# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "optparse" require "pathname" require "fileutils" require "erb" require "open-uri" require "fluent/registry" require 'fluent/version' class FluentPluginGenerator attr_reader :type, :name attr_reader :license_name SUPPORTED_TYPES = ["input", "output", "filter", "parser", "formatter"] def initialize(argv = ARGV) @argv = argv @parser = prepare_parser @license_name = "Apache-2.0" @overwrite_all = false end def call parse_options! FileUtils.mkdir_p(gem_name) Dir.chdir(gem_name) do copy_license template_directory.find do |path| next if path.directory? dest_dir = path.dirname.sub(/\A#{Regexp.quote(template_directory.to_s)}\/?/, "") dest_file = dest_filename(path) if path.extname == ".erb" if path.fnmatch?("*/plugin/*") next unless path.basename.fnmatch?("*#{type}*") end template(path, dest_dir + dest_file) else file(path, dest_dir + dest_file) end end pid = spawn("git", "init", ".") Process.wait(pid) end end private def template_directory (Pathname(__dir__) + "../../../templates/new_gem").realpath end def template_file(filename) template_directory + filename end def template(source, dest) dest.dirname.mkpath contents = if ERB.instance_method(:initialize).parameters.assoc(:key) # Ruby 2.6+ ERB.new(source.read, trim_mode: "-") else ERB.new(source.read, nil, "-") end.result(binding) label = create_label(dest, contents) puts "\t#{label} #{dest}" if label == "conflict" return unless overwrite?(dest) end File.write(dest, contents) end def file(source, dest) label = create_label(dest, source.read) puts "\t#{label} #{dest}" if label == "conflict" return unless overwrite?(dest) end FileUtils.cp(source, dest) end def prepare_parser @parser = OptionParser.new @parser.version = Fluent::VERSION @parser.banner = < Generate a project skeleton for creating a Fluentd plugin Arguments: \ttype: #{SUPPORTED_TYPES.join(",")} \tname: Your plugin name (fluent-plugin- prefix will be added to ) Options: BANNER @parser.on("--[no-]license=NAME", "Specify license name (default: Apache-2.0)") do |v| @license_name = v || "no-license" end @parser end def parse_options! @parser.parse!(@argv) unless @argv.size == 2 raise ArgumentError, "Missing arguments" end @type, @name = @argv rescue => e usage("#{e.class}:#{e.message}") end def usage(message = "") puts message puts puts @parser.help exit(false) end def user_name v = `git config --get user.name`.chomp v.empty? ? "TODO: Write your name" : v end def user_email v = `git config --get user.email`.chomp v.empty? ? "TODO: Write your email" : v end def gem_name "fluent-plugin-#{dash_name}" end def plugin_name underscore_name end def gem_file_path File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../", "Gemfile")) end def lock_file_path File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../", "Gemfile.lock")) end def locked_gem_version(gem_name) d = Bundler::Definition.build(gem_file_path, lock_file_path, false) d.locked_gems.dependencies[gem_name].requirement.requirements.first.last.version end def rake_version locked_gem_version("rake") end def test_unit_version locked_gem_version("test-unit") end def bundler_version d = Bundler::Definition.build(gem_file_path, lock_file_path, false) d.locked_gems.bundler_version.version end def class_name "#{capitalized_name}#{type.capitalize}" end def plugin_filename case type when "input" "in_#{underscore_name}.rb" when "output" "out_#{underscore_name}.rb" else "#{type}_#{underscore_name}.rb" end end def test_filename case type when "input" "test_in_#{underscore_name}.rb" when "output" "test_out_#{underscore_name}.rb" else "test_#{type}_#{underscore_name}.rb" end end def dest_filename(path) case path.to_s when %r!\.gemspec! "#{gem_name}.gemspec" when %r!lib/fluent/plugin! plugin_filename when %r!test/plugin! test_filename else path.basename.sub_ext("") end end def capitalized_name @capitalized_name ||= name.split(/[-_]/).map(&:capitalize).join end def underscore_name @underscore_name ||= name.tr("-", "_") end def dash_name @dash_name ||= name.tr("_", "-") end def preamble @license.preamble(user_name) end def copy_license # in gem_name directory return unless license_name puts "License: #{license_name}" license_class = self.class.lookup_license(license_name) @license = license_class.new Pathname("LICENSE").write(@license.text) unless @license.text.empty? rescue Fluent::ConfigError usage("Unknown license: #{license_name}") rescue => ex usage("#{ex.class}: #{ex.message}") end def create_label(dest, contents) if dest.exist? if dest.read == contents "identical" else "conflict" end else "create" end end def overwrite?(dest) return true if @overwrite_all loop do print "Overwrite #{dest}? (enter \"h\" for help) [Ynaqh]" answer = $stdin.gets.chomp return true if /\Ay\z/i =~ answer || answer.empty? case answer when "n" return false when "a" @overwrite_all = true return true when "q" exit when "h" puts < NoLicense, "Apache-2.0" => ApacheLicense }.each do |license, klass| register_license(license, klass) end end