# Abstract controller providing a basic list action. # This action lists all entries of a certain model and provides functionality to # search and sort this list. # Furthermore, it remembers the last search and sort parameters. When the action # is called with a param returning=true, these parameters are reused to present # the user the same list as he left it. class ListController < ApplicationController include RenderInheritable # Move this declaration to the application controller. helper :standard helper_method :model_class, :models_label delegate :model_class, :models_label, :to => 'self.class' hide_action :model_class, :models_label, :inheritable_root_controller # Callbacks extend ActiveModel::Callbacks # Defines before callbacks for the render actions. define_model_callbacks :render_index, :only => :before, :terminator => "result == false || performed?" ############## ACTIONS ############################################ # List all entries of this model. # GET /entries # GET /entries.xml def index @entries = list_entries respond_with @entries end protected # The entries to be displayed in the current index page. def list_entries model_class.scoped end # Convenience method to respond to various formats with the given object. def respond_with(object) respond_to do |format| format.html { render_with_callback action_name } format.xml { render :xml => object } end end # Helper method to run before_render callbacks and render the action. # If a callback renders or redirects, the action is not rendered. def render_with_callback(action) run_callbacks(:"render_#{action}") render :action => action unless performed? end class << self # The ActiveRecord class of the model. def model_class @model_class ||= controller_name.classify.constantize end # A human readable plural name of the model. def models_label @models_label ||= model_class.model_name.human.pluralize end end # The search functionality for the index table. # Extracted into an own module for convenience. module Search def self.included(controller) # Define an array of searchable columns in your subclassing controllers. controller.class_attribute :search_columns controller.search_columns = [] controller.helper_method :search_support? controller.alias_method_chain :list_entries, :search end protected # Enhance the list entries with an optional search criteria def list_entries_with_search list_entries_without_search.where(search_condition) end # Compose the search condition with a basic SQL OR query. def search_condition if search_support? && params[:q].present? clause = search_columns.collect {|f| "#{model_class.table_name}.#{f} LIKE ?" }. join(" OR ") param = "%#{params[:q]}%" ["(#{clause})"] + [param] * search_columns.size end end # Returns true if this controller has searchable columns. def search_support? search_columns.present? end end include Search # Sort functionality for the index table. # Extracted into an own module for convenience. module Sort # Adds a :sort_mappings class attribute. def self.included(controller) # Define a map of (virtual) attributes to SQL order expressions. # May be used for sorting table columns that do not appear directly # in the database table. E.g., map :city_id => 'cities.name' to # sort the displayed city names. controller.class_attribute :sort_mappings controller.sort_mappings = {} controller.helper_method :sortable? controller.alias_method_chain :list_entries, :sort end protected # Enhance the list entries with an optional sort order. def list_entries_with_sort if params[:sort].present? && sortable?(params[:sort]) list_entries_without_sort.except(:order).order(sort_expression) else list_entries_without_sort end end # Return the sort expression to be used in the list query. def sort_expression col = sort_mappings[params[:sort].to_sym] || "#{model_class.table_name}.#{params[:sort]}" "#{col} #{sort_dir}" end # The sort direction, either 'asc' or 'desc'. def sort_dir params[:sort_dir] == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc' end # Returns true if the passed attribute is sortable. def sortable?(attr) model_class.column_names.include?(attr.to_s) || sort_mappings.include?(attr.to_sym) end end include Sort # Remembers certain params of the index action in order to return # to the same list after an entry was viewed or edited. # If the index is called with a param :returning, the remembered params # will be re-used. # Extracted into an own module for convenience. module Memory # Adds the :remember_params class attribute and a before filter to the index action. def self.included(controller) # Define a list of param keys that should be remembered for the list action. controller.class_attribute :remember_params controller.remember_params = [:q, :sort, :sort_dir] controller.before_filter :handle_remember_params, :only => [:index] end private # Store and restore the corresponding params. def handle_remember_params remembered = remembered_params if params[:returning] # restore params remember_params.each {|p| params[p] ||= remembered[p] } end # store current params remember_params.each do |p| remembered[p] = params[p].presence remembered.delete(p) if remembered[p].nil? end # clear void params session[:list_params].delete(request.path) if remembered.blank? end # Get the params stored in the session. # Params are stored by request path to play nice when a controller # is used in different routes. def remembered_params session[:list_params] ||= {} session[:list_params][request.path] ||= {} end end include Memory end