require_dependency 'itsf_services' require_dependency 'active_model/validations/file_readability_validator' module Ecm::Rbac class ImportDefaultPermissionsService < Itsf::Services::V2::Service::Base class Response < Itsf::Services::V2::Response::Base attr_accessor :permissions, :roles, :role_permissions end attr_accessor :filename validates :filename, file_readability: true def do_work say 'Start' say 'Validating input', indent: 1 unless valid? say "Inputs are invalid. Errors: #{errors.full_messages.to_sentence}", indent: 1 say 'Aborted' return response end say 'Input is valid', indent: 1 return response unless load_yaml return response unless yaml_structure_valid? load_permissions load_roles response.permissions = create_or_update_permissions response.roles = create_or_update_roles response.role_permissions = create_or_update_role_permissions say 'Done' respond end private def filename @filename ||= end def create_or_update_permissions permissions = @permissions.collect do |permission_identifier| Ecm::Rbac::Permission.where(identifier: permission_identifier).first_or_initialize.tap do |permission|! end end say "Saved #{permissions.count} permissions", indent: 1 permissions end def create_or_update_roles roles = @roles.collect do |role_identifier, permissions| Ecm::Rbac::Role.where(identifier: role_identifier).first_or_initialize.tap do |role|! end end say "Saved #{roles.count} roles", indent: 1 roles end def create_or_update_role_permissions role_permissions = @roles.collect do |role_identifier, permissions| role = Ecm::Rbac::Role.where(identifier: role_identifier).first permissions.collect do |permission_identifier| permission = Ecm::Rbac::Permission.where(identifier: permission_identifier).first Ecm::Rbac::RolePermission.where(role_id: role, permission_id: permission).first_or_initialize.tap do |role_permission|! end end end.flatten say "Saved #{role_permissions.count} role permissions", indent: 1 role_permissions end def load_permissions @permissions = @yaml[:defaults][:permissions] say "Loaded #{@permissions.size} permissions", indent: 1 end def load_roles @roles = @yaml[:defaults][:roles] say "Loaded #{@roles.size} roles", indent: 1 end def load_yaml yaml = YAML.load_file(filename) if yaml say "Loaded YAML from #{filename}", indent: 1 @yaml = yaml.with_indifferent_access else say "Could not load YAML from #{filename}", indent: 1 @yaml = yaml end end def yaml_structure_valid? say "Checking for valid YAML structure", indent: 1 unless @yaml.is_a?(Hash) add_error_and_say(:yaml_file, "Expected file content of #{filename} to parse to a Hash, but was #{@yaml.class}") return false end unless @yaml.has_key?(:defaults) add_error_and_say(:yaml_file, "Expected yaml in #{filename} to have the key [defaults:].") return false end unless @yaml[:defaults].has_key?(:roles) add_error_and_say(:yaml_file, "Expected yaml in #{filename} to have the key [defaults:][roles:].") return false end unless @yaml[:defaults].has_key?(:permissions) add_error_and_say(:yaml_file, "Expected yaml in #{filename} to have the key [defaults:][permissions:].") return false end return true end end end