module Ratch # Utility extensions for working with configuration files. #-- # TODO: Perhaps utilize confectionary gem in future? #++ module ConfigUtils # def self.included(base) require 'yaml' end def self.extended(base) included(base) end # Load configuration data from a file. Results are cached and an empty # Hash is returned if the file is not found. # # Since they are YAML files, they can optionally end with '.yaml' or '.yml'. def configuration(file) @configuration ||= {} @configuration[file] ||= ( begin configuration!(file) rescue LoadError{ |h,k| h[k] = {} } end ) end # Load configuration data from a file. The "bang" version will raise an error # if file is not found. It also does not cache the results. # # Since they are YAML files, they can optionally end with '.yaml' or '.yml'. def configuration!(file) @configuration ||= {} patt = file + "{.yml,.yaml,}" path = Dir.glob(patt, File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{ |f| File.file?(f) } if path # The || {} is in case the file is empty. data = YAML::load( || {} @configuration[file] = data else raise LoadError, "Missing file -- #{path}" end end end end