# Copyright (C) 2011 AMEE UK Ltd. - http://www.amee.com
# Released as Open Source Software under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# :title: Class: AMEE::DataAbstraction::CalculationSet
module AMEE
module DataAbstraction
# The CalculationSet class represents a collection of prototype
# calculations (of the class ProtptypeCalculation.
# Prototype calculations are contained within the @calculations instance variable
# ordered hash. Calculations can be added manually to the @calculations hash or
# initialized in place using the #calculation method which takes an
# options hash or block for specifying the prototype calculation properties.
# Typical usage is to initialize the CalculationSet and its daughter
# prototype calculations together using block syntax, thus:
# Calculations = CalculationSet.new {
# calculation {
# label :electricity
# path "/some/path/for/electricity"
# ...
# }
# calculation {
# label :transport
# path "a/transport/path"
# ...
# }
# ...
# }
class CalculationSet
# Class variable holding all instantiated calculation sets keyed on the set
# name.
@@sets = {}
# Convenience method for accessing the @@sets class variable
def self.sets
# Retrieve a calculation set on the basis of a configuration file name or
# relatiev/absolute file path. If configuration files are location within
# the default Rails location under '/config/calculations' then the path and
# the .rb extenstion can be omitted from the name.
def self.find(name)
@@sets[name.to_sym] or load_set(name)
# Regenerate a configuration lock file assocaited with the master
# configuration file name. Optionally set a custom path for the
# lock file as output_path, otherwise the lock file path and
# filename will be based upon the master file with the extension .lock.rb.
def self.regenerate_lock_file(name,output_path=nil)
set = CalculationSet.find(name)
DEFAULT_RAILS_CONFIG_DIR = "config/calculations"
# Find a specific prototype calculation instance without specifying the set
# to which it belongs.
def self.find_prototype_calculation(label)
# Make sure all sets are loaded first
default_config_dir = defined?(::Rails) ? "#{::Rails.root}/#{DEFAULT_RAILS_CONFIG_DIR}" : DEFAULT_RAILS_CONFIG_DIR
Dir.glob(default_config_dir + "/*.rb").each do |name|
# Then search them
@@sets.each_pair do |name,set|
set = find(name)
return set[label] if set[label]
return nil
# Load a calculation set based on a filename or full path.
def self.load_set(name)
CalculationSet.new(name,:file => name) do
# Find the config file assocaited with name. The method first checks
# the default Rails configuration location (config/calculations) then the
# file path described by name relative to the Rails root and by
# absolute path.
def self.find_config_file(name)
default_config_dir = defined?(::Rails) ? "#{::Rails.root}/#{DEFAULT_RAILS_CONFIG_DIR}" : nil
if defined?(::Rails) && File.exists?("#{default_config_dir}/#{name.to_s}.rb")
elsif defined?(::Rails) && File.exists?("#{default_config_dir}/#{name.to_s}")
elsif defined?(::Rails) && File.exists?("#{::Rails.root}/#{name}")
elsif File.exists?(name)
raise ArgumentError, "The config file '#{name}' could not be located"
attr_accessor :calculations, :name, :file
# Initialise a new Calculation set. Specify the name of the calculation set
# as the first argument. This name is used as the set key within the class
# variable @@sets hash.
def initialize(name,options={},&block)
raise ArgumentError, "Calculation set must have a name" unless name
@name = name
@file = CalculationSet.find_config_file(options[:file]) if options[:file]
@calculations = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new
instance_eval(&block) if block
@@sets[@name.to_sym] = self
# Shorthand method for returning the prototype calculation which is represented
# by a label matching sym
def [](sym)
# Instantiate a PrototypeCalculation within this calculation set,
# initializing with the supplied DSL block to be evaluated in the context
# of the newly created calculation
def calculation(options={},&block)
@all_blocks.each {|all_block| new_content.instance_eval(&all_block) }
new_content.name new_content.label.to_s.humanize unless new_content.name
# Append the supplied block to the DSL block of ALL calculations in this
# calculation set. This is useful for configuration which is required
# across all calculations (e.g. overriding human readable names or adding
# globally applicable metadatum)
def all_calculations(options={},&dsl_block)
@all_blocks.push dsl_block
# Instantiate several prototype calculations, by loading each possible usage
# for the category with path given in apath.
# Each instantiated calculation is customised on the basis of the supplied
# DSL block. The usage is given as a parameter to the DSL block
def calculations_all_usages(apath,options={},&dsl_block)
dummycalc=PrototypeCalculation.new{path apath}
dummycalc.amee_usages.each do |usage|
path apath
# Returns the path to the configuration file for self. If a .lock
# file exists, this takes precedence, otherwise the master config file
# described by the #file attribute is returned.
def config_path
lock_file_exists? ? lock_file_path : @file
# Returns the path to the configuration lock file
def lock_file_path
@file.gsub(".rb",".lock.rb") rescue nil
# Returns true if a configuration lock file exists. Otherwise,
# returns false.
def lock_file_exists?
# Generates a lock file for the calcuation set configuration. If no argument
# is provided the, the lock file is generated using the filename and path
# described by the #lock_file_path method. If a custom output
# location is required, this can be provided optionally as an argument.
def generate_lock_file(output_path=nil)
file = output_path || lock_file_path or raise ArgumentError,
"No path for lock file known. Either set path for the master config file using the #file accessor method or provide as an argument"
string = ""
@calculations.values.each do |prototype_calculation|
string += "calculation {\n\n"
string += " name \"#{prototype_calculation.name}\"\n"
string += " label :#{prototype_calculation.label}\n"
string += " path \"#{prototype_calculation.path}\"\n\n"
prototype_calculation.terms.each do |term|
string += " #{term.class.to_s.split("::").last.downcase} {\n"
string += " name \"#{term.name}\"\n" unless term.name.blank?
string += " label :#{term.label}\n" unless term.label.blank?
string += " path \"#{term.path}\"\n" unless term.path.blank?
string += " value \"#{term.value}\"\n" unless term.value.blank?
if term.is_a?(AMEE::DataAbstraction::Input)
string += " fixed \"#{term.value}\"\n" if term.fixed? && !term.value.blank?
if term.is_a?(AMEE::DataAbstraction::Drill)
string += " choices \"#{term.choices.join('","')}\"\n" if term.instance_variable_defined?("@choices") && !term.choices.blank?
elsif term.is_a?(AMEE::DataAbstraction::Profile)
string += " choices [\"#{term.choices.join('","')}\"]\n" if term.instance_variable_defined?("@choices") && !term.choices.blank?
string += " optional!\n" if term.optional?
string += " default_unit :#{term.default_unit.label}\n" unless term.default_unit.blank?
string += " default_per_unit :#{term.default_per_unit.label}\n" unless term.default_per_unit.blank?
string += " alternative_units :#{term.alternative_units.map(&:label).join(', :')}\n" unless term.alternative_units.blank?
string += " alternative_per_units :#{term.alternative_per_units.map(&:label).join(', :')}\n" unless term.alternative_per_units.blank?
string += " unit :#{term.unit.label}\n" unless term.unit.blank?
string += " per_unit :#{term.per_unit.label}\n" unless term.per_unit.blank?
string += " type :#{term.type}\n" unless term.type.blank?
string += " interface :#{term.interface}\n" unless term.interface.blank?
string += " note \"#{term.note}\"\n" unless term.note.blank?
string += " disable!\n" if !term.is_a?(AMEE::DataAbstraction::Drill) && term.disabled?
string += " hide!\n" if term.hidden?
string += " }\n\n"
string += "}\n\n"
File.open(file,'w') { |f| f.write string }