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204 |
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223 |
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226 |
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227 |
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228 |
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229 |
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231 |
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233 |
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240 |
241 |
242 |
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244 |
245 |
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246 |
247 |
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249 |
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251 |
252 |
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256 |
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264 |
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<span class="se_pagetitle">1CY0 </span> |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="StructureTitle"> |
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659 |
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680 |
<a class="sePrimarycitations" onmouseover="this.className='sePrimarycitationsHover';" onmouseout="this.className='sePrimarycitations';" onclick="searchCitationAuthor('Feinberg, H.', true);">Feinberg, H.</a>, <a class="sePrimarycitations" onmouseover="this.className='sePrimarycitationsHover';" onmouseout="this.className='sePrimarycitations';" onclick="searchCitationAuthor('Changela, A.', true);">Changela, A.</a>, <a class="sePrimarycitations" onmouseover="this.className='sePrimarycitationsHover';" onmouseout="this.className='sePrimarycitations';" onclick="searchCitationAuthor('Mondragon, A.', true);">Mondragon, A.</a> |
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683 |
Protein-nucleotide interactions in E. coli DNA topoisomerase I. |
684 |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="CitationArticleTitle"> |
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<span class="se_journal">Nat.Struct.Biol.</span> |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="CitationJournalName"> |
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<span class="se_journal">v6</span> |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="CitationJournalVolume"> |
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<span class="se_journal">pp.961-968</span> |
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, |
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<span class="se_journal">1999</span> |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="CitationJournalYear"> |
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<br> |
706 |
[ <a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore/pubmed.do?structureId=1CY0" name="Abstract" ALT="View Searchable PubMed Abstract" TITLE="View Searchable PubMed Abstract">Abstract</a> ] |
707 |
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<td width="15%" align="right" class="se_item"> |
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History |
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</td> |
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<td width="85%" class="se_datalarge2"> |
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<span class="se_subitem">Deposition </span> |
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1999-08-31 |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="DepositionDate"> |
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721 |
<span class="se_subitem"> Release </span> |
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2000-03-08 |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="ReleaseDate"> |
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</td> |
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</tr> |
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<tr class="se_back1"> |
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<td width="15%" align="right" class="se_item"> |
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Experimental Method |
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</td> |
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<td width="85%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
732 |
<span class="se_subitem">Type </span> |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt=""> |
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<span class="se_subitem">Data</span> |
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<a class="se_datasmall1">N/A</a> |
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</td></tr> |
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<tr class="se_back2"> |
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<td width="15%" align="right" class="se_item"> |
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Parameters |
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</td> |
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754 |
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<td width="20%"> |
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Resolution[Å] |
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<a href='/pdb/statistics/histogram.do?mdcat=refine&mditem=ls_d_res_high&minLabel=0&maxLabel=5&numOfbars=10'> |
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</td> |
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<td width="20%"> |
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R-Value |
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</td> |
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<td width="20%"> |
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R-Free |
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<td width="25%"> |
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Space Group |
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</td> |
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</tr> |
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<tr class="se_subitem2"> |
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<td width="20%" class="se_datalarge2"> |
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2.45 |
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<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="Resolution"> |
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</td> |
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<td width="20%" align="left" class="se_datalarge2"> |
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0.220 |
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(obs.) |
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</td> |
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<td width="20%" align="left" class="se_datalarge2"> |
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0.274 |
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</td> |
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<a class="se_datasmall" onclick="searchSpaceGroup('P 21 21 21');" onmouseover="this.className='se_datasmallHover'" onmouseout="this.className='se_datasmall'"> |
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P 2<sub>1</sub> 2<sub>1</sub> 2<sub>1</sub> |
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</a> |
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<td width="15%" align="right" class="se_item"> |
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Unit Cell |
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<td width="20%"> |
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<span class="se_unitcellitem">Length [Å]</span> |
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</td> |
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<td width="13%"> |
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a |
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</td> |
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<td width="13%" > |
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<span class="se_datasmall1">63.04</span> |
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</td> |
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<td width="13%" > |
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b |
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</td> |
821 |
<td width="13%"> |
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<span class="se_datasmall1">73.31</span> |
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</td> |
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<td width="13%" > |
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c |
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</td> |
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<td width="15%" > |
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<span class="se_datasmall1">134.46</span> |
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</td> |
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</tr> |
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<tr class="se_subitem1"> |
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<td width="20%"> |
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<span class="se_unitcellitem">Angles [°]</span> |
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</td> |
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<td width="13%" > |
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alpha |
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</td> |
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<td width="13%" > |
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<span class="se_datasmall1">90.00</span> |
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<td width="13%"> |
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beta |
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<td width="13%" > |
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<span class="se_datasmall1">90.00</span> |
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</td> |
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<td width="13%" > |
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gamma |
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<td width="15%" > |
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<span class="se_datasmall1">90.00</span> |
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<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="se_item"> |
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Molecular Description Asymmetric Unit |
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</td> |
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884 |
<span class="se_subitem"><br>Polymer:</span> 1 |
885 |
<span class="se_subitem">Molecule:</span> DNA TOPOISOMERASE I |
886 |
<span class="se_subitem">Fragment:</span> 67 KDA N-TERMINAL FRAGMENT OF E.COLI TOPOISOMERASE I |
887 |
<span class="se_subitem">Chains:</span> A |
888 |
<span class="se_subitem">EC no.:</span> <a class="se_datasmall" onclick="searchEc('');" onmouseover="this.className='se_datasmallHover'" onmouseout="this.className='se_datasmall'"></a> <a class="se_datalarge" href="http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb/enzyme/EC5/99/1/2.html" target="resource_window"><img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/iubmb_icon.gif" BORDER="0" ALT="Go to IUBMB EC entry" TITLE="Go to IUBMB EC entry"></a> |
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Classification |
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Isomerase |
913 |
</a> |
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</span> |
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980 |
<td align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial, Arial, Helvetica">Biological |
981 |
Molecule / Asymmetric Unit</font></td> |
982 |
</tr> |
983 |
<tr> |
984 |
<td align="center"><img id="structureImage" name="structureImage" |
985 |
src="/pdb/images/1cy0_asym_r_250.jpg" border="0" |
986 |
alt="Biological Molecule / Asymmetric Unit Image for 1CY0"> |
987 |
</td> |
988 |
</tr> |
989 |
990 |
<tr> |
991 |
<td align="center" class="it_item"> |
992 |
<table> |
993 |
<tr> |
994 |
<td class="it_item" colspan="4" align="center">Display Options</td> |
995 |
</tr> |
996 |
<tr> |
997 |
<td align="center"><a class="imagetable" |
998 |
href="/pdb/static.do?p=explorer/viewers/king.jsp" |
999 |
title="KiNG requires Java">KiNG</a></td> |
1000 |
</tr> |
1001 |
<tr> |
1002 |
<td align="center"><a class="imagetable" |
1003 |
href="/pdb/static.do?p=explorer/viewers/jmol.jsp" |
1004 |
title="Jmol requires Java">Jmol</a></td> |
1005 |
</tr> |
1006 |
<tr> |
1007 |
<td align="center"><a class="imagetable" |
1008 |
href="/pdb/static.do?p=explorer/viewers/webmol.jsp" |
1009 |
title="WebMol requires Java">WebMol</a></td> |
1010 |
</tr> |
1011 |
<tr> |
1012 |
<td align="center"><a class="imagetable" |
1013 |
href="/pdb/Viewers/ProteinWorkshop/protein_workshop_launch.jsp" |
1014 |
title="ProteinWorkshop requires Java">Protein Workshop</a></td> |
1015 |
</tr> |
1016 |
<tr><td align="center"><a class="imagetable" href="/pdb/static.do?p=Viewers/QuickPDB/quickPDBApplet.jsp" title="QuickPDB requires Java">QuickPDB</a></td></tr> |
1017 |
<tr> |
1018 |
<td align="center"><a class="imagetable" |
1019 |
href="/pdb/explore/images.do?structureId=1CY0">All |
1020 |
Images</a></td> |
1021 |
</tr> |
1022 |
1023 |
1024 |
1025 |
1026 |
1027 |
1028 |
1029 |
1030 |
1031 |
1032 |
</table> |
1033 |
</td> |
1034 |
</tr> |
1035 |
1036 |
1037 |
</table> |
1038 |
</td> |
1039 |
1040 |
</tr> |
1041 |
</table> |
1042 |
</td> |
1043 |
</tr> |
1044 |
</table> |
1045 |
1046 |
</form> |
1047 |
1048 |
</td> |
1049 |
</tr> |
1050 |
</tbody> |
1051 |
</table> |
1052 |
1053 |
1054 |
<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" width="100%"> |
1055 |
<tr class="se_back2"> |
1056 |
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="se_item"> |
1057 |
Source |
1058 |
<form action="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do" method="get" name="srcQueryForm"> |
1059 |
1060 |
<input type="hidden" name="smartSearchSubtype" value="CifFieldsQuery"> |
1061 |
<input type="hidden" name="entity_src_nat.pdbx_organism_scientific.value" value=""> |
1062 |
<input type="hidden" name="entity_src_nat.common_name.value" value=""> |
1063 |
<input type="hidden" name="entity_src_gen.pdbx_gene_src_scientific_name.value" value=""> |
1064 |
<input type="hidden" name="entity_src_gen.gene_src_common_name.value" value=""> |
1065 |
</form> |
1066 |
</td> |
1067 |
<td width="85%" class="se_datalarge2" valign="top"> |
1068 |
1069 |
<span class="se_subitem">Polymer:</span> |
1070 |
1 |
1071 |
<span class="se_subitem">Scientific Name:</span> |
1072 |
<span class="qrb_value"> |
1073 |
<a class="sePrimarycitations" onmouseover="this.className='sePrimarycitationsHover';" onmouseout="this.className='sePrimarycitations';" onclick="searchSource('', '', 'ESCHERICHIA COLI', '');"> |
1074 |
Escherichia coli |
1075 |
</a> |
1076 |
</span> |
1077 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=562" target="resource_window"><img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/taxonomy_icon.gif" BORDER="0" ALT="Go to NCBI Taxonomy entry" TITLE="Go to NCBI Taxonomy entry"></a> |
1078 |
1079 |
<span class="se_subitem">Common Name:</span> |
1080 |
<span class="qrb_value"> |
1081 |
<a class="sePrimarycitations" onmouseover="this.className='sePrimarycitationsHover';" onmouseout="this.className='sePrimarycitations';" onclick="searchSource('', '', '', 'BACTERIA');"> |
1082 |
Bacteria |
1083 |
</a> |
1084 |
</span> |
1085 |
1086 |
<span class="se_subitem">Expression system:</span> |
1087 |
<span class="qrb_value"> |
1088 |
<a class="sePrimarycitations" onmouseover="this.className='sePrimarycitationsHover';" onmouseout="this.className='sePrimarycitations';" onclick="searchSource('', '', 'ESCHERICHIA COLI', '');"> |
1089 |
Escherichia coli |
1090 |
</a> |
1091 |
</span> |
1092 |
1093 |
1094 |
<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="Source"> |
1095 |
</td> |
1096 |
</tr> |
1097 |
1098 |
<tr class="se_back1"> |
1099 |
<td width="15%" align="right" class="se_item"> |
1100 |
Related PDB Entries |
1101 |
</td> |
1102 |
<td width="85%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1103 |
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> |
1104 |
<tr> |
1105 |
<td width="20%"> |
1106 |
<span class="se_subitem">Id</span> |
1107 |
</td> |
1108 |
<td width="80%"> |
1109 |
<span class="se_subitem">Details</span> |
1110 |
</td> |
1111 |
</tr> |
1112 |
1113 |
<tr> |
1114 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1115 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1CYY" >1CYY</a> |
1116 |
</td> |
1117 |
<td width="65%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1118 |
Crystal structure of the 30 kDa fragment of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I. Hexagonal form |
1119 |
</td> |
1120 |
</tr> |
1121 |
1122 |
<tr> |
1123 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1124 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1CY9" >1CY9</a> |
1125 |
</td> |
1126 |
<td width="65%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1127 |
Crystal structure of the 30 kDa fragment of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I. Monoclinic form |
1128 |
</td> |
1129 |
</tr> |
1130 |
1131 |
<tr> |
1132 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1133 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1CY8" >1CY8</a> |
1134 |
</td> |
1135 |
<td width="65%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1136 |
Complex of E.coli DNA topoisomerase I with 5'-thymidine monophosphate and 3'-thymidine monophosphate |
1137 |
</td> |
1138 |
</tr> |
1139 |
1140 |
<tr> |
1141 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1142 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1CY7" >1CY7</a> |
1143 |
</td> |
1144 |
<td width="65%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1145 |
Complex of E.coli DNA topoisomerase I with 5'-thymidine monophosphate |
1146 |
</td> |
1147 |
</tr> |
1148 |
1149 |
<tr> |
1150 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1151 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1CY6" >1CY6</a> |
1152 |
</td> |
1153 |
<td width="65%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1154 |
Complex of E.coli DNA topoisomerase I with 3'-thymidine monophosphate |
1155 |
</td> |
1156 |
</tr> |
1157 |
1158 |
<tr> |
1159 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1160 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1CY4" >1CY4</a> |
1161 |
</td> |
1162 |
<td width="65%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1163 |
Complex of E.coli DNA topoisomerase I with 5'pTpTpTp3' |
1164 |
</td> |
1165 |
</tr> |
1166 |
1167 |
<tr> |
1168 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1169 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1CY2" >1CY2</a> |
1170 |
</td> |
1171 |
<td width="65%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1172 |
Complex of E.coli DNA topoisomerase I with TpTpTp3' |
1173 |
</td> |
1174 |
</tr> |
1175 |
1176 |
<tr> |
1177 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1178 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1CY1" >1CY1</a> |
1179 |
</td> |
1180 |
<td width="65%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1181 |
1182 |
</td> |
1183 |
</tr> |
1184 |
1185 |
</table> |
1186 |
</td> |
1187 |
</tr> |
1188 |
1189 |
1190 |
1191 |
<tr class="se_back2"> |
1192 |
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="se_item"> |
1193 |
Chemical Component |
1194 |
</td> |
1195 |
<td width="85%" valign="top"> |
1196 |
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" > |
1197 |
<tr class="se_subitem2"> |
1198 |
<td width="10%"> |
1199 |
Identifier |
1200 |
</td> |
1201 |
<td width="35%"> |
1202 |
Name |
1203 |
</td> |
1204 |
<td width="25%"> |
1205 |
Formula |
1206 |
</td> |
1207 |
<td width="20%"> |
1208 |
Drug Similarity |
1209 |
</td> |
1210 |
<td width="20%"> |
1211 |
Ligand Structure |
1212 |
</td> |
1213 |
1214 |
<td width="20%"> |
1215 |
Ligand Interaction |
1216 |
</td> |
1217 |
1218 |
<td> |
1219 |
<form action="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do" method="get" name="ligandQueryForm"> |
1220 |
<input type="hidden" name="smartSearchSubtype" value="LigandIdQuery"> |
1221 |
<input type="hidden" name="display" value="true"> |
1222 |
<input type="hidden" name="chem_comp.id.value" value=""> |
1223 |
<input type="hidden" name="chem_comp.id.comparator" value="="> |
1224 |
</form> |
1225 |
</td> |
1226 |
</tr> |
1227 |
1228 |
1229 |
<tr> |
1230 |
<td width="5%" class="se_datalarge2" valign="middle"> |
1231 |
<a class="se_datalarge" onclick="searchLigand('A3P');" onmouseover="this.className='se_datalargeHover'" onmouseout="this.className='se_datalarge'">A3P</a> |
1232 |
<img src="/pdbstatic/explorer/images/spacer.gif" alt="" name="NonPolymerEntities"> |
1233 |
</td> |
1234 |
<td width="30%" class="se_datalarge2"> |
1235 |
1236 |
</td> |
1237 |
<td width="20%" class="se_formula2"> |
1238 |
C<sub>1</sub><sub>0</sub> H<sub>1</sub><sub>5</sub> N<sub>5</sub> O<sub>1</sub><sub>0</sub> P<sub>2</sub> |
1239 |
</td> |
1240 |
<td width="10%" class="se_datalarge2"> |
1241 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="http://bioinformatics.charite.de/superligands/drug_similarity.php?hetero=A3P" target=resource_window> |
1242 |
[ View ] |
1243 |
</a> |
1244 |
</td> |
1245 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge2"> |
1246 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/explore/marvin.do?handler=structureExplorer&hetId=A3P&sid=1CY0"> |
1247 |
[ View ] |
1248 |
</a> |
1249 |
</td> |
1250 |
1251 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datalarge2"> |
1252 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/explore/ligand3d.jnlp?hetId=A3P"> |
1253 |
[ View ] |
1254 |
</a> |
1255 |
</td> |
1256 |
1257 |
</tr> |
1258 |
1259 |
1260 |
</table> |
1261 |
</td> |
1262 |
</tr> |
1263 |
1264 |
1265 |
1266 |
<tr class="se_back1"> |
1267 |
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="se_item"> |
1268 |
<span class="external_ref">SCOP Classification <font size="-2">(version 1.69)</font></span> |
1269 |
</td> |
1270 |
<td width="85%" valign="top"> |
1271 |
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" > |
1272 |
<tr class="se_subitem1"> |
1273 |
<td width="12%"> |
1274 |
Domain Info |
1275 |
</td> |
1276 |
<td width="13%"> |
1277 |
Class |
1278 |
</td> |
1279 |
<td width="15%"> |
1280 |
Fold |
1281 |
</td> |
1282 |
<td width="15%"> |
1283 |
Superfamily |
1284 |
</td> |
1285 |
<td width="15%"> |
1286 |
Family |
1287 |
</td> |
1288 |
<td width="15%"> |
1289 |
Domain |
1290 |
</td> |
1291 |
<td width="15%"> |
1292 |
Species |
1293 |
</td> |
1294 |
</tr> |
1295 |
1296 |
<tr> |
1297 |
<td width="12%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1298 |
d1cy0a_ |
1299 |
</td> |
1300 |
1301 |
<td width="13%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1302 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=11&n=56572"> Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta)</a> |
1303 |
</td> |
1304 |
1305 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1306 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=11&n=56711"> Prokaryotic type I DNA topoisomerase</a> |
1307 |
</td> |
1308 |
1309 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1310 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=11&n=56712"> Prokaryotic type I DNA topoisomerase</a> |
1311 |
</td> |
1312 |
1313 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1314 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=11&n=56713"> Prokaryotic type I DNA topoisomerase</a> |
1315 |
</td> |
1316 |
1317 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1318 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=11&n=56714"> DNA topoisomerase I, 67K N-terminal domain</a> |
1319 |
</td> |
1320 |
1321 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datalarge1"> |
1322 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=11&n=56715"> Escherichia coli</a> |
1323 |
</td> |
1324 |
</tr> |
1325 |
1326 |
</table> |
1327 |
</td> |
1328 |
</tr> |
1329 |
1330 |
1331 |
1332 |
<tr class="se_back2"> |
1333 |
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="se_item"> |
1334 |
<span class="external_ref">CATH Classification <font size="-2">(version v2.6.0)</font></span> |
1335 |
</td> |
1336 |
<td width="85%" valign="top"> |
1337 |
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" > |
1338 |
<tr class="se_subitem2"> |
1339 |
<td width="20%"> |
1340 |
Domain |
1341 |
</td> |
1342 |
<td width="20%"> |
1343 |
Class |
1344 |
</td> |
1345 |
<td width="20%"> |
1346 |
Architecture |
1347 |
</td> |
1348 |
<td width="20%"> |
1349 |
Topology |
1350 |
</td> |
1351 |
<td width="20%"> |
1352 |
Homology |
1353 |
</td> |
1354 |
</tr> |
1355 |
1356 |
<tr> |
1357 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1358 |
1cy0A1 |
1359 |
</td> |
1360 |
1361 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1362 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=1274">Alpha Beta</a> |
1363 |
</td> |
1364 |
1365 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1366 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=1842">3-Layer(aba) Sandwich</a> |
1367 |
</td> |
1368 |
1369 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1370 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=1978">Rossmann fold</a> |
1371 |
</td> |
1372 |
1373 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1374 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=2009">ISOMERASE</a> |
1375 |
</td> |
1376 |
</tr> |
1377 |
1378 |
<tr> |
1379 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1380 |
1cy0A2 |
1381 |
</td> |
1382 |
1383 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1384 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=1">Mainly Alpha</a> |
1385 |
</td> |
1386 |
1387 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1388 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=2">Orthogonal Bundle</a> |
1389 |
</td> |
1390 |
1391 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1392 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=352">Topoisomerase I; domain 2</a> |
1393 |
</td> |
1394 |
1395 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1396 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=353">Topoisomerase I, domain 2</a> |
1397 |
</td> |
1398 |
</tr> |
1399 |
1400 |
<tr> |
1401 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1402 |
1cy0A3 |
1403 |
</td> |
1404 |
1405 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1406 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=762">Mainly Beta</a> |
1407 |
</td> |
1408 |
1409 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1410 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=1229">Distorted Sandwich</a> |
1411 |
</td> |
1412 |
1413 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1414 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=1248">Topoisomerase I; domain 3</a> |
1415 |
</td> |
1416 |
1417 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1418 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=1249">Topoisomerase I, domain 3</a> |
1419 |
</td> |
1420 |
</tr> |
1421 |
1422 |
<tr> |
1423 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1424 |
1cy0A4 |
1425 |
</td> |
1426 |
1427 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1428 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=1">Mainly Alpha</a> |
1429 |
</td> |
1430 |
1431 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1432 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=2">Orthogonal Bundle</a> |
1433 |
</td> |
1434 |
1435 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1436 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=307">Topoisomerase I; domain 4</a> |
1437 |
</td> |
1438 |
1439 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall2"> |
1440 |
<a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=12&n=308">Topoisomerase I, domain 4</a> |
1441 |
</td> |
1442 |
</tr> |
1443 |
1444 |
</table> |
1445 |
</td> |
1446 |
</tr> |
1447 |
1448 |
<tr class="se_back1"> |
1449 |
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="se_item"> |
1450 |
<span class="external_ref">PFAM Classification </span> |
1451 |
</td> |
1452 |
<td width="85%" valign="top"> |
1453 |
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" > |
1454 |
<tr class="se_subitem1"> |
1455 |
<td width="5%"> |
1456 |
Chain |
1457 |
</td> |
1458 |
<td width="20%"> |
1459 |
PFAM Accession |
1460 |
</td> |
1461 |
<td width="15%"> |
1462 |
1463 |
</td> |
1464 |
<td width="25%"> |
1465 |
Description |
1466 |
</td> |
1467 |
<td width="15%"> |
1468 |
Type |
1469 |
</td> |
1470 |
<td width="20%"> |
1471 |
Clan ID |
1472 |
</tr> |
1473 |
1474 |
1475 |
<tr> |
1476 |
<td width="5%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1477 |
A |
1478 |
</td> |
1479 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1480 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="http://www.sanger.ac.uk/cgi-bin/Pfam/getacc?PF01131" target=resource_window>PF01131</a> |
1481 |
</td> |
1482 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1483 |
Topoisom_bac |
1484 |
</td> |
1485 |
<td width="25%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1486 |
DNA topoisomerase |
1487 |
</td> |
1488 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1489 |
Family |
1490 |
</td> |
1491 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall1" title="Clan Description: n/a"> |
1492 |
n/a</a> |
1493 |
</td> |
1494 |
</tr> |
1495 |
1496 |
<tr> |
1497 |
<td width="5%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1498 |
A |
1499 |
</td> |
1500 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1501 |
<a class="se_datalarge" href="http://www.sanger.ac.uk/cgi-bin/Pfam/getacc?PF01751" target=resource_window>PF01751</a> |
1502 |
</td> |
1503 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1504 |
Toprim |
1505 |
</td> |
1506 |
<td width="25%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1507 |
Toprim domain |
1508 |
</td> |
1509 |
<td width="15%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1510 |
Family |
1511 |
</td> |
1512 |
<td width="20%" class="se_datasmall1" title="Clan Description: n/a"> |
1513 |
n/a</a> |
1514 |
</td> |
1515 |
</tr> |
1516 |
1517 |
</table> |
1518 |
</td> |
1519 |
</tr> |
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1522 |
<tr class="se_back2"> |
1523 |
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top" class="se_item"> |
1524 |
<span class="external_ref">GO Terms</span> |
1525 |
</td> |
1526 |
<td width="85%" valign="top"> |
1527 |
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" > |
1528 |
<tr class="se_subitem1"> |
1529 |
<td width="25%"> |
1530 |
Polymer |
1531 |
</td> |
1532 |
<td width="25%"> |
1533 |
Molecular Function |
1534 |
</td> |
1535 |
<td width="25%"> |
1536 |
Biological Process |
1537 |
</td> |
1538 |
<td width="25%"> |
1539 |
Cellular Component |
1540 |
</td> |
1541 |
</tr> |
1542 |
1543 |
1544 |
<tr> |
1545 |
<td width="25%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1546 |
1547 |
</td> |
1548 |
<td width="25%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1549 |
<ul> |
1550 |
1551 |
<li><a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=6&n=3676">nucleic acid binding</a> |
1552 |
1553 |
<li><a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=6&n=3677">DNA binding</a> |
1554 |
1555 |
<li><a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=6&n=3916">DNA topoisomerase activity</a> |
1556 |
1557 |
<li><a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=6&n=3917">DNA topoisomerase type I activity</a> |
1558 |
1559 |
</ul> |
1560 |
</td> |
1561 |
<td width="25%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1562 |
<ul> |
1563 |
1564 |
<li><a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=4&n=6265">DNA topological change</a> |
1565 |
1566 |
<li><a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=4&n=6268">DNA unwinding during replication</a> |
1567 |
1568 |
<li><a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=4&n=6304">DNA modification</a> |
1569 |
1570 |
</ul> |
1571 |
</td> |
1572 |
<td width="25%" class="se_datasmall1"> |
1573 |
<ul> |
1574 |
1575 |
<li><a class="se_datasmall" href="/pdb/search/smartSubquery.do?smartSearchSubtype=TreeQuery&t=5&n=5694">chromosome</a> |
1576 |
1577 |
</ul> |
1578 |
</td> |
1579 |
</tr> |
1580 |
1581 |
</table> |
1582 |
</td> |
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<td> |
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1588 |
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1589 |
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1590 |
<input type="hidden" name="strAuthors" value="Feinberg, H., Changela, A., Mondragon, A."> |
1591 |
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1592 |
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1593 |
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1594 |
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1600 |
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1628 |
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1630 |
1631 |
1632 |
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1633 |
1634 |
1635 |
1636 |
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1637 |
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1638 |
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1639 |
Common Name: BACTERIA Expression System: ESCHERICHIA COLI"> |
1640 |
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1641 |
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1642 |
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1643 |
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1644 |
<input type="hidden" name="strScopFoldDesc" value="Prokaryotic type I DNA topoisomerase"> |
1645 |
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1646 |
<input type="hidden" name="strScopFamDesc" value="Prokaryotic type I DNA topoisomerase"> |
1647 |
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1648 |
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1649 |
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1650 |
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1651 |
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1652 |
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1653 |
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1654 |
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1655 |
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1656 |
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1657 |
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1658 |
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1660 |
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