# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ~/_data/apps/carousel.yml # Default configuration for J1 Carousel (based on Owl Carousel V1) # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2022 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/J1 Template/blob/master/LICENSE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Description (used for J1 CC only) # description: title: Carousel scope: Default settings location: _data/apps/default/carousel.yml # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default configuration settings # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GENERAL Carousel settings # # enabled # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enables|Disables the use of a carousel|slider # # xhr_data_path # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # All data items displayed by a slider are being read from a # JSON file automatically generated from that configuration. # AJAX get method is used to supply the slider with respective # the HTML code at the time the slider is initialized (by the # J1 Adapter for J1 Owl Sliders). # # values: string # default: /assets/data/carousel.json # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFAULT options # # items # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This variable allows to set the maximum amount of items displayed # at a time with the widest browser width. # # values: integer # default: 5 # # itemsDesktop # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preset the number of slides visible with a particular browser # width. The format is [x,y] whereby x means the browser width # and y the number of slides displayed. For example [1199,4] means # that if the window size is lower or equal 1199, show 4 slides # per page. # # values: array (of resolution|item pairs) # default: [1199,4] # Other (named) presets: see items|itemsDesktop # # values: array (resolution|item pairs) # defaults: # itemsDesktop: [1199,4] # itemsDesktopSmall: [980,3] # itemsTablet: [768,2] # itemsTabletSmall: false # itemsMobile: [479,1] # # singleItem: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display only one item independent from screen size. # # values: boolean (true|false) # default: false # # itemsScaleUp # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Don't stretch items when it is less than the supplied items. # # values: boolean (true|false) # default: false # # itemsCustom # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specifies how many items|slides are shown depending on the # screen width. If this option is set, the options itemsDeskop, # itemsDesktopSmall, itemsTablet, itemsMobile are DISABLED # automatically. # # NOTE: For better preview results, order the arrays by screen size. # This is RECOMMENDED but not mandatory. # # NOTE: Don’t forget to include the lowest available screen size, otherwise # the carousel takes as default value for a screen the next lower screen # size available (from what you configured). # # Example: [ [0, 2], [400, 4], [700, 6], [1000, 8], [1200, 10], [1600, 16] ] # # values: array (of screen|item pairs) # default: false (no defaults) # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- defaults: enabled: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # View port sizes # items: 5 itemsCustom: false itemsDesktop: [1199,4] itemsDesktopSmall: [980,3] itemsTablet: [768,2] itemsTabletSmall: false itemsMobile: [479,1] singleItem: false itemsScaleUp: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic Speeds # slideSpeed: 200 paginationSpeed: 800 rewindSpeed: 1000 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Autoplay # autoPlay: false stopOnHover: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Navigation # navigation: false navigationText: ["prev","next"] rewindNav: true scrollPerPage: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pagination # pagination: true paginationNumbers: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Responsive # responsive: true responsiveRefreshRate: 200 responsiveBaseWidth: window # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CSS Styles # baseClass: owl-carousel theme: owl-theme # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lazy load # lazyLoad: false lazyFollow: true lazyEffect: fade # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Auto height # autoHeight: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AJAX (JSON) # # All data items displayed by a carousel are being read # from a JSON file (default: carousel.json) automatically # generated from that configuration. # AJAX methods are used to supply the needed HTML code at # the time the carousel is initialized (by the Initializer) # xhr_data_path: /assets/data/carousel.json jsonSuccess: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mouse Events # dragBeforeAnimFinish: true mouseDrag: true touchDrag: true # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Transitions # transitionStyle: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callbacks # beforeUpdate: false afterUpdate: false beforeInit: false afterInit: false beforeMove: false afterMove: false afterAction: false startDragging: false afterLazyLoad: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other # addClassActive: false # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # END config