% if !stack.ignore_ci && !stack.ci_enabled? %>
This stack is not configured for CI, but it currently requires a passing build to be able to deploy a commit.
You can either configure your CI to push statuses to GitHub,
or ignore CI and deploy any commits you want.
<%= link_to stack.github_repo_name, github_repo_url(stack.repo_owner, stack.repo_name) %> has been inaccessible for <%= time_ago_in_words(stack.inaccessible_since) %>. This could be a permission issue, or the repository have been deleted on GitHub.
<%= auto_link emojify(stack.lock_reason) %>
Continuous Delivery for this stack is currently paused because <%= link_to 'the pre-deploy checks failed', stack_commit_checks_path(stack, sha: stack.next_commit_to_deploy.sha) %>. You can either wait for them to pass, or trigger a deploy manually.