jQuery Table Sorter plugin for Rails === Simple integration of jquery-tablesorter into the asset pipeline. The original jQuery plugin is [http://tablesorter.com/](http://tablesorter.com/) Install --- In your Gemfile ``` gem 'jquery-tablesorter' ``` Requirements --- Rails 3.1 and higher Usage --- In your javascript file include the following ``` require jquery-tablesorter ``` And stylesheet ``` require jquery-tablesorter/ ``` Avaliable theme names: * green * blue In CoffeeScript file: ``` $('table').tablesorter() ``` Changelog --- #### v0.0.5 * FIX: now require pager plugin as default. * FIX: move assets files from app to vendor & cleanup. * FIX: remove dependency on `jquery-rails` * FIX: remove development dependency on `sqlite3` #### v0.0.4 * FIX: update gemspec to be compatible with Rails 3.2, Thanks to [derekprior](https://github.com/derekprior). #### v0.0.3 * NEW: added pagenation plugin, use `require jquery-tablesorter/pager` to require * FIX: use `require jquery-tablesorter` instead of `require jquery-tablesorter/jquery-tablesorter`, the old way to require will still works, but will be removed in future. #### v0.0.2 * FIX: test issues. #### v0.0.1 * NEW: added jquery-tablesorter plugin, use `require jquery-tablesorter/jquery-tablesorter` to require javascript and `require jquery-tablesorter/` to require stylesheet.