h2. redcloth-rails bq. Homepage: "Github":https://github.com/emjot/redcloth-rails Author: emjot GmbH & Co. KG p. The redcloth-rails gem enables "RedCloth":http://redcloth.org for rails (>= 3.1). It provides helpers to integrate the _TextileEditor_ toolbar and its assets are pipeline ready ... h4. History p. The _TextileEditor_ was created by Dave Olsen (Javascript) and Chris Scharf (Ruby/Rails) of "West Virginia University Web Services":http://webservices.wvu.edu . The rails 3.0 support and gemification was realized by ryanfelton (https://github.com/ryanfelton/textile-editor-helper). h4. Dependencies * RedCloth (>= 4.2) * Rails (>= 3.1) * Rails Asset Pipeline * JQuery h4. Installation (via Bundler) pre. Gemfile: gem "redcloth-rails" h4. Setup Generate a config file pre. rails g textile_editor_config Include the coffees script and scss files in your asset pipeline pre. app/assets/javascripts/application.js: (...) //= require textile-editor //= require ./textile-editor-config pre. app/assets/stylesheets/application.css: (...) *= require textile-editor h4. Usage Enable the _TextileEditor_ for your attributes via: pre. <%= textile_editor :content %> Initialize the _TextileEditor_ afterwards via: pre. <%= textile_editor_initialize %> h4. Links p(. "redcloth.org":http://redcloth.org "textile_editor_helper (original)":http://slatecms.wvu.edu/open_source "textile_editor_helper (upadated for rails 3)":https://github.com/ryanfelton/textile-editor-helper "more info on textile":http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/