require 'rails_helper' describe ApplicationController do # just for test describe 'hello world' do specify { expect('hello world').to eq 'hello world' } end end # Specs for ActionView helpers: rails_amp_amphtml_link_tag, rails_amp_canonical_url, amp_renderable?. # And specs for ImageTagHelper: amp_image_tag, image_tag # These helpers use controller or request object. describe UsersController do render_views context '#index GET' do # Users#index is available for amp. it 'has correct amphtml link tag' do get 'index' expect(rails_amp_amphtml_link_tag).to eq( %Q() ) expect(response.body).to include( %Q() ) end it 'has correct amphtml link tag with params' do get 'index', params: {sort: 'name'} expect(rails_amp_amphtml_link_tag).to eq( %Q() ) expect(response.body).to include( %Q() ) end it 'has correct canonical url' do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s expect(request.url).to eq("#{request.base_url}/users.#{RailsAmp.default_format.to_s}") expect(rails_amp_canonical_url).to eq("#{request.base_url}/users") expect(response.body).to include( %Q() ) end it 'has correct canonical url with params' do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s, params: {sort: 'name'} expect(request.url).to eq("#{request.base_url}/users.#{RailsAmp.default_format.to_s}?sort=name") expect(rails_amp_canonical_url).to eq("#{request.base_url}/users?sort=name") expect(response.body).to include( %Q() ) end context 'with html format' do it 'is not renderable by amp' do get 'index' expect(amp_renderable?).to eq false end it 'has normal image tag' do get 'index' expect(image_tag('rails.png', {size: '30x20', border: '0'})).to match( %r{(Rails)|(Rails)} ) expect(image_tag('rails.png')).to match( %r{(Rails)|(Rails)} ) # According to dummy app default view `home/_amp_info` expect(response.body).to match( %r{(Rails)|(Rails)} ) end end context 'with amp format' do it 'is renderable by amp' do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s expect(amp_renderable?).to eq true end it 'has amp-img tag' do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s expect(image_tag('rails.png', {size: '30x20', border: '0'})).to match( %r{()|()} ) expect(image_tag('rails.png')).to match( %r{()|()} ) # According to dummy app default view `home/_amp_info` expect(response.body).to match( %r{()|()} ) end end context '#redirect GET' do it 'allows redirect_to or render' do if Gem.loaded_specs["rails"].version.to_s >= "5" get 'index', params: { redirect_test: true }, format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s else get 'index', redirect_test: true, format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s end expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end end end describe HomeController do context '#help GET' do # Home#help is not available for amp. it 'does not return amphtml link tag' do get 'help' expect(rails_amp_amphtml_link_tag).to eq '' end context 'with html format' do it 'is not renderable by amp' do get 'help' expect(amp_renderable?).to eq false end end context 'with amp format' do it 'is not renderable by amp' do expect do get 'help', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s raise_error(StandardError) # ActionView::MissingTemplate or ActionController::UnknownFormat end end end end describe Admin::SessionsController do # Admin::SessionsController#index is not available for amp. it 'does not return amphtml link tag' do get 'index' expect(rails_amp_amphtml_link_tag).to eq '' end context 'with html format' do it 'is not renderable by amp' do get 'index' expect(amp_renderable?).to eq false end end context 'with amp format' do it 'is not renderable by amp' do expect do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s raise_error(StandardError) # ActionView::MissingTemplate or ActionController::UnknownFormat end end end describe Admin::UsersController do render_views context '#index GET' do # Admin::Users#index is available for amp. it 'has correct amphtml link tag' do get 'index' expect(rails_amp_amphtml_link_tag).to eq( %() ) expect(response.body).to include( %() ) end it 'has correct amphtml link tag with params' do get 'index', params: { sort: 'name' } expect(rails_amp_amphtml_link_tag).to eq( %() ) expect(response.body).to include( %() ) end it 'has correct canonical url' do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s expect(request.url).to eq("#{request.base_url}/admin/users.#{RailsAmp.default_format}") expect(rails_amp_canonical_url).to eq("#{request.base_url}/admin/users") expect(response.body).to include( %() ) end it 'has correct canonical url with params' do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s, params: { sort: 'name' } expect(request.url).to eq("#{request.base_url}/admin/users.#{RailsAmp.default_format}?sort=name") expect(rails_amp_canonical_url).to eq("#{request.base_url}/admin/users?sort=name") expect(response.body).to include( %() ) end context 'with html format' do it 'is not renderable by amp' do get 'index' expect(amp_renderable?).to eq false end it 'has normal image tag' do get 'index' expect(image_tag('rails.png', size: '30x20', border: '0')).to match( %r{(Rails)|(Rails)} ) expect(image_tag('rails.png')).to match( %r{(Rails)|(Rails)} ) # According to dummy app default view `home/_amp_info` expect(response.body).to match( %r{(Rails)|(Rails)} ) end end context 'with amp format' do it 'is renderable by amp' do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s expect(amp_renderable?).to eq true end it 'has amp-img tag' do get 'index', format: RailsAmp.default_format.to_s expect(image_tag('rails.png', size: '30x20', border: '0', class: 'a_class')).to match( %r{()|()} ) expect(image_tag('rails.png')).to match( %r{()|()} ) # According to dummy app default view `home/_amp_info` expect(response.body).to match( %r{()|()} ) end end end end