Path: README.rdoc
Last Update: Tue Jun 16 23:04:54 -0600 2009


Add comments to any object. This gem is the muck version of acts_as_commentable_with_threading (


Install the the awesome_nested_set gem (

  gem sources -a
  sudo gem install collectiveidea-awesome_nested_set

Then add it to your environment.rb:

  config.gem "collectiveidea-awesome_nested_set", :lib => 'awesome_nested_set'


Comment model

Create a model called comment in your project and add the following:

  class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base

This let‘s you add any other methods to the comment model that you see fit.

Comment controller

Override the comments controller to change the the security model. For example:

  class CommentsController < Muck::CommentsController

    before_filter :login_required # require the user to be logged in to make a comment

    # Modify this method to change how permissions are checked to see if a user can comment.
    # Each model that implements 'acts_as_muck_comment' can override can_comment? to
    # change how comment permissions are handled.
    def has_permission_to_comment(user, parent)


Comment partial

When calling create in the comments controller with :format => ‘json’ the resulting json will include an ‘html’ field that contains a rendered version of the comment html. To facilitate this process be sure to create a partial called ‘_comment.html.erb’ under a directory with the same name as the parent object. The partial will be passed an object ‘comment_owner’ that references the parent object.

For example, for an object ‘activity’ that acts_as_commentable create a partial ‘activities/_comment.html.erb’. The contents might look like this:

  <div id="<%= comment.dom_id %>">
    <span class="user"><%= link_to comment_owner.user, comment_owner.user %></span>
    <p><%= h comment.body %></p>

Copyright (c) 2009 Justin Ball, released under the MIT license
