require 'yaml' require 'ostruct' require 'tempfile' require 'methadone' module Aka class Store include Methadone::CLILogging def help(command, options) case command when nil then command = "aka.7" else command = "aka-#{command}.1" end manpages = %w( aka-add.1 aka-edit.1 aka-generate.1 aka-list.1 aka-remove.1 aka-show.1 aka.7) exit unless manpages.include?(command) root = File.expand_path("../man", __FILE__) if !ENV['NO_MAN'] && Aka::App.which("man") && root !~ %r{^file:/.+!/META-INF/jruby.home/.+} Kernel.exec "man #{root}/#{command}" else puts"#{root}/#{command}.txt") exit end end def add(options) found = find(options) if found.length > 0 unless options[:force] abort %{Shortcut "#{options[:shortcut]}" exists. Pass --force to overwrite. Or provide a new --tag.} else found.each do |n, row| replace(n, options) end save puts "Overwrote shortcut." end else append(options) save puts "Created shortcut." end end def list(options) excluded = match_shortcuts_by_tag(options[:tag] || []) do |tag, rows| puts %{##{tag}} puts ''.ljust(tag.length + 1, '=') rows.each do |row| list_output(row) end puts end excluded_output(excluded) end def remove(options) found = find(options) if found.length > 0 found.each do |n, row| delete(n) end save puts "Removed shortcut." else abort %{No shortcut "#{options[:shortcut]}". Aborting.} end end def matches_tag?(row, tag) return true unless row.tag if tag =~ /^~(.+)/ !row.tag.include?($1) else row.tag && row.tag.include?(tag) end end def generate(options) scripts = [] functions = [] excluded = match_shortcuts_by_tag(options[:tag] || []) do |tag, rows| rows.each do |row| unless row.function scripts << generate_output(row) else functions << generate_output(row) end end end if options[:output][:output], 'w+') do |f| scripts.each do |script| f.puts script end functions.each do |function| f.puts function end end puts "Generated #{options[:output]}." else scripts.each do |script| puts script end functions.each do |function| puts function end end excluded_output(excluded) end def edit(options) result = nil found = find(options) index, row = found.first unless row abort "Shortcut not found." end if options[:input] result =[:input]) else file ='shortcut') begin if row.tag tags = %{ #{row.tag.join(', ')}} else tags = '' end file.write(<<-EOS.gsub(/^ /, '') Keyword: #{row.shortcut} Description: #{row.description} Function (y/n): #{row.function ? 'y' : 'n'} Tags:#{tags} Command: #{row.command} EOS ) file.close editor = ENV['EDITOR'] || 'vim' system(%[#{editor} #{file.path}]) debug("Editing exited with code: #{$?.exitstatus}.") if $?.exitstatus == 0 file.rewind result = end ensure file.unlink end end if result parse_row_txt(row, result) shortcuts[index] = row save puts "Saved shortcut." else end end def show(options) found = find(options) _, row = found.first if row puts show_output(row) else abort "Shortcut not found." end end private def shortcuts @shortcuts ||= begin if File.exist?(aka_yml) YAML::load_file(aka_yml) else {} end end end def find(options) if options[:tag] do |_, row| next unless row.shortcut == options[:shortcut] options[:tag].find do |tag| row.tag && row.tag.include?(tag) end end else do |_, row| row.shortcut == options[:shortcut] end end end def append(options) shortcuts[count + 1] = row(options) end def replace(index, options) shortcuts[index] = row(options) end def delete(index) shortcuts.delete(index) end def count result, _ = shortcuts.max { |(n, _)| n } result || 0 end def row(options) do |row| row.shortcut = options['shortcut'] row.command = options['command'] row.tag = options['tag'] if options['tag'] row.description = options['description'] if options['description'] row.function = options['function'] if options['function'] end end def save, 'w+') do |f| f.write shortcuts.to_yaml end end def aka_yml ENV['AKA'] || File.expand_path('~/.aka.yml') end def shortcuts_by_tag shortcuts.inject({ :default => [] }) do |acc, (_, row)| if row.tag row.tag.each do |tag| acc[tag] ||= [] acc[tag] << row end else acc[:default] << row end acc end end def match_shortcuts_by_tag(tags, &blk) excluded = { :tags => [], :shortcuts => 0 } shortcuts_by_tag.each do |tag, rows| next if rows.empty? unless tag == :default || tags.empty? || tags.include?(tag) excluded[:tags] << tag excluded[:shortcuts] += rows.length next end yield(tag, rows) end excluded end def excluded_output(excluded) return if excluded[:tags].empty? tags = excluded[:tags].map { |t| '#' + t }.join(', ') $stderr.puts "#{excluded[:shortcuts]} shortcut(s) excluded (#{tags})." end def list_output(row) if row.function description = row.description || row.command else description = row.command end if description description = description.split("\n").map(&:strip).join("; ") if description.length > 70 description = description[0...66] + ' ...' end end puts "#{row.shortcut.ljust(20)} #{description.ljust(70).strip}" end def generate_output(row) string = if row.function <<-EOS.gsub(/^ /, '') function #{row.shortcut} { #{row.command} } EOS else %{alias #{row.shortcut}="#{row.command.gsub(%{"}, %{\\"})}"} end string end def parse_row_txt(row, txt) if txt =~ /^Shortcut:(.+)$/ row.shortcut = $1.strip end if txt =~ %r{^Description:(.+)\nFunction \(y/n\)}m row.description = $1.strip if $1.strip.length > 0 end if txt =~ %r{^Function \(y/n\):\s*(y|n)}m row.function = ($1.strip == 'y') end if txt =~ /^Tags:(.+)$/ row.tag = $1.strip.split(',').map(&:strip) end if txt =~ /^Command:(.+)$/m row.command = $1.strip end end def show_output(row) if row.tag tags = %{ #{ { |t| "##{t}"}.join(', ')}} else tags = '' end <<-EOS.gsub(/^ /, '') Shortcut: #{row.shortcut} Description: #{row.description} Function: #{row.function ? 'y' : 'n'} Tags:#{tags} Command: #{row.command} EOS end end end