# UltracartClient::Item ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **accounting** | [**ItemAccounting**](ItemAccounting.md) | | [optional] **amember** | [**ItemAmember**](ItemAmember.md) | | [optional] **auto_order** | [**ItemAutoOrder**](ItemAutoOrder.md) | | [optional] **ccbill** | [**ItemCCBill**](ItemCCBill.md) | | [optional] **channel_partner_item_mappings** | [**Array<ItemChannelPartnerMapping>**](ItemChannelPartnerMapping.md) | Channel Partner Item Mapping | [optional] **chargeback** | [**ItemChargeback**](ItemChargeback.md) | | [optional] **checkout** | [**ItemCheckout**](ItemCheckout.md) | | [optional] **content** | [**ItemContent**](ItemContent.md) | | [optional] **creation_dts** | **String** | Date/time of creation | [optional] **description** | **String** | Description of the item up to 500 characters. | [optional] **description_translated_text_instance_oid** | **Integer** | Description translated text instance id | [optional] **digital_delivery** | [**ItemDigitalDelivery**](ItemDigitalDelivery.md) | | [optional] **ebay** | [**ItemEbay**](ItemEbay.md) | | [optional] **email_notifications** | [**ItemEmailNotifications**](ItemEmailNotifications.md) | | [optional] **enrollment123** | [**ItemEnrollment123**](ItemEnrollment123.md) | | [optional] **gift_certificate** | [**ItemGiftCertificate**](ItemGiftCertificate.md) | | [optional] **google_product_search** | [**ItemGoogleProductSearch**](ItemGoogleProductSearch.md) | | [optional] **identifiers** | [**ItemIdentifiers**](ItemIdentifiers.md) | | [optional] **inactive** | **BOOLEAN** | True if this item is inactive and can not be purchased | [optional] **instant_payment_notifications** | [**ItemInstantPaymentNotifications**](ItemInstantPaymentNotifications.md) | | [optional] **internal** | [**ItemInternal**](ItemInternal.md) | | [optional] **kit** | **BOOLEAN** | True if this item is a kit | [optional] **kit_component_only** | **BOOLEAN** | True if this item can only be usd as a kit component | [optional] **kit_definition** | [**ItemKitDefinition**](ItemKitDefinition.md) | | [optional] **last_modified_dts** | **String** | Date/time of last modification | [optional] **merchant_id** | **String** | UltraCart merchant ID owning item | [optional] **merchant_item_id** | **String** | Unique item id assigned to this item | [optional] **merchant_item_oid** | **Integer** | Unique object identifier for this item | [optional] **options** | [**Array<ItemOption>**](ItemOption.md) | Options | [optional] **parent_category_id** | **Integer** | Parent category of the item. Zero indicates the root folder. | [optional] **parent_category_path** | **String** | Parent category path. / indicates the root folder. | [optional] **payment_processing** | [**ItemPaymentProcessing**](ItemPaymentProcessing.md) | | [optional] **physical** | [**ItemPhysical**](ItemPhysical.md) | | [optional] **pricing** | [**ItemPricing**](ItemPricing.md) | | [optional] **properties** | [**Array<ItemProperty>**](ItemProperty.md) | Properties | [optional] **realtime_pricing** | [**ItemRealtimePricing**](ItemRealtimePricing.md) | | [optional] **recommend_replenishment_days** | **Integer** | Number of days to recommend replenishment after. Null is not configured. Set to zero to disable. | [optional] **related** | [**ItemRelated**](ItemRelated.md) | | [optional] **reporting** | [**ItemReporting**](ItemReporting.md) | | [optional] **restriction** | [**ItemRestriction**](ItemRestriction.md) | | [optional] **revguard** | [**ItemRevguard**](ItemRevguard.md) | | [optional] **reviews** | [**ItemReviews**](ItemReviews.md) | | [optional] **salesforce** | [**ItemSalesforce**](ItemSalesforce.md) | | [optional] **shipping** | [**ItemShipping**](ItemShipping.md) | | [optional] **tags** | [**ItemTags**](ItemTags.md) | | [optional] **tax** | [**ItemTax**](ItemTax.md) | | [optional] **third_party_email_marketing** | [**Array<ItemThirdPartyEmailMarketing>**](ItemThirdPartyEmailMarketing.md) | 3rd Party Email Marketing | [optional] **variant_items** | [**Array<ItemVariantItem>**](ItemVariantItem.md) | Variant Items | [optional] **variations** | [**Array<ItemVariation>**](ItemVariation.md) | Variations | [optional] **wishlist_member** | [**ItemWishlistMember**](ItemWishlistMember.md) | | [optional]