#! /usr/bin/ruby $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' require 'test/unit' require 'ole/support' class TestSupport < Test::Unit::TestCase TEST_DIR = File.dirname __FILE__ def test_file assert_equal 4096, open("#{TEST_DIR}/oleWithDirs.ole") { |f| f.size } # point is to have same interface as: assert_equal 4096, StringIO.open(open("#{TEST_DIR}/oleWithDirs.ole", 'rb', &:read)).size end def test_enumerable expect = {0 => [2, 4], 1 => [1, 3]} assert_equal expect, [1, 2, 3, 4].group_by { |i| i & 1 } assert_equal 10, [1, 2, 3, 4].sum assert_equal %w[1 2 3 4], [1, 2, 3, 4].map(&:to_s) end def test_logger io = StringIO.new log = Logger.new_with_callstack io log.warn 'test' expect = %r{^\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d .*?test_support\.rb:\d+:test_logger\]\nWARN test$} assert_match expect, io.string.chomp end def test_io str = 'a' * 5000 + 'b' src, dst = StringIO.new(str), StringIO.new IO.copy src, dst assert_equal str, dst.string end def test_string str = "aa aa ||| aa aa" assert_equal [0, 3, 10, 13], str.indexes('aa') # this is mostly a check that regexp quote is used. assert_equal [6, 7, 8], str.indexes('|') # note not [6, 7] - no overlaps assert_equal [6], str.indexes('||') end def test_symbol array = (1..10).to_a assert_equal 55, array.inject(&:+) end end class TestIOMode < Test::Unit::TestCase def mode s IO::Mode.new s end def test_parse assert_equal true, mode('r+bbbbb').binary? assert_equal false, mode('r+').binary? assert_equal false, mode('r+').create? assert_equal false, mode('r').create? assert_equal true, mode('wb').create? assert_equal true, mode('w').truncate? assert_equal false, mode('r').truncate? assert_equal false, mode('r+').truncate? assert_equal true, mode('r+').readable? assert_equal true, mode('r+').writeable? assert_equal false, mode('r').writeable? assert_equal false, mode('w').readable? assert_equal true, mode('a').append? assert_equal false, mode('w+').append? end def test_invalid assert_raises(ArgumentError) { mode 'rba' } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { mode '+r' } end def test_inspect assert_equal '#', IO::Mode.new('r').inspect assert_equal '#', IO::Mode.new('wb+').inspect assert_equal '#', IO::Mode.new('a').inspect end end class TestRecursivelyEnumerable < Test::Unit::TestCase class Container include RecursivelyEnumerable def initialize *children @children = children end def each_child(&block) @children.each(&block) end def inspect "#" end end def setup @root = Container.new( Container.new(1), Container.new(2, Container.new( Container.new(3) ) ), 4, Container.new() ) end def test_find i = 0 found = @root.recursive.find do |obj| i += 1 obj == 4 end assert_equal found, 4 assert_equal 9, i i = 0 found = @root.recursive(:breadth_first).find do |obj| i += 1 obj == 4 end assert_equal found, 4 assert_equal 4, i # this is to make sure we hit the breadth first child cache i = 0 found = @root.recursive(:breadth_first).find do |obj| i += 1 obj == 3 end assert_equal found, 3 assert_equal 10, i end def test_to_tree assert_equal <<-'end', @root.to_tree - # |- # | \- 1 |- # | |- 2 | \- # | \- # | \- 3 |- 4 \- # end end end