--- title: Phone --- ## PureCloud::Phone ## Properties |Name | Type | Description | Notes| |------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------| | **id** | **String** | The globally unique identifier for the object. | [optional] | | **name** | **String** | The name of the entity. | | | **description** | **String** | | [optional] | | **version** | **Integer** | | [optional] | | **date_created** | **DateTime** | Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] | | **date_modified** | **DateTime** | Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] | | **modified_by** | **String** | | [optional] | | **created_by** | **String** | | [optional] | | **state** | **String** | | [optional] | | **modified_by_app** | **String** | | [optional] | | **created_by_app** | **String** | | [optional] | | **site** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | The site associated to the phone. | | | **phone_base_settings** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | Phone Base Settings | | | **line_base_settings** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | | [optional] | | **phone_meta_base** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | | [optional] | | **lines** | [**Array<Line>**](Line.html) | Lines | | | **status** | [**PhoneStatus**](PhoneStatus.html) | The status of the phone and lines from the primary Edge. | [optional] | | **secondary_status** | [**PhoneStatus**](PhoneStatus.html) | The status of the phone and lines from the secondary Edge. | [optional] | | **user_agent_info** | [**UserAgentInfo**](UserAgentInfo.html) | User Agent Information for this phone. This includes model, firmware version, and manufacturer. | [optional] | | **properties** | **Hash<String, Object>** | | [optional] | | **capabilities** | [**PhoneCapabilities**](PhoneCapabilities.html) | | [optional] | | **web_rtc_user** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | This is the user associated with a WebRTC type phone. It is required for all WebRTC phones. | [optional] | | **self_uri** | **String** | The URI for this object | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"}