#encoding: utf-8 require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../spec_helper") include Nudge describe "ValuePoint" do it "should be a kind of program point" do myL = ValuePoint.new("int", "4") myL.should be_a_kind_of(ProgramPoint) end it "should be initialized with a type and a raw value, with raw defaulting to nil" do i4 = ValuePoint.new("int", "4") i4.type.should == :int i4.raw.should == "4" lambda{ValuePoint.new()}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda{ValuePoint.new("bool")}.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe "raw" do it "should cast the representation of the thing as a string unless nil" do lambda{ValuePoint.new("anything", "something")}.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) ValuePoint.new("fiddlefaddle", 88).raw.should == "88" ValuePoint.new("int", 8).raw.should == "8" end end describe "nudgetype" do it "should be able to identify its NudgeType, and if it's defined" do ValuePoint.new("int").nudgetype.should == "IntType" ValuePoint.new("int").nudgetype_defined?.should == true ValuePoint.new("bool").nudgetype_defined?.should == true ValuePoint.new("float").nudgetype_defined?.should == true ValuePoint.new("foo").nudgetype.should == "FooType" ValuePoint.new("foo").nudgetype_defined?.should == false end end describe "#value" do it "should use the #from_s method from the appropriate NudgeType, if defined" do ValuePoint.new("int",9912).value.should == 9912 ValuePoint.new("float",1.2).value.should == 1.2 ValuePoint.new("bool",false).value.should == false end it "should not create a value if none is present in #raw" do ValuePoint.new("int").value.should == nil ValuePoint.new("float").value.should == nil ValuePoint.new("bool",nil).value.should == nil end it "should return the raw string as a value if the type is not defined" do left_field = ValuePoint.new("foo", "some weird thing") left_field.value.should == "some weird thing" end end it "should accept a string or symbol for #type, but set it to a symbol" do ValuePoint.new("int", "4").type.should == :int ValuePoint.new(:int, "4").type.should == :int lambda {ValuePoint.new(false, "4")}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should move to the appropriate stack when removed from the exec stack" do ii = Interpreter.new("value «bool»\n«bool»true") ii.step ii.stacks[:bool].peek.raw.should == "true" ii.reset("value «code» \n«code» block { do foo_bar}") ii.step ii.stacks[:code].peek.raw.should == "block { do foo_bar}" end describe "#go" do before(:each) do @ii = Interpreter.new() @ii.clear_stacks @ii.stacks[:exec].push(ValuePoint.new("int",222)) end it "should pop the exec stack when a ValuePoint is interpreted" do oldExec = @ii.stacks[:exec].depth @ii.step @ii.stacks[:exec].depth.should == (oldExec-1) end it "should initialize the right stack for the type of the ValuePoint if it doesn't exist" do @ii.stacks.delete(:int) @ii.step @ii.stacks.should include(:int) end it "should use the existing stack if it does exist" do @ii.step @ii.stacks[:int].depth.should == 1 end it "should push the value onto the right stack" do @ii.stacks[:exec].push(ValuePoint.new("int",3)) @ii.stacks[:exec].push(ValuePoint.new("float",2.2)) @ii.stacks[:exec].push(ValuePoint.new("fiddle",false)) 3.times {@ii.step} @ii.stacks.should include(:int) @ii.stacks.should include(:float) @ii.stacks.should include(:fiddle) end it "should push an :error if there is no associated value" do context = Interpreter.new unbound = ValuePoint.new("int") unbound.go(context) context.stacks[:int].depth.should == 0 context.stacks[:error].peek.value.should == "int point has no value string" end end describe "#tidy" do it "should print 'value «type»' for ValuePoint#tidy" do myL = ValuePoint.new("float", -99.121001) myL.tidy.should == "value «float»" end end describe "#clone" do it "should return a new object" do myL = ValuePoint.new("float", 128.1) ValuePoint.should_receive(:new) myL.clone end it "should have an identical raw value, but not be the same string object" do myL = ValuePoint.new("float", 1228.1) myL.clone.raw.object_id.should_not == myL.raw.object_id end end describe "#blueprint_parts" do it "should return an Array with two parts: (1) self#tidy (2) the footnotes as a string" do myL = ValuePoint.new("float", "-99.121001") myL.blueprint_parts.should == ["value «float»","«float» -99.121001"] myURI = ValuePoint.new("uri", "http://googol.com") myURI.blueprint_parts.should == ["value «uri»","«uri» http://googol.com"] myHuh = ValuePoint.new("missing") myHuh.blueprint_parts.should == ["value «missing»","«missing»"] myFUcode = ValuePoint.new("code", "block { value «code»}\n«code» value «int»\n«int» 8") myFUcode.blueprint_parts.should == ["value «code»","«code» block { value «code»}\n«code» value «int»\n«int» 8"] end end describe "blueprint" do it "should return a combined string composed of the #blueprint_parts separated by a newline" do mat = ValuePoint.new("matrix", "[1,3, 5;\t9,2, 11; \t92,-221,2]") mat.blueprint.should == "value «matrix» \n«matrix» [1,3, 5;\t9,2, 11; \t92,-221,2]" num = ValuePoint.new("int", 812) num.blueprint.should == "value «int» \n«int» 812" end it "should not fail for valueless footnotes" do myHuh = ValuePoint.new("missing") myHuh.blueprint.should == "value «missing» \n«missing»" end end end