module ElasticsearchRecord module Relation module ResultMethods # aggregate pluck provided columns. # returns a hash of values for each provided column # # @example # Person.agg_pluck(:name) # #> {"name" => ['David', 'Jeremy', 'Jose']} # # Person.agg_pluck(:id, :name) # #> {"id" => ['11', '2', '5'], "name" => ['David', 'Jeremy', 'Jose']} # # @param [Array] column_names # @return [Hash] def agg_pluck(*column_names) scope = self.spawn column_names.each do |column_name| scope.aggregate!(column_name, { terms: { field: column_name, size: limit_value || 10 } }) end scope.aggregations.reduce({}) { |m, (k, v)| m[k.to_s] = v[:buckets].map { |bucket| bucket[:key] } m } end # A multi-bucket aggregation that creates composite buckets from different sources. # PLEASE NOTE: The composite aggregation is expensive. Load test your application # before deploying a composite aggregation in production! # # For a single column_name a hash with the distinct key and the +doc_count+ as value is returned. # For multiple column_names a hash with the distinct keys (as hash) and the +doc_count+ as value is returned. # # @example # Person.composite(:name) # #> {"David" => 10, "Jeremy" => 1, "Jose" => 24} # # Person.composite(:name, :age) # #> { # {name: "David", age: "16"} => 3, # {name: "David", age: "18"} => 6, # {name: "David", age: "20"} => 1, # {name: "Jeremy", age: "20"} => 1, # {name: "Jose", age: "6"} => 2, # ... # } # @param [Array] column_names # @return [Hash] def composite(*column_names) scope = self.spawn scope.aggregate!(:composite_bucket, { composite: { size: limit_value || 10, sources: { |column_name| { column_name => { terms: { field: column_name } } } } } }) if column_names.size == 1 column_name = column_names[0] scope.aggregations[:composite_bucket][:buckets].reduce({}) { |m, bucket| m[bucket[:key][column_name]] = bucket[:doc_count]; m } else scope.aggregations[:composite_bucket][:buckets].reduce({}) { |m, bucket| m[bucket[:key]] = bucket[:doc_count]; m } end end # creates and returns a new point in time id. # optionally yields the provided block and closes the pit afterwards. # @param [String] keep_alive (default: '1m') # @return [nil, String] - either returns the pit_id (no block given) or nil def point_in_time(keep_alive: '1m') # resolve a initial PIT id initial_pit_id = klass.connection.api(:core, :open_point_in_time, { index: klass.table_name, keep_alive: keep_alive }, "#{klass} Open Pit").dig('id') return initial_pit_id unless block_given? # block provided, so yield with id yield initial_pit_id # close PIT klass.connection.api(:core, :close_point_in_time, { body: { id: initial_pit_id } }, "#{klass} Close Pit") # return nil if everything was ok nil end alias_method :pit, :point_in_time # executes the current query in a +point_in_time+ scope. # this will provide the possibility to resolve more than the +max_result_window+ (default: 10000) hits. # resolves results (hits->hits) from the search but uses the pit query instead to resolve more than 10000 entries. # # If a block was provided it'll yield the results array per batch size. # # @param [String] keep_alive - how long to keep alive (for each single request) - default: '1m' # @param [Integer] batch_size - how many results per query (default: 1000 - this means at least 10 queries before reaching the +max_result_window+) def pit_results(keep_alive: '1m', batch_size: 1000) raise(ArgumentError, "Batch size cannot be above the 'max_result_window' (#{klass.max_result_window}) !") if batch_size > klass.max_result_window # check if limit or offset values where provided results_limit = limit_value ? limit_value : Float::INFINITY results_offset = offset_value ? offset_value : 0 # search_after requires a order - we resolve a order either from provided value or by default ... relation = ordered_relation # FALLBACK (without any order) for restricted access to the '_id' field. # with PIT a order by '_shard_doc' can also be used # see @ relation.order!(_shard_doc: :asc) if relation.order_values.empty? && klass.connection.access_shard_doc? # clear limit & offset relation.offset!(nil).limit!(nil) # remove the 'index' from the query arguments (pit doesn't like that) relation.configure!(:__query__, { index: nil }) # we store the results in this array results = [] results_total = 0 # resolve a new pit and auto-close after we finished point_in_time(keep_alive: keep_alive) do |pit_id| current_pit_hash = { pit: { id: pit_id, keep_alive: keep_alive } } # resolve new data until we got all we need loop do # change pit settings & limit (spawn is required, since a +resolve+ will make the relation immutable) current_response = relation.spawn.configure!(current_pit_hash).limit!(batch_size).resolve('Pit').response # resolve only data from hits->hits[{_source}] current_results = current_response['hits']['hits'].map { |result| result['_source'].merge('_id' => result['_id']) } current_results_length = current_results.length # check if we reached the required offset if results_offset < current_results_length # check for parts # (maybe a offset 6300 was provided but the batch size is 1000 - so we need to skip a part ...) results_from = results_offset > 0 ? results_offset : 0 results_to = (results_total + current_results_length - results_from) > results_limit ? results_limit - results_total + results_from - 1 : -1 ranged_results = current_results[results_from..results_to] if block_given? yield ranged_results else results += ranged_results end # add to total results_total += ranged_results.length end # -------- BREAK conditions -------- # we reached our maximum value break if results_total >= results_limit # we ran out of data break if current_results_length < batch_size # additional security - prevents infinite loops raise(::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid, "'pit_results' aborted due an infinite loop error (invalid or missing order)") if current_pit_hash[:search_after] == current_response['hits']['hits'][-1]['sort'] && current_pit_hash[:pit][:id] == current_response['pit_id'] # -------- NEXT LOOP changes -------- # reduce the offset results_offset -= current_results_length # assign new pit current_pit_hash = { search_after: current_response['hits']['hits'][-1]['sort'], pit: { id: current_response['pit_id'], keep_alive: keep_alive } } # we need to justify the +batch_size+ if the query will reach over the limit batch_size = results_limit - results_total if results_offset < batch_size && (results_total + batch_size) > results_limit end end # return results array results end alias_method :total_results, :pit_results # returns the RAW response for the current query # @return [Array] def response spawn.hits_only!.resolve('Response').response end # returns the RAW aggregations for the current query # @return [Hash] def aggregations spawn.aggs_only!.resolve('Aggregations').aggregations end # returns the response aggregations and resolve the buckets as key->value hash. # @return [ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, Hash] def buckets spawn.aggs_only!.resolve('Buckets').buckets end # returns the RAW hits for the current query # @return [Array] def hits spawn.hits_only!.resolve('Hits').hits end # returns the results for the current query # @return [Array] def results spawn.hits_only!.resolve('Results').results end # returns the total value def total loaded? ? @total : spawn.total_only!.resolve('Total').total end # sets query as "hits"-only query (drops the aggs from the query) def hits_only! configure!({ aggs: nil }) self end # sets query as "aggs"-only query (drops the size & sort options - so no hits will return) def aggs_only! configure!({ size: 0, from: nil, sort: nil, _source: false }) self end # sets query as "total"-only query (drops the size, sort & aggs options - so no hits & aggs will be returned) def total_only! configure!({ size: 0, from: nil, aggs: nil, sort: nil, _source: false }) self end end end end