= Roda

Roda is a routing tree web framework.

= Installation

  $ gem install roda

== Resources

Website :: http://roda.jeremyevans.net
Source :: http://github.com/jeremyevans/roda
Bugs :: http://github.com/jeremyevans/roda/issues
Google Group :: http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-roda
IRC :: irc://chat.freenode.net/#roda

== Inspiration

Roda was inspired by {Sinatra}[http://www.sinatrarb.com] and {Cuba}[http://cuba.is],
two other Ruby web frameworks.  It started out as a fork of Cuba, from which it borrows
the idea of using a routing tree (which Cuba in turn took from
{Rum}[https://github.com/chneukirchen/rum]).  From Sinatra it takes the ideas that
route blocks should return the request bodies and that routes should be canonical.
It pilfers the idea for an extensible plugin system from the Ruby database library

== Usage

Here's a simple application, showing how the routing tree works:

  # cat config.ru
  require "roda"

  class App < Roda
    use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => ENV['SECRET']

    route do |r|
      # matches any GET request
      r.get do

        # matches GET /
        r.root do
          r.redirect "/hello"

        # matches GET /hello or GET /hello/.*
        r.on "hello" do

          # matches GET /hello/world
          r.is "world" do
            "Hello world!"

          # matches GET /hello
          r.is do

  run App.app

You can now run +rackup+ and enjoy what you have just created.

Here's a breakdown of what is going on in the above block:

After requiring the library and subclassing Roda, the +use+ method
is called, which loads a rack middleware into the current

The +route+ block is called whenever a new request comes in, 
and it is yielded an instance of a subclass of <tt>Rack::Request</tt>
with some additional methods for matching routes.  By
convention, this argument should be named +r+.

The primary way routes are matched in Roda is by calling
+r.on+, or a method like +r.get+ or +r.is+ which calls +r.on+.
+r.on+ takes each of the arguments given and tries to match them to
the current request.  If it is able to successfully match
all of the arguments, it yields to the +r.on+ block, otherwise
it returns immediately.

+r.get+ is a shortcut that matches any GET request, and
+r.is+ is a shortcut that ensures the the exact route is
matched and there are no further entries in the path.

If +r.on+ matches and control is yielded to the block, whenever
the block returns, the response will be returned.  If the block
returns a string and the response body hasn't already been
written to, the block return value will interpreted as the body
for the response.  If none of the +r.on+ blocks match and the
route block returns a string, it will be interpreted as the body
for the response.

+r.redirect+ immediately returns the response, allowing for
code such as <tt>r.redirect(path) if some_condition</tt>.

The +.app+ at the end is an optimization, which you can leave
off, but which saves a few methods call for every response.

== Matchers

Here's an example showcasing how different matchers work.  Matchers
are arguments passed to +r.on+.

  class App < Roda
    route do |r|
      # only GET requests
      r.get do

        # /
        r.root do

        # /about
        r.is "about" do

        # /styles/basic.css
        r.is "styles", :extension => "css" do |file|
          "Filename: #{file}" #=> "Filename: basic"

        # /post/2011/02/16/hello
        r.is "post/:y/:m/:d/:slug" do |y, m, d, slug|
          "#{y}-#{m}-#{d} #{slug}" #=> "2011-02-16 hello"

        # /username/foobar
        r.on "username/:username" do |username|
          user = User.find_by_username(username) # username == "foobar"

          # /username/foobar/posts
          r.is "posts" do

            # You can access user here, because the blocks are closures.
            "Total Posts: #{user.posts.size}" #=> "Total Posts: 6"

          # /username/foobar/following
          r.is "following" do
            user.following.size.to_s #=> "1301"

        # /search?q=barbaz
        r.is "search", :param=>"q" do |query|
          "Searched for #{query}" #=> "Searched for barbaz"

      # only POST requests
      r.post do
        r.is "login" do

          # POST /login, user: foo, pass: baz
          r.on {:param=>"user"}, {:param=>"pass"} do |user, pass|
            "#{user}:#{pass}" #=> "foo:baz"

          # If the params user and pass are not provided, this
          # will get executed.
          "You need to provide user and pass!"

Here's a description of the matchers.  Note that segment as used
here means one part of the path preceeded by a +/+.  So a path such
as +/foo/bar//baz+ has 4 segments, +/foo+, +/bar+, +/+ and +/baz+.
The +/+ here is considered the empty segment.

=== String

If it does not contain a colon or slash, it matches single segment
with the text of the string, preceeded by a slash.

  "" matches "/"
  "foo" matches "/foo"
  "foo" does not match "/food"

If it contains any slashes, it matches one additional segment for
each slash:

  "foo/bar" matches "/foo/bar"
  "foo/bar" does not match "/foo/bard"

If it contains a colon followed by any <tt>\\w</tt> characters, the colon and
remaing <tt>\\w</tt> characters matches any nonempty segment that contains at
least one character:

  "foo/:id" matches "/foo/bar", "/foo/baz", etc.
  "foo/:id" does not match "/fo/bar"

You can use multiple colons in a string:

  ":x/:y" matches "/foo/bar", "/bar/foo" etc.
  ":x/:y" does not match "/foo", "/bar/"

You can prefix colons:

  "foo:x/bar:y" matches "/food/bard", "/fool/bart", etc.
  "foo:x/bar:y" does not match "/foo/bart", "/fool/bar", etc.

If any colons are used, the block will yield one argument for
each segment matched containing the matched text.  So:

  "foo:x/:y" matching "/fool/bar" yields "l", "bar"

Colons that are not followed by a <tt>\\w</tt> character are matched literally:

  ":/a" matches "/:/a"

Note that strings are regexp escaped before being used in a regular
expression, so:

  "\\d+(/\\w+)?" matches "\d+(/\w+)?"
  "\\d+/\\w+" does not match "123/abc"

=== Regexp

Regexps match one or more segments by looking for the pattern preceeded by a

  /foo\w+/ matches "/foobar"
  /foo\w+/ does not match "/foo/bar"

If any patterns are captured by the regexp, they are yielded:

  /foo\w+/ matches "/foobar", yields nothing
  /foo(\w+)/ matches "/foobar", yields "bar" 

=== Symbol

Symbols match any nonempty segment, yielding the segment except for the
preceeding slash:

  :id matches "/foo" yields "foo"
  :id does not match "/"

=== Proc

Procs match unless they return false or nil:

  proc{true} matches anything
  proc{false} does not match anything

Procs don't capture anything by default, but they can if you add
the captured text to +r.captures+.

=== Arrays

Arrays match when any of their elements matches.  If multiple matchers
are given to +r.on+, they all must match (an AND condition), while
if an array of matchers is given, only one needs to match (an OR
condition).  Evaluation stops at the first matcher that matches.

Additionally, if the matched object is a String, the string is yielded.
This makes it easy to handle multiple strings without a Regexp:

  %w'page1 page2' matches "/page1", "/page2"
  [] does not match anything

=== Hash

Hashes allow easily calling specialized match methods on the request.
The default registered matchers included with Roda are documented below.
You can add your own hash matchers using the +hash_matcher+ class method,
which creates an appropriate request match method.  The +hash_matcher+
block will be called with the value of the hash.

  class App < Roda
    hash_matcher(:foo) do |v|
    route do |r|
      r.on :foo=>'bar' do

==== :all

The :all matcher matches if all of the entries in the given array matches. So

  r.on :all=>[:a, :b] do

is the same as:

  r.on :a, :b do

The reason it also exists as a separate hash matcher is so you can use it inside
an array matcher. so:

  r.on ['foo', {:all=>['foos', :id]}] do

Would match +/foo+ and +/foos/10+, but not +/foos+.

==== :extension

The :extension matcher matches any nonempty path ending with the given extension:

  :extension => "css" matches "/foo.css", "/bar.css"
  :extension => "css" does not match "/foo.css/x", "/foo.bar", "/.css"

This matcher yields the part before the extension.  Note that unlike other
matchers, this matcher assumes terminal behavior, it doesn't match if there
are additional segments.

==== :method

This matches the method of the request.  You can provide an array to specify multiple
request methods and match on any of them:

  :method => :post matches POST
  :method => %w'post patch' matches POST and PATCH

==== :param

The :param matcher matches if the given parameter is present, even if empty.

  :param => "user" matches "/foo?user=bar", "/foo?user="
  :param => "user" does not matches "/foo"

==== :param!

The :param! matcher matches if the given parameter is present and not empty.

  :param! => "user" matches "/foo?user=bar"
  :param! => "user" does not matches "/foo", "/foo?user="

=== false, nil

If false or nil is given directly as a matcher, it doesn't match anything.

=== Everything else

Everything else matches anything.

== Status codes

When it comes time to finalize a response, if a status code has not
been set manually, it will use a 200 status code if anything has been
written to the response, otherwise it will use a 404 status code.
This enables the principle of least surprise to work, where if you
don't handle an action, a 404 response is assumed.

You can always set the status code manually via the status attribute
for the response.

  route do |r|
    r.get do
      r.is "hello" do
        response.status = 200

== Security

If you want to protect against some common web application
vulnerabilities, you can use
It is not included by default because there are legitimate
uses for plain Roda (for instance, when designing an API).

If you are using sessions, you should also always set a session
secret to some undisclosed value. Keep in mind that the content
in the session cookie is not encrypted, just signed to prevent

  require "roda"
  require "rack/protection"

  class App < Roda
    use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret => ENV['SECRET']
    use Rack::Protection

    route do |r|
      # ...

== Verb Methods

The main match method is +r.on+, but as displayed above, you can also
use +r.get+ or +r.post+.  When called without any arguments, these
call +r.on+ as long as the request has the appropriate method, so:


is syntax sugar for:

    r.on{} if r.get? 

If any arguments are given to the method, these call +r.is+ as long as
the request has the appropriate method, so:


is syntax sugar for:

    r.is(""){} if r.post?

The reason for this difference in behavior is that if you are not
providing any arguments, you probably don't want to to also test
for an exact match with the current path.  If that is something
you do want, you can provide true as an argument:

  r.on "foo" do
    r.get true do # Matches GET /foo, not GET /foo/.*

If you want to match the request method and do a partial match
on the request path, you need to use +r.on+ with the <tt>:method</tt>
hash matcher:

  r.on "foo", :method=>:get do # Matches GET /foo(/.*)?

== Root Method

As displayed above, you can also use +r.root+ as a match method.  This
method matches only if the path at that point is exactly +/+.  +r.root+
is similar to <tt>r.is ""</tt>, except that it does not
consume the +/+ from the path.

Unlike the other matching methods, +r.root+ does not take multiple
arguments and pass them to +r.on+.  It only accepts an optional request
method symbol, so <tt>r.root :get</tt> is similar to <tt>r.get ""</tt>,
except that it does not consume the +/+ from the path.

Note that +r.root+ does not match if the path is empty, you should use
+r.is+ with no arguments for that.  If you want to match either the
the empty path or +/+, you can use <tt>r.is ["", true]</tt>.

== Request and Response

While the request object is yielded to the route block, it is also
available via the +request+ method.  Likewise, the response object
is available via the +response+ method.

The request object is an instance of a subclass of <tt>Rack::Request</tt>
with some additional methods, and the response object is an
instance of a subclass of <tt>Rack::Response</tt> with some additional

If you want to extend the request and response objects with additional
modules, you can do so via the +request_module+ or +response_module+
methods, or via plugins.

== Pollution

Roda tries very hard to avoid polluting the scope in which the +route+
block operates.  The only instance variables defined by default in the scope of
the +route+ block are <tt>@_request</tt> and <tt>@_response</tt>.  The only methods defined
(beyond the default methods for +Object+) are: +env+, +opts+, +request+,
+response+, +call+, +session+, and +_route+ (private). Constants inside the
Roda namespace are all prefixed with +Roda+ (e.g. <tt>Roda::RodaRequest</tt>).  This
should make it unlikely that Roda will cause a namespace issue with your
application code.

== Captures

You may have noticed that some matchers yield a value to the block. The rules
for determining if a matcher will yield a value are simple:

1. Regexp captures: <tt>/posts\/(\d+)-(.*)/</tt> will yield two values, corresponding to each capture.
2. String placeholders: <tt>"users/:id"</tt> will yield the value in the position of +:id+.
3. Symbols: +:foobar+ will yield if a segment is available.
4. File extensions: <tt>:extension=>"css"</tt> will yield the basename of the matched file.
5. Parameters: <tt>:param=>"user"</tt> will yield the value of the parameter user, if present.

The first case is important because it shows the underlying effect of regex

In the second case, the substring +:id+ gets replaced by <tt>([^\\/]+)</tt> and the
regexp becomes <tt>/users\/([^\/]+)/</tt> before performing the match, thus it reverts
to the first form we saw.

In the third case, the symbol, no matter what it says, gets replaced
by <tt>/([^\\/]+)/</tt>, and again we are in presence of case 1.

The fourth case, again, reverts to the basic matcher: it generates the string
<tt>/([^\/]+?)\.#{ext}\z/</tt> before performing the match.

The fifth case is different: it checks if the the parameter supplied is present
in the request (via POST or QUERY_STRING) and it pushes the value as a capture.

== Composition

You can mount a Roda app, along with middlewares, inside another Roda app,
via +r.run+:

  class API < Roda
    use SomeMiddleware

    route do |r|
      r.is do
        # ...

  class App < Roda
    route do |r|
      r.on "api" do
        r.run API

  run App.app

You can also use the +multi_route+ plugin, which keeps the current scope of
the route block:

  class App < Roda
    plugin :multi_route

    route :api do |r|
      r.is do
        # ...

    route do |r|
      r.on "api" do
        route :api

  run App.app

== Testing

It is very easy to test Roda with {Rack::Test}[https://github.com/brynary/rack-test]
or {Capybara}[https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara]. Roda's own tests use
{RSpec}[http://rspec.info].  The default rake task will run the specs for Roda, if
RSpec is installed.

== Settings

Each Roda app can store settings in the +opts+ hash. The settings are
inherited if you happen to subclass +Roda+.  

  Roda.opts[:layout] = "guest"

  class Users < Roda; end
  class Admin < Roda; end

  Admin.opts[:layout] = "admin"

  Users.opts[:layout] # => 'guest'
  Admin.opts[:layout] # => 'admin'

Feel free to store whatever you find convenient.  Note that when subclassing,
Roda only does a shallow clone of the settings.  If you store nested structures
and plan to mutate them in subclasses, it is your responsibility to dup the nested
structures inside +Roda.inherited+ (making sure to call +super+).  The
plugins that ship with Roda all handle this.  Also, note that this means that
future modifications to the parent class after subclassing do not affect the

== Rendering

Roda ships with a +render+ plugin that provides helpers for rendering templates. It uses
{Tilt}[https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt], a gem that interfaces with many template
engines. The +erb+ engine is used by default.

Note that in order to use this plugin you need to have Tilt installed, along
with the templating engines you want to use.

This plugin adds the +render+ and +view+ methods, for rendering templates.
The difference between +render+ and +view+ is that +view+ will by default
attempt to render the template inside the default layout template, where
+render+ will just render the template.

  class App < Roda
    plugin :render

    route do |r|
      @var = '1'

      r.is "render" do
        # Renders the views/home.erb template, which will have access to the
        # instance variable @var, as well as local variable content
        render("home", :locals=>{:content => "hello, world"})

      r.is "view" do
        @var2 = '1'

        # Renders the views/home.erb template, which will have access to the
        # instance variables @var and @var2, and takes the output of that and
        # renders it inside views/layout.erb (which should yield where the
        # content should be inserted).

You can override the default rendering options by passing a hash to the plugin,
or modifying the +render_opts+ hash after loading the plugin:

  class App < Roda
    plugin :render, :engine=>'slim' # Tilt engine/template file extension to use
    render_opts[:views] = 'admin_views' # Default views directory
    render_opts[:layout] = "admin_layout" # Default layout template
    render_opts[:layout_opts] = {:engine=>'haml'} # Default layout template options
    render_opts[:opts] = {:default_encoding=>'UTF-8'} # Default template options
    render_opts[:cache] = false # Disable template caching

== Plugins

Roda provides a way to extend its functionality with plugins.  Plugins can
override any Roda method and call +super+ to get the default behavior.

=== Included Plugins

These plugins ship with roda:

all_verbs :: Adds routing methods to the request for all http verbs.
backtracking_array :: Allows array matchers to backtrack if later matchers
                      do not match.
csrf :: Adds CSRF protection and helper methods using
default_headers :: Override the default response headers used.
error_handler :: Adds a +error+ block that is called for all responses that
                 raise exceptions.
flash :: Adds a flash handler.
h :: Adds h method for html escaping.
halt :: Augments request#halt method to take status and/or body or status,
        headers, and body.
header_matchers :: Adds host, header, and accept hash matchers.
hooks :: Adds before and after methods to run code before and after requests.
indifferent_params :: Adds params method with indifferent access to params,
                      allowing use of symbol keys for accessing params.
json :: Allows match blocks to return arrays and hashes, using a json
        representation as the response body.
middleware :: Allows the Roda app to be used as a rack middleware, calling the
              next middleware if no route matches.
multi_route :: Adds the ability for multiple named route blocks, with the
               ability to dispatch to them add any point in the main route block.
not_found :: Adds a +not_found+ block that is called for all 404 responses
             without bodies.
pass :: Adds a pass method allowing you to skip the current +r.on+ block as if
        it did not match.
per_thread_caching :: Switches the thread-safe cache from a shared cache to a
                      per-thread cache.
render :: Adds support for rendering templates via tilt, as described above.
streaming :: Adds support for streaming responses.
symbol_matchers :: Adds support for symbol-specific matching regexps.
symbol_views :: Allows match blocks to return template name symbols, uses the
                template view as the response body.
view_subdirs :: Allows for setting a view subdirectory to use on a per-request

=== External Plugins

The following libraries include Roda plugins:

forme :: Adds support for easy HTML form creation in erb templates.
autoforme :: Adds support for easily creating a simple administrative front
             end for Sequel models.

=== How to create plugins

Authoring your own plugins is pretty straightforward.  Plugins are just modules,
which may contain any of the following modules:

InstanceMethods :: module included in the Roda class
ClassMethods :: module that extends the Roda class
RequestMethods :: module included in the class of the request
RequestClassMethods :: module extending the class of the request
ResponseMethods :: module included in the class of the response
ResponseClassMethods :: module extending the class of the response

If the plugin responds to +load_dependencies+, it will be called first, and should
be used if the plugin depends on another plugin.

If the plugin responds to +configure+, it will be called last, and should be
used to configure the plugin.

Both +load_dependencies+ and +configure+ are called with the additional arguments
and block given to the plugin call.

So a simple plugin to add an instance method would be:

  module MarkdownHelper
    module InstanceMethods
      def markdown(str)

  Roda.plugin MarkdownHelper

=== Registering plugins

If you want to ship a Roda plugin in a gem, but still have
Roda load it automatically via <tt>Roda.plugin :plugin_name</tt>, you should
place it where it can be required via +roda/plugins/plugin_name+, and
then have the file register it as a plugin via
<tt>Roda::RodaPlugins.register_plugin</tt>.  It's recommended but not required
that you store your plugin module in the <tt>Roda::RodaPlugins</tt> namespace:

  module Roda
    module RodaPlugins
      module Markdown
        module InstanceMethods
          def markdown(str)

      register_plugin :markdown, Markdown

You should avoid creating your module directly in the +Roda+ namespace
to avoid polluting the namespace.  Additionally, any instance variables
created inside InstanceMethods should be prefixed with an underscore
(e.g. <tt>@_variable</tt>) to avoid polluting the scope.

== License


== Maintainer

Jeremy Evans <code@jeremyevans.net>