# frozen_string_literal: true module Doing class WWID ## ## Display contents of a section based on options ## ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## def list_section(opt, items: Items.new) logger.benchmark(:list_section, :start) opt[:config_template] ||= 'default' tpl_cfg = Doing.setting(['templates', opt[:config_template]]) cfg = if opt[:view_template] Doing.setting(['views', opt[:view_template]]).deep_merge(tpl_cfg, { extend_existing_arrays: true, sort_merged_arrays: true }) else tpl_cfg end cfg.deep_merge({ 'wrap_width' => Doing.setting('wrap_width') || 0, 'date_format' => Doing.setting('default_date_format'), 'order' => Doing.setting('order') || :asc, 'tags_color' => Doing.setting('tags_color'), 'duration' => Doing.setting('duration'), 'interval_format' => Doing.setting('interval_format') }, { extend_existing_arrays: true, sort_merged_arrays: true }) opt[:duration] ||= cfg['duration'] || false opt[:interval_format] ||= cfg['interval_format'] || 'text' opt[:count] ||= 0 opt[:age] ||= :newest opt[:age] = opt[:age].normalize_age opt[:format] ||= cfg['date_format'] opt[:order] ||= cfg['order'] || :asc opt[:tag_order] ||= :asc opt[:tags_color] = cfg['tags_color'] || false if opt[:tags_color].nil? opt[:template] ||= cfg['template'] opt[:sort_tags] ||= opt[:tag_sort] # opt[:highlight] ||= true title = '' is_single = true if opt[:section].nil? opt[:section] = choose_section title = opt[:section] elsif opt[:section].instance_of?(String) title = if opt[:section] =~ /^all$/i if opt[:page_title] opt[:page_title] elsif opt[:tag_filter] && opt[:tag_filter]['bool'].normalize_bool != :not opt[:tag_filter]['tags'].map { |tag| "@#{tag}" }.join(' + ') else 'doing' end else guess_section(opt[:section]) end end items = filter_items(items, opt: opt) items.reverse! unless opt[:order].normalize_order == :desc if opt[:delete] delete_items(items, force: opt[:force]) write(@doing_file) return elsif opt[:editor] edit_items(items) write(@doing_file) return elsif opt[:interactive] opt[:menu] = !opt[:force] opt[:query] = '' # opt[:search] opt[:multiple] = true selected = Prompt.choose_from_items(items.reverse, include_section: opt[:section] =~ /^all$/i, **opt) raise NoResults, 'no items selected' if selected.nil? || selected.empty? act_on(selected, opt) return end opt[:output] ||= 'template' opt[:wrap_width] ||= Doing.setting('templates.default.wrap_width', 0) logger.benchmark(:list_section, :finish) output(items, title, is_single, opt) end ## ## Display entries within a date range ## ## @param dates [Array] [start, end] ## @param section [String] The section ## @param times (Bool) Show times ## @param output [String] Output format ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## def list_date(dates, section, times = nil, output = nil, opt) opt ||= {} opt[:totals] ||= false opt[:sort_tags] ||= false section = guess_section(section) # :date_filter expects an array with start and end date dates = dates.split_date_range if dates.instance_of?(String) opt[:section] = section opt[:count] = 0 opt[:order] = :asc opt[:date_filter] = dates opt[:times] = times opt[:output] = output time_rx = /^(\d{1,2}+(:\d{1,2}+)?( *(am|pm))?|midnight|noon)$/ if opt[:from] && opt[:from][0].is_a?(String) && opt[:from][0] =~ time_rx opt[:time_filter] = opt[:from] end list_section(opt) end ## ## Show all entries from the current day ## ## @param times [Boolean] show times ## @param output [String] output format ## @param opt [Hash] Options ## def today(times = true, output = nil, opt) opt ||= {} opt[:totals] ||= false opt[:sort_tags] ||= false cfg = Doing.setting('templates').deep_merge(Doing.setting('templates.default'), { extend_existing_arrays: true, sort_merged_arrays: true }).deep_merge({ 'wrap_width' => Doing.setting('wrap_width') || 0, 'date_format' => Doing.setting('default_date_format'), 'order' => Doing.setting('order') || :asc, 'tags_color' => Doing.setting('tags_color'), 'duration' => Doing.setting('duration'), 'interval_format' => Doing.setting('interval_format') }, { extend_existing_arrays: true, sort_merged_arrays: true }) template = opt[:template] || cfg['template'] opt[:duration] ||= cfg['duration'] || false opt[:interval_format] ||= cfg['interval_format'] || 'text' options = { after: opt[:after], before: opt[:before], count: 0, duration: opt[:duration], from: opt[:from], format: cfg['date_format'], interval_format: opt[:interval_format], only_timed: opt[:only_timed], order: cfg['order'] || :asc, output: output, section: opt[:section], sort_tags: opt[:sort_tags], template: template, times: times, today: true, totals: opt[:totals], wrap_width: cfg['wrap_width'], tags_color: cfg['tags_color'], config_template: opt[:config_template] } list_section(options) end ## ## Show entries from the previous day ## ## @param section [String] The section ## @param times (Bool) Show times ## @param output [String] Output format ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## def yesterday(section, times = nil, output = nil, opt) opt ||= {} opt[:totals] ||= false opt[:sort_tags] ||= false opt[:config_template] ||= 'today' opt[:yesterday] = true section = guess_section(section) y = (Time.now - (60 * 60 * 24)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') opt[:after] = "#{y} #{opt[:after]}" if opt[:after] opt[:before] = "#{y} #{opt[:before]}" if opt[:before] opt[:output] = output opt[:section] = section opt[:times] = times opt[:count] = 0 list_section(opt) end ## ## Show recent entries ## ## @param count [Integer] The number to show ## @param section [String] The section to show from, default Currently ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## def recent(count = 10, section = nil, opt) opt ||= {} times = opt[:t] || true opt[:totals] ||= false opt[:sort_tags] ||= false cfg = Doing.setting('templates.recent').deep_merge(Doing.setting('templates.default'), { extend_existing_arrays: true, sort_merged_arrays: true }).deep_merge({ 'wrap_width' => Doing.setting('wrap_width') || 0, 'date_format' => Doing.setting('default_date_format'), 'order' => Doing.setting('order') || :asc, 'tags_color' => Doing.setting('tags_color'), 'duration' => Doing.setting('duration'), 'interval_format' => Doing.setting('interval_format') }, { extend_existing_arrays: true, sort_merged_arrays: true }) opt[:duration] ||= cfg['duration'] || false opt[:interval_format] ||= cfg['interval_format'] || 'text' section ||= Doing.setting('current_section') section = guess_section(section) opt[:section] = section opt[:wrap_width] = cfg['wrap_width'] opt[:count] = count opt[:format] = cfg['date_format'] opt[:template] = opt[:template] || cfg['template'] opt[:order] = :asc opt[:times] = times list_section(opt) end ## ## Show the last entry ## ## @param times (Bool) Show times ## @param section [String] Section to pull from, default Currently ## def last(times: true, section: nil, options: {}) section = section.nil? || section =~ /all/i ? 'All' : guess_section(section) cfg = Doing.setting(['templates', options[:config_template]]).deep_merge(Doing.setting('templates.default'), { extend_existing_arrays: true, sort_merged_arrays: true }).deep_merge({ 'wrap_width' => Doing.setting('wrap_width', 0), 'date_format' => Doing.setting('default_date_format'), 'order' => Doing.setting('order', :asc), 'tags_color' => Doing.setting('tags_color'), 'duration' => Doing.setting('duration'), 'interval_format' => Doing.setting('interval_format') }, { extend_existing_arrays: true, sort_merged_arrays: true }) options[:duration] ||= cfg['duration'] || false options[:interval_format] ||= cfg['interval_format'] || 'text' opts = { case: options[:case], config_template: options[:config_template] || 'last', count: 1, delete: options[:delete], duration: options[:duration], format: cfg['date_format'], interval_format: options[:interval_format], not: options[:negate], output: options[:output], section: section, template: options[:template] || cfg['template'], times: times, val: options[:val], wrap_width: cfg['wrap_width'] } if options[:tag] opts[:tag_filter] = { 'tags' => options[:tag], 'bool' => options[:tag_bool] } end opts[:search] = options[:search] if options[:search] list_section(opts) end ## ## Return the content of the last note for a given section ## ## @param section [String] The section to retrieve from, default ## All ## def last_note(section = 'All') section = guess_section(section) last_item = last_entry({ section: section }) raise NoEntryError, 'No entry found' unless last_item logger.log_now(:info, 'Edit note:', last_item.title) note = last_item.note&.to_s || '' "#{last_item.title}\n# EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ------------\n#{note}" end ## ## Get the last entry ## ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## def last_entry(opt) opt ||= {} opt[:tag_bool] ||= :and opt[:section] ||= Doing.setting('current_section') items = filter_items(Items.new, opt: opt) logger.debug('Filtered:', "Parameters matched #{items.count} entries") if opt[:interactive] last_entry = Prompt.choose_from_items(items, include_section: opt[:section] =~ /^all$/i, menu: true, header: '', prompt: 'Select an entry > ', multiple: false, sort: false, show_if_single: true ) else last_entry = items.max_by { |item| item.date } end last_entry end private ## ## Generate output using available export plugins ## ## @param items [Array] The items ## @param title [String] Page title ## @param is_single [Boolean] Indicates if single ## section ## @param opt [Hash] Additional options ## ## @return [String] formatted output based on opt[:output] ## template trigger ## @api private def output(items, title, is_single, opt) logger.benchmark(:output, :start) opt ||= {} out = nil raise InvalidArgument, 'Unknown output format' unless opt[:output] =~ Plugins.plugin_regex(type: :export) export_options = { page_title: title, is_single: is_single, options: opt } Hooks.trigger :pre_export, self, opt[:output], items Plugins.plugins[:export].each do |_, options| next unless opt[:output] =~ /^(#{options[:trigger].normalize_trigger})$/i out = options[:class].render(self, items, variables: export_options) break end logger.debug('Output:', "#{items.count} #{items.count == 1 ? 'item' : 'items'} shown") logger.benchmark(:output, :finish) out end ## ## Get next item in the index ## ## @param item [Item] target item ## @param options [Hash] additional options ## @see #filter_items ## ## @return [Item] the next chronological item in the index ## def next_item(item, options = {}) options ||= {} items = filter_items(Items.new, opt: options) idx = items.index(item) idx.positive? ? items[idx - 1] : nil end end end