describe CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, type: :service do it "pull request status pending" do expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", "state" => "pending", "description" => /is analyzing/) receive_pull_request({}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending") end it "pull request status success detailed" do expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", "state" => "success", "description" => "Code Climate found 2 new issues and 1 fixed issue.") receive_pull_request( {}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "success", ) end it "pull request status failure" do expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", "state" => "failure", "description" => "Code Climate found 2 new issues and 1 fixed issue.") receive_pull_request( {}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "failure", ) end it "pull request status success generic" do expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", "state" => "success", "description" => /found 2 new issues and 1 fixed issue/) receive_pull_request({}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "success") end it "pull request status error" do expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", "state" => "error", "description" => "Code Climate encountered an error attempting to analyze this pull request.") receive_pull_request({}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "error", message: nil) end it "pull request status error message provided" do expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", "state" => "error", "description" => "descriptive message") receive_pull_request({}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "error", message: "descriptive message") end it "pull request status skipped" do expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", "state" => "success", "description" => /skipped analysis/) receive_pull_request({}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "skipped") end it "pull request coverage status" do expect_status_update("pbrisbin/foo", "abc123", "state" => "success", "description" => "87% test coverage (+2%)") receive_pull_request_coverage({}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "success", covered_percent: 87, covered_percent_delta: 2.0) end it "pull request status test success" do"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") { |_env| [422, {}, ""] } expect(receive_test({}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo")[:ok]).to eq(true) end it "pull request status test doesnt blow up when unused keys present in config" do"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") { |_env| [422, {}, ""] } expect(receive_test({ wild_flamingo: true }, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo")[:ok]).to eq(true) end it "pull request status test failure" do"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") { |_env| [401, {}, ""] } expect { receive_test({}, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo") }.to raise_error(CC::Service::HTTPError) end it "pull request unknown state" do response = receive_pull_request({}, state: "unknown") expect({ ok: false, message: "Unknown state" }).to eq(response) end it "different base url" do stub_resolv("", "")"/repos/pbrisbin/foo/statuses/#{"0" * 40}") do |env| expect(env[:url].to_s).to eq("{"0" * 40}") [422, { "x-oauth-scopes" => "gist, user, repo" }, ""] end expect(receive_test({ base_url: "" }, github_slug: "pbrisbin/foo")[:ok]).to eq(true) end it "default context" do expect_status_update("gordondiggs/ellis", "abc123", "context" => "codeclimate", "state" => "pending") receive_pull_request({}, github_slug: "gordondiggs/ellis", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending") end it "different context" do expect_status_update("gordondiggs/ellis", "abc123", "context" => "sup", "state" => "pending") receive_pull_request({ context: "sup" }, github_slug: "gordondiggs/ellis", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending") end describe "pr status rollout" do it "does not send the status if username is not part of rollout" do instance = service( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123", rollout_usernames: "sup" }, { name: "pull_request", github_slug: "gordondiggs/ellis", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending", github_login: "abbynormal", github_user_id: 1234 }, ) expect(instance).not_to receive(:update_status_pending) instance.receive end it "does not send the status if user not part of percentage" do instance = service( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123", rollout_percentage: 20 }, { name: "pull_request", github_slug: "gordondiggs/ellis", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending", github_login: "abbynormal", github_user_id: 1234 }, ) expect(instance).not_to receive(:update_status_pending) instance.receive end it "does send the status if username is part of rollout" do instance = service( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123", rollout_usernames: "abbynormal", rollout_percentage: 0 }, { name: "pull_request", github_slug: "gordondiggs/ellis", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending", github_login: "abbynormal", github_user_id: 1234 }, ) expect_status_update("gordondiggs/ellis", "abc123", "state" => "pending") instance.receive end it "does send the status if user falls under rollout percentage" do instance = service( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123", rollout_usernames: "sup", rollout_percentage: 60 }, { name: "pull_request", github_slug: "gordondiggs/ellis", commit_sha: "abc123", state: "pending", github_login: "abbynormal", github_user_id: 1234 }, ) expect_status_update("gordondiggs/ellis", "abc123", "state" => "pending") instance.receive end end private def expect_status_update(repo, commit_sha, params) "repos/#{repo}/statuses/#{commit_sha}" do |env| expect(env[:request_headers]["Authorization"]).to eq("token 123") body = JSON.parse(env[:body]) params.each do |k, v| expect(v).to match(body[k]) end end end def receive_pull_request(config, event_data) service_receive( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123" }.merge(config), { name: "pull_request", issue_comparison_counts: { "fixed" => 1, "new" => 2 } }.merge(event_data), ) end def receive_pull_request_coverage(config, event_data) service_receive( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123" }.merge(config), { name: "pull_request_coverage", issue_comparison_counts: { "fixed" => 1, "new" => 2 } }.merge(event_data), ) end def receive_test(config, event_data = {}) service_receive( CC::Service::GitHubPullRequests, { oauth_token: "123" }.merge(config), { name: "test", issue_comparison_counts: { "fixed" => 1, "new" => 2 } }.merge(event_data), ) end end