require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') include Rack::Test::Methods describe "Optionsful" do context "as a Rack middleware" do it "is a Ruby object that responds to call" do be true end it "takes exactly one argument, (the environment) and returns an Array" do response ={"REQUEST_METHOD" => "OPTIONS", "PATH_INFO" => "/posts"})) response.should be_a_kind_of Array end it "the returned Array must have exactly three values: the status, the headers and the body" do response ={"REQUEST_METHOD" => "OPTIONS", "PATH_INFO" => "/posts"})) validate_response(response) end before do rails_app.routes.draw do resources :posts end end it "must be nice, acting somewhere on a Rack middleware stack" do response ={"REQUEST_METHOD" => "OPTIONS", "PATH_INFO" => "/posts"})) validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should_not be nil end it "must let the request go through the stack, if it has nothing to it!" do response ={"REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET", "PATH_INFO" => "/lobster"})) validate_response(response) response[0].should be 200 end end context "as an HTTP OPTIONS verb provider must master Rails" do describe "default resources routing" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do resources :posts end end it "the /posts should allow GET and POST requests" do response = http_options_request("/posts") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 should_allow(response[1], "GET", "POST") end it "the index action displays a list of all posts in response of a GET request" do response = http_options_request("/posts") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 should_allow(response[1], "GET") end it "the new action return from a GET request an HTML form for creating a new post" do response = http_options_request("/posts/new") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end it "the create action uses POST to create a new post instance" do response = http_options_request("/posts") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "POST" end it "the entry index should allow GET, PUT and DELETE" do response = http_options_request("/posts/1") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 should_allow(response[1], "GET", "PUT", "DELETE") end it "the show action display a specific post in response of a GET request" do response = http_options_request("/posts/1") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end it "the edit action return an HTML form for editing a post in response of a GET request" do response = http_options_request("/posts/1/edit") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end it "the update action uses PUT to update a specific post" do response = http_options_request("/posts/1") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "PUT" end it "the destroy action uses DELETE to delete a specific post" do response = http_options_request("/posts/1") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "DELETE" end it "not finding a path, gently return 404 Not Found" do response = http_options_request("/sblingers/sblongers") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 404 end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end describe "resources routing with options" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do resources :products do member do get :short post :toggle end collection do get :sold end end end end it "a GET member example should work" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/short") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end it "a POST member example should work" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/toggle") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "POST" end it "a named route with options should work" do response = http_options_request("/products/sold") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end describe "resources routing with sub-resources" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do resources :products do resources :sales resource :seller end end end it "the parent resource collection does listing and creation" do response = http_options_request("/products") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should include "POST" end it "the parent resource collection have an entry point for creating a new entry" do response = http_options_request("/products/new") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "POST" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "DELETE" end it "the parent resource collection have an entry point for editing an existing entry" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/edit") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "POST" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "DELETE" end it "the parent resource collection let its entries be read, updated and deleted" do response = http_options_request("/products/123") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should include "DELETE" end it "the parent resource collection let its sub-resource to be created, read, updated and deleted" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/seller") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "POST" response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should include "DELETE" end it "the parent resource collection offers its sub-resource an entry point for creating a new entry" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/seller/new") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "POST" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "DELETE" end it "the parent resource collection offers its sub-resource an entry point for editing the existing entry" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/seller/edit") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "POST" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "DELETE" end it "the sub-resource collection behaves like a common resource collection" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/sales") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should include "POST" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "DELETE" end it "the sub-resource collection have an entry point for creating a new entry" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/sales/new") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "POST" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "DELETE" end it "the sub-resource collection have an entry point for editing an existing entry" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/sales/123/edit") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "POST" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "DELETE" end it "the sub-resource collection let its entries be read, updated and deleted" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/sales/456") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" response[1]["Allow"].should include "PUT" response[1]["Allow"].should include "DELETE" response[1]["Allow"].should_not include "POST" end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end describe "resources routing with more complex sub-resources" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do resources :products do resources :sales do get :recent, :on => :collection end end end end it "a full flavour should work" do response = http_options_request("/products/123/sales/recent.xml") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end describe "resources routing within a namespace" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do namespace :admin do resources :products end end end it "a simple matching should work" do response = http_options_request("/admin/products/123") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end describe "custom regular routing" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do match 'products/:id' => 'catalog#view' end end it "a simple matching should work" do response = http_options_request("/products/123") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end describe "the root" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do root :to => "welcome#index" end end it "'/' should work" do response = http_options_request("/") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end describe "route globbing" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do match 'photos/*other' => 'photos#unknown' end end it "should work" do response = http_options_request("/photos/chick/show/123.json") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 should_allow(response[1], "GET") end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end describe "the legacy 'wild' controller" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' end end it "a simple matching should work" do response = http_options_request("/products/show/123.json") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Allow"].should include "GET" end after(:all) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end end context "the Link header" do describe "should NOT be present" do before(:all) do backup_configuration_file end before(:each) do rails_app.routes.draw do resources :posts end delete_configuration_file end it "if NO directions were given" do response = http_options_request("/posts") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 response[1]["Link"].should be nil end after(:each) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end after(:all) do restore_configuration_file end end describe "behave arbitrarily if directions were given" do before(:all) do rails_app.routes.draw do resources :posts end backup_configuration_file end before(:each) do delete_configuration_file end it "the Link header MUST be quoted if it contains a semicolon or comma" do copy_configuration_file('optionsful_true.yml') response = http_options_request("/posts") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 link = response[1]["Link"] link.should match /\A\".+\"\z/ end it "the Link header MAY use its very current host" do copy_configuration_file('optionsful_true.yml') response = http_options_request("/posts") validate_response(response) response[0].should be 204 link = response[1]["Link"] link.should match /\A\"