#= require ./jquery-ext do ($ = jQuery) -> $.fn.ultimateBackboneViewPluginAdapter = (pluginName, viewClass, pluginArgs) -> a = [] Array::push.apply a, pluginArgs if pluginArgs.length > 0 argsLength = a.length # Shall return the View, if have arguments and last argument of the call is a Boolean true. _returnView = if argsLength and _.isBoolean(_.last(a)) argsLength-- a.pop() else false unless @length return if _returnView then undefined else @ # get the first TODO analize, maybe each? jContainer = @first() # try to get the View-object, controlling everything that happens in our magical container view = jContainer.getView(viewClass) if view and view.$el[0] is jContainer[0] command = null if argsLength and _.isString(a[0]) command = a.shift() else return view if _returnView return jContainer unless argsLength command = "_configure" if view[command] return getValue(view, command) else $.error "Command [#{command}] does not exist on jQuery.#{pluginName}()" else options = if argsLength then a[0] else {} if $.isPlainObject(options) view = new viewClass(_.extend({}, options, el: jContainer[0])) else $.error "First argument of jQuery.#{pluginName}() must be plain object" if _returnView then view else jContainer ###* * Make $.fn.pluginName() as wrapper under Backbone.View. * First call on jQuery object invoke View functionality for the first element in the set of matched elements. * Subsequent calls forwarding on view methods or return view property. * If last argument {Boolean} true, then returns {View}. * @usage * construction .pluginName([Object options = {}]) : {jQuery} jContainer * updateOptions .pluginName({Object} options) : {Object} view options * get options .pluginName("options") : {Object} view options * some method .pluginName("methodName", *methodArguments) : {jQuery} chanin object || {AnotherType} method result ### Ultimate.Backbone.createJQueryPlugin = (pluginName, viewClass) -> Ultimate.Backbone.debug ".createJQueryPlugin()", pluginName, viewClass if Ultimate.Backbone.isViewClass(viewClass) viewClass.pluginName = pluginName jQuery.fn[pluginName] = -> @ultimateBackboneViewPluginAdapter pluginName, viewClass, arguments else jQuery.error "Second argument of Ultimate.Backbone.createJQueryPlugin() must be View class inherited from Backbone.View"