- hide_nav!
= form_for assessment, html: { data: { pjax: true, timeout: StudyEngine::Assessment.timeout_interval } } do
= fields_for assessment.current_question do |form|
= form.hidden_field :id
= form.hidden_field :promis_id
= form.hidden_field :context
= form.hidden_field :title
- form.object.responses.each.with_index do |response, index|
= form.fields_for :responses, response do |response_form|
= response_form.hidden_field :id
= response_form.hidden_field :promis_id
= response_form.hidden_field :title
- if assessment.current_result.bank.paired?
p = raw form.object.context
h3.center = raw form.object.title
h3 How true was this before your illness?
- form.object.responses.each do |response|
= form.radio_button :response_before, response.title, class: "custom-radio"
span = raw response.title
h3 How true is this now, since your illness?
- form.object.responses.each.with_index do |response, index|
= form.radio_button :selected_response_index, index, class: "custom-radio"
span = raw response.title
- else
h3 = raw form.object.context
p = raw form.object.title
- form.object.responses.each.with_index do |response, index|
= form.radio_button :selected_response_index, index, class: "custom-radio"
span = raw response.title
= progress_bar assessment.percent_complete
input.skip type="submit" value="Skip this question" data-disable-on-click="true" data-data-confirm="You didn't answer this question.\nClick 'OK' if you want to skip this question.\nClick 'Cancel' if you want to answer this question."
input.submit type="submit" value="Next" data-disable-on-click="true"
a.exit href="/" data-confirm="You are about to exit this application. Click Ok to exit or Cancel to return to the application."
| Exit Assessment