engine raise 'block is needed' unless block_given? self.class_eval(&block) end def localized_scop(router: Rails.application.routes) puts '[Warning]: This method is depricated please just use "localized_scope" in your router.' langs = ::I18n.available_locales.join('|') router.scope '(:locale)', locale: end # This class method will add `Faalis` routes to host application # Router def define_api_routes(routes: Rails.application.routes, version: :v1) puts '[Warning]: This method is depricated. Please use "api_routes" directly in your router.' routes.draw do # TODO: Add a dynamic solution for formats namespace :api, defaults: { format: :json } do namespace version do # Call user given block to define user routes # inside this namespace yield self if block_given? end end scope 'module'.to_sym => 'faalis' do # TODO: Add a dynamic solution for formats namespace :api, defaults: { format: :json } do namespace version do get 'permissions', to: 'permissions#index' get 'permissions/user', to: 'permissions#user_permissions' resources :groups, except: [:new] resources :users, except: [:new] resource :profile, except: [:new, :destroy] get 'logs', to: 'logs#index' end end end end end end end end