require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'test_helper') class CommandsHaltTest < Test::Unit::TestCase setup do @klass = Vagrant::Commands::Halt @env = mock_environment @instance = end context "executing" do should "call all or single for the method" do @instance.expects(:all_or_single).with([], :halt) @instance.execute end end context "halting a single VM" do setup do @foo_vm = mock("vm") @foo_vm.stubs(:env).returns(@env) vms = { :foo => @foo_vm } @env.stubs(:vms).returns(vms) end should "error and exit if the VM doesn't exist" do @env.stubs(:vms).returns({}) @instance.expects(:error_and_exit).with(:unknown_vm, :vm => :foo).once @instance.halt_single(:foo) end should "halt if its created" do @foo_vm.stubs(:created?).returns(true) @foo_vm.expects(:halt).with(:force => false).once @instance.execute(["foo"]) end should "halt and force if specified" do @foo_vm.stubs(:created?).returns(true) @foo_vm.expects(:halt).with(:force => true).once @instance.execute(["foo", "--force"]) end should "do nothing if its not created" do @foo_vm.stubs(:created?).returns(false) @foo_vm.expects(:halt).never @instance.halt_single(:foo) end end end