{% assign file = page.fileName %} {% assign lang = page.lang %} {% assign dataToShow = site.data.[page.folderName][lang][file] %}


{%- if dataToShow.h2 -%}


{%- endif -%}

Table of contents

{%- if site.name == "wordswithletters" -%}

Using our {{dataToShow.x}} letter words with letters , you can find following high scoring words using {{dataToShow.letter | capitalize }}

{%- endif -%} {%- if site.name == "wordfinders" -%}

Using our {{dataToShow.x}} letter Word Finder you can find the following high scoring words with given letters {{dataToShow.letter | capitalize }}

{%- endif -%} {%- if site.name == "wordscramblers" -%}

All possible high scoring words from scrambled letters {{dataToShow.letter | capitalize }} which you can find using our unscramble {{dataToShow.x}} letter tool are as following

{%- endif -%} {%- if site.name == "wordunscramblerss" -%}

Following are the high scoring unscrambled words with the letters {{dataToShow.letter | capitalize}} which you can find using our {{dataToShow.x}} letter word scramble

{%- endif -%}
{%- for letter in dataToShow.words-%} {%- for item in letter -%}

{{forloop.index}}. {{dataToShow.wordLength }}

  • {{item.word | capitalize }}
  • {{item.scrabble}}
  • {{item.wordswithfriend}}
{%- endfor -%} {%- endfor -%}