require 'blobject/version' require 'json' def blobject *parameters, &block *parameters, &block end class Blobject def initialize hash = {}, &block @hash = {} merge hash @modifying = false self.modify &block if block_given? end def modify &block __r_modify_set__ true exception = nil begin self.instance_eval &block rescue Exception => e exception = e end __r_modify_set__ false raise exception unless exception.nil? return self end def method_missing sym, *params, &block if match = /^has_(.+)\?/.match(sym) return @hash.has_key? match[1].to_sym end if @modifying case params.length when 0 # get value = @hash[sym] if value value.modify(&block) if block_given? and value.instance_of?(Blobject) return value end child = parent = self child.__r_modify_set__ true store_in_parent = lambda { parent_hash = parent.instance_variable_get '@hash' parent_hash[sym] = child parent_store_in_parent = parent.instance_variable_get :@__store_in_parent__ unless parent_store_in_parent.nil? child.method(:remove_instance_variable).call(:@__store_in_parent__) } child.instance_variable_set :@__store_in_parent__, store_in_parent return block_given? ? child.modify(&block) : child when 1 # set @hash[sym] = params[0] store_in_parent = @__store_in_parent__ unless store_in_parent.nil? return self end else return @hash[sym] if @hash.has_key? sym end super end def merge hash hash.each do |key, value| @hash[key.to_s.to_sym] = self.class.__blobjectify__ value end self end def empty? @hash.empty? end def [] key @hash[key.to_s.to_sym] end def keys @hash.keys end def values @hash.values end def each &block return @hash.each &block end def []= key, value send key, value end def dup Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end def to_hash hash = @hash hash.each do |key, value| hash[key] = value.to_hash if (value.instance_of? Blobject) if value.instance_of? Array hash[key] = do |v| v.instance_of?(Blobject) ? v.to_hash : v end end end hash end def from_hash hash hash end def to_yaml *params to_hash.to_yaml *params end def self.from_yaml yaml __blobjectify__ YAML.load(yaml) end def to_json *params @hash.to_json *params end def self.from_json json __blobjectify__ JSON.load(json) end def path case File.extname(path).downcase when /\.y(a)?ml$/ from_yaml when /\.js(on)?$/ from_json else raise "Cannot handle file format of #{path}" end end def dup to_hash end def inspect @hash.inspect end protected def self.__blobjectify__ obj if obj.instance_of?(Hash) obj.each do |key, value| obj[key] = __blobjectify__ value end return obj end if obj.instance_of?(Array) return do |e| __blobjectify__ e end end obj end def __r_modify_set__ v @modifying = v @hash.values.each do |child| if child.class <= Blobject child.__r_modify_set__ v end end end end