class Homesick module Actions # TODO move this to be more like thor's template, empty_directory, etc def git_clone(repo, config = {}) config ||= {} destination = config[:destination] || File.basename(repo, '.git') destination = unless destination.kind_of?(Pathname) FileUtils.mkdir_p destination.dirname if ! say_status 'git clone', "#{repo} to #{destination.expand_path}", :green unless options[:quiet] system "git clone -q --config push.default=upstream --recursive #{repo} #{destination}" unless options[:pretend] else say_status :exist, destination.expand_path, :blue unless options[:quiet] end end def git_init(path = '.') path = inside path do if !path.join('.git').exist? say_status 'git init', '' unless options[:quiet] system 'git init >/dev/null' unless options[:pretend] else say_status 'git init', 'already initialized', :blue unless options[:quiet] end end end def git_remote_add(name, url) existing_remote = `git config remote.#{name}.url`.chomp existing_remote = nil if existing_remote == '' if !existing_remote say_status 'git remote', "add #{name} #{url}" unless options[:quiet] system "git remote add #{name} #{url}" unless options[:pretend] else say_status 'git remote', "#{name} already exists", :blue unless options[:quiet] end end def git_submodule_init(config = {}) say_status 'git submodule', 'init', :green unless options[:quiet] system 'git submodule --quiet init' unless options[:pretend] end def git_submodule_update(config = {}) say_status 'git submodule', 'update', :green unless options[:quiet] system 'git submodule --quiet update --init --recursive >/dev/null 2>&1' unless options[:pretend] end def git_pull(config = {}) say_status 'git pull', '', :green unless options[:quiet] system 'git pull --quiet' unless options[:pretend] end def git_push(config = {}) say_status 'git push', '', :green unless options[:quiet] system 'git push' unless options[:pretend] end def git_commit_all(config = {}) say_status 'git commit all', '', :green unless options[:quiet] system 'git commit -v -a' unless options[:pretend] end def git_add(file, config = {}) say_status 'git add file', '', :green unless options[:quiet] system "git add '#{file}'" unless options[:pretend] end def git_status(config = {}) say_status 'git status', '', :green unless options[:quiet] system "git status" unless options[:pretend] end def git_diff(config = {}) say_status 'git diff', '', :green unless options[:quiet] system "git diff" unless options[:pretend] end def mv(source, destination, config = {}) source = destination = + source.basename) if destination.exist? say_status :conflict, "#{destination} exists", :red unless options[:quiet] if options[:force] || shell.file_collision(destination) { source } system "mv '#{source}' '#{destination}'" unless options[:pretend] end else # this needs some sort of message here. system "mv '#{source}' '#{destination}'" unless options[:pretend] end end def rm_link(target) target = if target.symlink? say_status :unlink, "#{target.expand_path}", :green unless options[:quiet] FileUtils.rm_rf target else say_status :conflict, "#{target} is not a symlink", :red unless options[:quiet] end end def ln_s(source, destination, config = {}) source = destination = FileUtils.mkdir_p destination.dirname if destination.symlink? if destination.readlink == source say_status :identical, destination.expand_path, :blue unless options[:quiet] else say_status :conflict, "#{destination} exists and points to #{destination.readlink}", :red unless options[:quiet] if options[:force] || shell.file_collision(destination) { source } system "ln -nsf '#{source}' '#{destination}'" unless options[:pretend] end end elsif destination.exist? say_status :conflict, "#{destination} exists", :red unless options[:quiet] if options[:force] || shell.file_collision(destination) { source } system "rm -rf '#{destination}'" unless options[:pretend] system "ln -sf '#{source}' '#{destination}'" unless options[:pretend] end else say_status :symlink, "#{source.expand_path} to #{destination.expand_path}", :green unless options[:quiet] system "ln -s '#{source}' '#{destination}'" unless options[:pretend] end end end end