require 'optparse' module Jqp class CLI def self.execute(stdout, arguments=[]) options = { :project => 'jqplugin', :version => '0.0.1' } mandatory_options = %w(project) parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ /,'') jQuery plugin generator to help you kick start your plugin development with the following structure: plugin /src /css /images query.plugin.js /test spec_plugin.js acceptance_plugin.js specs.html acceptance.html /lib /jsspec jquery.min.js jquery-ui.js /themes /base example.html Rakefile History.txt README.txt Dependencies: svn, unzip, sed and perl Note: Windows users require svn, 7zip, sed and perl to be on PATH to be available for use Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] Options are: BANNER opts.separator "" opts.on("-p", "--project=Name", String, "The project name should be simple eg 'widget'", "And it will be transformed to jquery.widget.js - there is currently no override feature on this naming convention", "Default: jqplugin") { |arg| options[:project] = arg } opts.on("-v", "--version=x.x.x", String, "Default: 0.0.1") { |arg| options[:version] = arg } opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { stdout.puts opts; exit } opts.parse!(arguments) if mandatory_options && mandatory_options.find { |option| options[option.to_sym].nil? } stdout.puts opts; exit end end JqueryPluginGen::Generator.execute(options) stdout.puts <<-MSG ********************************************************** Now include the jQuery libraries with: cd jqplugin [or your plugin] rake first_time First time will: - add jquery core, ui and base themes - compile js to a packed version (see build directory) - load three html files in your browser to demon 1. Acceptance tests 2. Spec tests 3. Example page Note: you don't have to add jquery core, ui and themes. However, if you don't you will need to update the html pages (example.html, test/spec.html). To see other options use rake -T Dependencies: svn, unzip, sed and perl Note: Windows users require svn, 7zip, sed and perl to be on PATH to be available for use ********************************************************** MSG end end end