Given /^I complete the registration form$/ do step %{I follow "Sign up"} step %{I fill in the core registration fields} step %{I press "Register"} end Given /^I fill in the core registration fields$/ do step %{I fill in "user_email" with "learner01@test.local"} step %{I fill in "user_password" with "password"} step %{I fill in "user_password_confirmation" with "password"} step %{I fill in "user_profile_attributes_first_name" with "Test"} step %{I fill in "user_profile_attributes_last_name" with "Learner"} step %{I select "Ms." from "user_profile_attributes_salutation"} step %{I select "1980" from "user_profile_attributes_birthdate_1i"} step %{I select "January" from "user_profile_attributes_birthdate_2i"} step %{I select "1" from "user_profile_attributes_birthdate_3i"} end