require "iconv" require "stringio" require "mp3info" require "ogginfo" require "wmainfo" require "mp4info" require "flacinfo" require "apetag" $: << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require "audioinfo/mpcinfo" class AudioInfoError < Exception ; end class AudioInfo MUSICBRAINZ_FIELDS = { "trmid" => "TRM Id", "artistid" => "Artist Id", "albumid" => "Album Id", "albumtype" => "Album Type", "albumstatus" => "Album Status", "albumartistid" => "Album Artist Id", "sortname" => "Sort Name", "trackid" => "Track Id" } SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = %w{mp3 ogg mpc wma mp4 aac m4a flac} VERSION = "0.1.7" attr_reader :path, :extension, :musicbrainz_infos, :tracknum, :bitrate, :vbr attr_reader :artist, :album, :title, :length, :date # "block version" of #new() def*args) audio_info =*args) ret = nil if block_given? begin ret = yield(audio_info) ensure audio_info.close end else ret = audio_info end ret end # open the file with path +fn+ and convert all tags from/to specified +encoding+ def initialize(filename, encoding = 'utf-8') raise(AudioInfoError, "path is nil") if filename.nil? @path = filename ext = File.extname(@path) raise(AudioInfoError, "cannot find extension") if ext.empty? @extension = ext[1..-1].downcase @musicbrainz_infos = {} @encoding = encoding begin case @extension when 'mp3' @info =, :encoding => @encoding) default_tag_fill #"TXXX"=> #["MusicBrainz TRM Id\000", #"MusicBrainz Artist Id\000aba64937-3334-4c65-90a1-4e6b9d4d7ada", #"MusicBrainz Album Id\000e1a223c1-cbc2-427f-a192-5d22fefd7c4c", #"MusicBrainz Album Type\000album", #"MusicBrainz Album Status\000official", #"MusicBrainz Album Artist Id\000"] if (arr = @info.tag2["TXXX"]).is_a?(Array) fields = MUSICBRAINZ_FIELDS.invert arr.each do |val| if val =~ /^MusicBrainz (.+)\000(.*)$/ short_name = fields[$1] @musicbrainz_infos[short_name] = $2 end end end @bitrate = @info.bitrate i = @info.tag.tracknum @tracknum = (i.is_a?(Array) ? i.last : i).to_i @length = @info.length.to_i @date = @info.tag["date"] @vbr = @info.vbr @info.close when 'ogg' @info =, @encoding) default_fill_musicbrainz_fields default_tag_fill @bitrate = @info.bitrate/1000 @tracknum = @info.tag.tracknumber.to_i @length = @info.length.to_i @date = @info.tag["date"] @vbr = true @info.close when 'mpc' fill_ape_tag(filename) mpc_info = @bitrate = mpc_info.infos['bitrate']/1000 @length = mpc_info.infos['length'] when 'ape' fill_ape_tag(filename) when 'wma' @info =, :encoding => @encoding) @artist = @info.tags["Author"] @album = @info.tags["AlbumTitle"] @title = @info.tags["Title"] @tracknum = @info.tags["TrackNumber"].to_i @date = @info.tags["Year"] @bitrate =["bitrate"] @length =["playtime_seconds"] MUSICBRAINZ_FIELDS.each do |key, original_key| @musicbrainz_infos[key] =["MusicBrainz/" +" ", "")] ||["MusicBrainz/" + original_key] end when 'aac', 'mp4', 'm4a' @info = @artist = @info.ART @album = @info.ALB @title = @info.NAM @tracknum = ( t = @info.TRKN ) ? t.first : 0 @date = @info.DAY @bitrate = @info.BITRATE @length = @info.SECS mapping = MUSICBRAINZ_FIELDS.invert faad_info(filename).match(/^MusicBrainz (.+)$/) do name, value = $1.split(/: /, 2) key = mapping[name] @musicbrainz_infos[key] = value end when 'flac' @info = tags = convert_tags_encoding(@info.tags, "UTF-8") @artist = tags["ARTIST"] || tags["artist"] @album = tags["ALBUM"] || tags["album"] @title = tags["TITLE"] || tags["title"] @tracknum = (tags["TRACKNUMBER"]||tags["tracknumber"]).to_i @date = tags["DATE"]||tags["date"] @length = @info.streaminfo["total_samples"] / @info.streaminfo["samplerate"].to_f @bitrate = File.size(filename).to_f*8/@length/1024 tags.each do |tagname, tagvalue| next unless tagname =~ /^musicbrainz_(.+)$/ @musicbrainz_infos[$1] = tags[tagname] end @musicbrainz_infos["trmid"] = tags["musicip_puid"] #default_fill_musicbrainz_fields else raise(AudioInfoError, "unsupported extension '.#{@extension}'") end if @tracknum == 0 @tracknum = nil end @musicbrainz_infos.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? } @hash = { "artist" => @artist, "album" => @album, "title" => @title, "tracknum" => @tracknum, "date" => @date, "length" => @length, "bitrate" => @bitrate, } rescue Exception, Mp3InfoError, OggInfoError, ApeTagError => e raise AudioInfoError, e.to_s, e.backtrace end @needs_commit = false end # set the title of the file def title=(v) if @title != v @needs_commit = true @title = v end end # set the artist of the file def artist=(v) if @artist != v @needs_commit = true @artist = v end end # set the album of the file def album=(v) if @album != v @needs_commit = true @album = v end end # set the track number of the file def tracknum=(v) v = v.to_i if @tracknum != v @needs_commit = true @tracknum = v end end # hash-like access to tag def [](key) @hash[key] end # convert tags to hash def to_h @hash end # close the file and commits changes to disk def close if @needs_commit case @info when Mp3Info, :encoding => @encoding) do |info| info.tag.artist = @artist info.tag.title = @title info.tag.album = @album info.tag.tracknum = @tracknum end when OggInfo, @encoding) do |ogg| { "artist" => @artist, "album" => @album, "title" => @title, "tracknumber" => @tracknum}.each do |k,v| ogg.tag[k] = v.to_s end end when ApeTag ape = ape.update do |fields| fields["Artist"] = @artist fields["Album"] = @album fields["Title"] = @title fields["Track"] = @tracknum.to_s end else raise(AudioInfoError, "implement me") end end @needs_commit end =begin {"musicbrainz_albumstatus"=>"official", "artist"=>"Jill Scott", "replaygain_track_gain"=>"-3.29 dB", "tracknumber"=>"1", "title"=>"A long walk (A touch of Jazz Mix)..Jazzanova Love Beats...", "musicbrainz_sortname"=>"Scott, Jill", "musicbrainz_artistid"=>"b1fb6a18-1626-4011-80fb-eaf83dfebcb6", "musicbrainz_albumid"=>"cb2ad8c7-4a02-4e46-ae9a-c7c2463c7235", "replaygain_track_peak"=>"0.82040048", "musicbrainz_albumtype"=>"compilation", "album"=>"...Mixing (Jazzanova)", "musicbrainz_trmid"=>"1ecec0a6-c7c3-4179-abea-ef12dabc7cbd", "musicbrainz_trackid"=>"0a368e63-dddf-441f-849c-ca23f9cb2d49", "musicbrainz_albumartistid"=>"89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377"}> =end # check if the file is correctly tagged by MusicBrainz def mb_tagged? ! @musicbrainz_infos.empty? end private def sanitize(input) s = input.is_a?(Array) ? input.first : input s.gsub("\000", "") end def default_fill_musicbrainz_fields(tags = @info.tag) MUSICBRAINZ_FIELDS.keys.each do |field| val = tags["musicbrainz_#{field}"] @musicbrainz_infos[field] = val if val end end def default_tag_fill(tags = @info.tag) %w{artist album title}.each do |v| instance_variable_set( "@#{v}".to_sym, sanitize(tags[v].to_s) ) end end def fill_ape_tag(filename) begin @info = #tags = convert_tags_encoding(@info.fields, "UTF-8") tags = @info.fields.inject({}) do |hash, (k, v)| hash[k.downcase] = v ? v.first : nil hash end default_fill_musicbrainz_fields(tags) default_tag_fill(tags) @date = tags["year"] @tracknum = tags['track'].to_i rescue ApeTagError end end def convert_tags_encoding(tags_orig, from_encoding) tags = {}, from_encoding) do |ic| tags_orig.inject(tags) do |hash, (k, v)| if v.is_a?(String) hash[ic.iconv(k)] = ic.iconv(v) end hash end end tags end def faad_info(file) stdout, stdout_w = IO.pipe stderr, stderr_w = IO.pipe fork do stdout.close stderr.close STDOUT.reopen(stdout_w) STDERR.reopen(stderr_w) exec 'faad', '-i', file end stdout_w.close stderr_w.close pid, status = Process.wait2 out = stdout.close err = stderr.close # Return the stderr because faad prints info on that fd... ? err : '' end end