#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' require_relative '../lib/code-ruby' options = { timeout: 0, profile: false, profiler: 'text', input: "", context: "", parse: false } OptionParser .new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: code [options]' opts.on('-v', '--version', 'Version of template') do |_input| puts Code::Version exit end opts.on( '-i INPUT', '--input INPUT', 'Input in the code language (String or File)' ) do |input| input = File.read(input) if File.exist?(input) options[:input] = input end opts.on( '-c CONTEXT', '--context CONTEXT', 'Context in the code language (String or File)' ) do |context| context = File.read(context) if File.exist?(context) options[:context] = context end opts.on('-p', '--parse', 'Get parser results for input') do |parse| options[:parse] = parse end opts.on( '-t TIMEOUT', '--timeout TIMEOUT', 'Set timeout in seconds' ) { |timeout| options[:timeout] = timeout.to_f } opts.on('--profile', 'Profile Ruby code') do |_timeout| require 'ruby-prof' options[:profile] = true end opts.on( '--profiler TYPE', 'Profiler output type (text (default) or html)' ) do |profiler| require 'ruby-prof' options[:profile] = true options[:profiler] = profiler end end .parse! RubyProf.start if options[:profile] if options[:parse] pp Code::Parser.parse(options[:input]).to_raw else print Code.evaluate( options[:input], options[:context], output: $stdout, error: $stderr, timeout: options[:timeout] ) end if options[:profile] result = RubyProf.stop if options[:profiler] == 'text' printer = RubyProf::FlatPrinter.new(result) printer.print($stdout) elsif options[:profiler] == 'html' printer = RubyProf::GraphHtmlPrinter.new(result) printer.print($stdout) else abort "#{options[:profiler]} not recognized" end end