[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tmlee/roomorama_api.png)](https://travis-ci.org/tmlee/roomorama_api) # RoomoramaApi RoomoramaApi is a Ruby gem that wraps the Roomorama API V1.0 documented at https://roomorama.com/api. For a step by step guide on getting started with Roomorama API, refer to https://roomorama.com/api/step_by_step. This gem does not handle OAuth authentication or token generation. You may want to use https://github.com/intridea/omniauth and the Roomorama OAuth strategy at https://github.com/roomorama/omniauth-roomorama ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'roomorama_api', :git => 'git@github.com:tmlee/roomorama_api.git' And then execute: $ bundle ## Usage Currently this gem does not handle any oauth authentication yet. Host and Guest API calls are not support yet in this version. ### Initialize a client client = RoomoramaApi::Client.new ### Initialize a client with OAuth token client = RoomoramaApi::Client.new '' ### Get all destinations client.destinations_all ### Search for properties/rooms client.properties_find destination: 'singapore' client.properties_find destination: 'singapore', order: 'title_asc' ### Get data for a give property/room client.properties_get_data 500, strip_html: 'false' ### Make OAuth calls - get information about myself client.user_me ### Supported API Calls destinations_all properties_find properties_get_data properties_find_similar properties_availabilities properties_price_check properties_reviews favorites_list favorites_create favorites_delete perks_list perks_get_data users_me users_update_profile users_get_data users_register users_reviews hosts_properties_list hosts_properties_show ### Can't find the API Call you want? Submit an issue or a pull request.