# encoding: utf-8 module Wice # Instance of `GridRenderer` is injected into the top level block of the `grid` helper. # `g.column`, `g.action_column` are all examples of methods of `GridRenderer` class GridRenderer include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper # a Proc object for the after_row block attr_reader :after_row_handler # a Proc object for the before_row block attr_reader :before_row_handler # a Proc object for the replace_row block attr_reader :replace_row_handler # Configuration or a Proc object for the blank_slate block attr_reader :blank_slate_handler # a Proc object which returns contents of the last row attr_reader :last_row_handler # reference to the WiceGrid instance attr_reader :grid # Contents of attr_reader :kaption # HTTP parameter for the order field ORDER_PARAMETER_NAME = 'order' # HTTP parameter for the order direction (asc/desc) ORDER_DIRECTION_PARAMETER_NAME = 'order_direction' def initialize(grid, view) #:nodoc: @grid = grid @grid.renderer = self @columns = [] @columns_table = {} @action_column_present = false @view = view end def config #:nodoc: @view.config end def controller #:nodoc: @view.controller end def add_column(vc) #:nodoc: @columns_table[vc.fully_qualified_attribute_name] = vc if vc.attribute @columns << vc end def [](k) #:nodoc: @columns_table[k] end def number_of_columns(filter = nil) #:nodoc: filter_columns(filter).size end def each_column_label(filter = nil) #:nodoc: filter_columns(filter).each { |col| yield col.name } end def column_labels(filter = nil) #:nodoc: filter_columns(filter).collect(&:name) end def each_column(filter = nil) #:nodoc: filter_columns(filter).each { |col| yield col } end def each_column_aware_of_one_last_one(filter = nil) #:nodoc: cols = filter_columns(filter) cols[0..-2].each { |col| yield col, false } yield cols.last, true end def last_column_for_html #:nodoc: filter_columns(:in_html).last end def select_for(filter) #:nodoc: filter_columns(filter).select { |col| yield col } end def find_one_for(filter) #:nodoc: filter_columns(filter).find { |col| yield col } end def each_column_with_attribute #:nodoc: @columns.select(&:attribute).each { |col| yield col } end alias_method :each, :each_column include Enumerable def csv_export_icon #:nodoc: content_tag( :div, content_tag(:i, '', class: 'fa fa-file-excel-o'), title: NlMessage['csv_export_tooltip'], class: 'clickable export-to-csv-button' ) end def pagination_panel(number_of_columns, hide_csv_button) #:nodoc: panel = yield render_csv_button = @grid.export_to_csv_enabled && !hide_csv_button if panel.nil? if render_csv_button "#{csv_export_icon}" else '' end else if render_csv_button "#{panel}#{csv_export_icon}" else "#{panel}" end end end # Takes one argument and adds the tag to the table with the # argument value as the contents of . def caption(kaption) @kaption = kaption end # Adds a column with checkboxes for each record. Useful for actions with multiple records, for example, deleting # selected records. Please note that +action_column+ only creates the checkboxes and the 'Select All' and # 'Deselect All' buttons, and the form itelf as well as processing the parameters should be taken care of # by the application code. # # * :param_name - The name of the HTTP parameter. # The complete HTTP parameter is "#{grid_name}[#{param_name}][]". # The default param_name is 'selected'. # * :html - a hash of HTML attributes to be included into the td tag. # * :select_all_buttons - show/hide buttons 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' in the column header. # The default is +true+. # * :object_property - a method used to obtain the value for the HTTP parameter. The default is +id+. # * :html_check_box - can be used to switch from a real check box to two images. The default is +true+. # # You can hide a certain action checkbox if you add the usual block to +g.action_column+, just like with the # +g.column+ definition. If the block returns +nil+ or +false+ no checkbox will be rendered. def action_column(opts = {}, &block) if @action_column_present fail Wice::WiceGridException.new('There can be only one action column in a WiceGrid') end options = { param_name: :selected, html: {}, select_all_buttons: true, object_property: :id, html_check_box: true } opts.assert_valid_keys(options.keys) options.merge!(opts) @action_column_present = true column_processor_klass = Columns.get_view_column_processor(:action) @columns << column_processor_klass.new( @grid, options[:html], options[:param_name], options[:select_all_buttons], options[:object_property], options[:html_check_box], @view, block ) end # Defines everything related to a column in a grid - column name, filtering, rendering cells, etc. # # +column+ is only used inside the block of the +grid+ method. See documentation for the +grid+ method for more details. # # The only parameter is a hash of options. None of them is optional. If no options are supplied, the result will be a # column with no name, no filtering and no sorting. # # * :name - Name of the column. # * :html - a hash of HTML attributes to be included into the td tag. # * :class - a shortcut for html: {class: 'css_class'} # * :attribute - name of a database column (which normally correspond to a model attribute with the # same name). By default the field is assumed to belong to the default table (see documentation for the # +initialize_grid+ method). Parameter :assoc (association) allows to specify another joined table. Presence of # this parameter # * adds sorting capabilities by this field # * automatically creates a filter based on the type of the field unless parameter :filter is set to false. # The following filters exist for the following types: # * string - a text field # * integer and float - two text fields to specify the range. Both limits or only one # can be specified # * boolean - a dropdown list with 'yes', 'no', or '-'. These labels can be changed in # lib/wice_grid_config.rb. # * date - two sets of standard date dropdown lists so specify the time range. # * datetime - two sets of standard datetime dropdown lists so specify the time range. This filter # is far from being user-friendly due to the number of dropdown lists. # * :filter - Disables filters when set to false. # This is needed if sorting is required while filters are not. # * :filter_type - Using a column filter different from the default filter chosen automatically based on the # data type or the :custom_filter argument. See lib/columns/column_processor_index.rb for the # list of available filters. # * :ordering - Enable/disable ordering links in the column titles. The default is +true+ # (i.e. if :attribute is defined, ordering is enabled) # * :assoc - Name of the model association. :attribute belongs to the table joined via this association. # * :table_alias - In case there are two joined assocations both referring to the same table, ActiveRecord # constructs a query where the second join provides an alias for the joined table. Setting :table_alias # to this alias will enable WiceGrid to order and filter by columns belonging to different associatiations but # originating from the same table without confusion. See README for an example. # * :custom_filter - Allows to construct a custom dropdown filter. Depending on the value of # :custom_filter different modes are available: # * array of strings and/or numbers - this is a direct definition of possible values of the dropdown. # Every item will be used both as the value of the select option and as its label. # * Array of two-element arrays - Every first item of the two-element array is used for the label of the select option # while the second element is the value of the select option # * Hash - The keys of the hash become the labels of the generated dropdown list, # while the values will be values of options of the dropdown list: # * :auto - a powerful option which populates the dropdown list with all unique values of the field specified by # :attribute and :model. # :attribute throughout all pages. In other words, this runs an SQL query without +offset+ and +limit+ # clauses and with distinct(table.field) instead of distinct(*) # * any other symbol name (method name) - The dropdown list is populated by all unique value returned by the # method with this name sent to all ActiveRecord objects throughout all pages. The main difference # from :auto is that this method does not have to be a field in the result set, it is just some # value computed in the method after the database call and ActiveRecord instantiation. # # But here lies the major drawback - this mode requires additional query without +offset+ and +limit+ # clauses to instantiate _all_ ActiveRecord objects, and performance-wise it brings all the advantages # of pagination to nothing. Thus, memory- and performance-wise this can be really bad for some queries # and tables and should be used with care. # # If the method returns a atomic value like a string or an integer, it is used for both the value and the # label of the select option element. However, if the retuned value is a two element array, the first element # is used for the option label and the second - for the value. # Read more in README, section 'Custom dropdown filters' # * An array of symbols (method names) - similar to the mode with a single symbol name. The first method name # is sent to the ActiveRecord object if it responds to this method, the second method name is sent to the # returned value unless it is +nil+, and so on. In other words, a single symbol mode is a # case of an array of symbols where the array contains just one element. Thus the warning about the single method name # mode applies here as well. # # If the last method returns a atomic value like a string or an integer, it is used for both the value and the # label of the select option element. # However, if the retuned value is a two element array, the first element is used for the option label and the # second - for the value. # Read more in README, section 'Custom dropdown filters' # * :boolean_filter_true_label - overrides the label for true in the boolean filter (wice_grid.boolean_filter_true_label in wice_grid.yml). # * :boolean_filter_false_label - overrides the label for false in the boolean filter (wice_grid.boolean_filter_false_label in wice_grid.yml). # * :allow_multiple_selection - enables or disables switching between single and multiple selection modes for # custom dropdown boxes. +true+ by default (see +ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SELECTION+ in the configuration file). # * :filter_all_label - overrides the default value for BOOLEAN_FILTER_FALSE_LABEL ('--') # in the config. Has effect in a column with a boolean filter _or_ a custom filter. # * :detach_with_id - allows to detach the filter and render it after or before the grid with the # +grid_filter+ helper. The value is an arbitrary unique identifier # of the filter. Read section 'Detached Filters' in README for details. # Has effect in a column with a boolean filter _or_ a custom filter. # * :in_csv - When CSV export is enabled, all columns are included into the export. Setting :in_csv # to false will prohibit the column from inclusion into the export. # * :in_html - When CSV export is enabled and it is needed to use a column for CSV export only and ignore it # in HTML, set this parameter to false. # * :negation - turn on/off the negation checkbox in string filters # * :auto_reload - a boolean value specifying if a change in a filter triggers reloading of the grid. Works with all # filter types including the JS calendar, the only exception is the standard Rails date/datetime filters. # The default is false. (see +AUTO_RELOAD+ in the configuration file). # # The block parameter is an ActiveRecord instance. This block is called for every ActiveRecord shown, and the return # value of the block is a string which becomes the contents of one table cell, or an array of two elements where # the first element is the cell contents and the second is a hash of HTML attributes to be added for the # tag of the current cell. # # In case of an array output, please note that if you need to define HTML attributes for all 's in a # column, use +html+. Also note that if the method returns a hash with a :class or 'class' # element, it will not overwrite the class defined in +html+, or classes added by the grid itself # (+active-filter+ and +sorted+), instead they will be all concatenated: # # # It is up to the developer to make sure that what in rendered in column cells # corresponds to sorting and filtering specified by parameters :attribute and :model. def column(opts = {}, &block) options = { allow_multiple_selection: ConfigurationProvider.value_for(:ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SELECTION), assoc: nil, attribute: nil, auto_reload: ConfigurationProvider.value_for(:AUTO_RELOAD), boolean_filter_false_label: NlMessage['boolean_filter_false_label'], boolean_filter_true_label: NlMessage['boolean_filter_true_label'], class: nil, custom_filter: nil, detach_with_id: nil, filter: true, filter_all_label: ConfigurationProvider.value_for(:CUSTOM_FILTER_ALL_LABEL), filter_type: nil, html: {}, in_csv: true, in_html: true, model: nil, # will throw an exception with instructions name: '', negation: ConfigurationProvider.value_for(:NEGATION_IN_STRING_FILTERS), ordering: true, table_alias: nil } opts.assert_valid_keys(options.keys) options.merge!(opts) assocs = nil if options[:model] fail WiceGridArgumentError.new('Instead of specifying a model of a joined table please use assoc: :name_of_association') end unless options[:assoc].nil? unless options[:assoc].is_a?(Symbol) || (options[:assoc].is_a?(Array) && ! options[:assoc].empty? && options[:assoc].all?{ |assoc| assoc.is_a?(Symbol)}) fail WiceGridArgumentError.new('Option :assoc can only be a symbol or an array of symbols') end assocs = options[:assoc].is_a?(Symbol) ? [options[:assoc]] : options[:assoc] options[:model] = get_model_from_associations(@grid.klass, assocs) end if options[:attribute].nil? && options[:model] fail WiceGridArgumentError.new('Option :assoc is only used together with :attribute') end if options[:attribute] && options[:attribute].index('.') fail WiceGridArgumentError.new("Invalid attribute name #{options[:attribute]}. An attribute name must not contain a table name!") end if options[:class] options[:html] ||= {} Wice::WgHash.add_or_append_class_value!(options[:html], options[:class]) options.delete(:class) end if block.nil? if !options[:attribute].blank? if assocs.nil? block = ->(obj) { obj.send(options[:attribute]) } else messages = assocs + [ options[:attribute] ] block = ->(obj) { obj.deep_send(*messages) } end else fail WiceGridArgumentError.new( 'Missing column block without attribute defined. You can only omit the block if attribute is present.') end end klass = Columns::ViewColumn if options[:attribute] && col_type_and_table_name = @grid.declare_column( column_name: options[:attribute], model: options[:model], custom_filter_active: options[:custom_filter], table_alias: options[:table_alias], filter_type: options[:filter_type], assocs: assocs ) # [ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractMysqlAdapter::Column, String, Boolean] db_column, table_name, main_table = col_type_and_table_name col_type = db_column.type if options[:custom_filter] custom_filter = if options[:custom_filter] == :auto -> { @grid.distinct_values_for_column(db_column) } # Thank God Ruby has higher order functions!!! elsif options[:custom_filter].class == Symbol -> { @grid.distinct_values_for_column_in_resultset([options[:custom_filter]]) } elsif options[:custom_filter].class == Hash options[:custom_filter].keys options[:custom_filter].to_a elsif options[:custom_filter].class == Array if options[:custom_filter].empty? [] elsif Wice::WgEnumerable.all_items_are_of_class(options[:custom_filter], Symbol) -> { @grid.distinct_values_for_column_in_resultset(options[:custom_filter]) } elsif Wice::WgEnumerable.all_items_are_of_class(options[:custom_filter], String) || WgEnumerable.all_items_are_of_class(options[:custom_filter], Numeric) options[:custom_filter].map { |i| [i, i] } elsif Wice::WgEnumerable.all_items_are_of_class(options[:custom_filter], Array) options[:custom_filter] else fail WiceGridArgumentError.new( ':custom_filter can equal :auto, an array of string and/or numbers (direct values for the dropdown), ' \ 'a homogeneous array of symbols (a sequence of methods to send to AR objects in the result set to ' \ 'retrieve unique values for the dropdown), a Symbol (a shortcut for a one member array of symbols), ' \ 'a hash where keys are labels and values are values for the dropdown option, or an array of two-item arrays, ' \ 'each of which contains the label (first element) and the value (second element) for a dropdown option' ) end end klass = Columns.get_view_column_processor(:custom) elsif options[:filter_type] klass = Columns.get_view_column_processor(options[:filter_type]) else col_type = case col_type when :date Wice::Defaults::DEFAULT_FILTER_FOR_DATE when :datetime Wice::Defaults::DEFAULT_FILTER_FOR_DATETIME when :timestamp Wice::Defaults::DEFAULT_FILTER_FOR_DATETIME else col_type end klass = Columns.get_view_column_processor(col_type) end # custom_filter end # attribute vc = klass.new(block, options, @grid, table_name, main_table, custom_filter, @view) vc.negation = options[:negation] if vc.respond_to? :negation= vc.filter_all_label = options[:filter_all_label] if vc.is_a?(Columns.get_view_column_processor(:custom)) if vc.is_a?(Columns.get_view_column_processor(:boolean)) vc.boolean_filter_true_label = options[:boolean_filter_true_label] vc.boolean_filter_false_label = options[:boolean_filter_false_label] end add_column(vc) end def get_model_from_associations(model, assocs) # :nodoc: if assocs.empty? model else head = assocs[0] tail = assocs[1..-1] if reflection = model.reflect_on_association(head) next_model = reflection.klass get_model_from_associations(next_model, tail) else fail WiceGridArgumentError.new("Association #{head} not found in #{model}") end end end # Optional method inside the +grid+ block, to which every ActiveRecord instance is injected, just like +column+. # Unlike +column+, it returns a hash which will be used as HTML attributes for the row with the given ActiveRecord instance. # # Note that if the method returns a hash with a :class or 'class' element, it will not overwrite # classes +even+ and +odd+, instead they will be concatenated: def row_attributes(&block) @row_attributes_handler = block end # Can be used to add HTML code (another row, for example) right after each grid row. # Nothing is added if the block return +false+ or +nil+. def after_row(&block) @after_row_handler = block end # Can be used to add HTML code (another row, for example) right before each grid row. # Nothing is added if the block return +false+ or +nil+. def before_row(&block) @before_row_handler = block end # Can be used to replace the HTML code (for example to make a multi-column spanning row) of a row. # Nothing is replaced if the block return +false+ or +nil+. def replace_row(&block) @replace_row_handler = block end # Can be used to add HTML code (calculation results, for example) after all rows. # Nothing is added if the block return +false+ or +nil+. def last_row(&block) @last_row_handler = block end # The output of the block submitted to +blank_slate+ is rendered instead of the whole grid if no filters are active # and there are no records to render. # In addition to the block style two other variants are accepted: # * g.blank_slate "some text to be rendered" # * g.blank_slate partial: "partial_name" def blank_slate(opts = nil, &block) if (opts.is_a?(Hash) && opts.key?(:partial) && block.nil?) || (opts.is_a?(String) && block.nil?) @blank_slate_handler = opts elsif opts.nil? && block @blank_slate_handler = block else fail WiceGridArgumentError.new("blank_slate accepts only a string, a block, or template: 'path_to_template' ") end end def get_row_attributes(ar_object) #:nodoc: if @row_attributes_handler row_attributes = @row_attributes_handler.call(ar_object) row_attributes = {} if row_attributes.blank? unless row_attributes.is_a?(Hash) fail WiceGridArgumentError.new("row_attributes block must return a hash containing HTML attributes. The returned value is #{row_attributes.inspect}") end row_attributes else {} end end def no_filter_needed? #:nodoc: !@columns.inject(false) { |a, b| a || b.filter_shown? } end def no_filter_needed_in_main_table? #:nodoc: !@columns.inject(false) { |a, b| a || b.filter_shown_in_main_table? } end def base_link_for_filter(controller, extra_parameters = {}) #:nodoc: new_params = Wice::WgHash.deep_clone controller.params new_params.merge!(extra_parameters) if new_params[@grid.name] new_params[@grid.name].delete(:page) # we reset paging here new_params[@grid.name].delete(:f) # no filter for the base url new_params[@grid.name].delete(:foc) # nullify the focus new_params[@grid.name].delete(:q) # and no request for the saved query end new_params[:only_path] = false base_link_with_pp_info = omit_empty_query controller.url_for(new_params) if new_params[@grid.name] new_params[@grid.name].delete(:pp) # and reset back to pagination if show all mode is on end [base_link_with_pp_info, omit_empty_query(controller.url_for(new_params))] end def link_for_export(controller, format, extra_parameters = {}) #:nodoc: new_params = Wice::WgHash.deep_clone controller.params new_params.merge!(extra_parameters) new_params[@grid.name] = {} unless new_params[@grid.name] new_params[@grid.name][:export] = format new_params[:only_path] = false controller.url_for(new_params) end def column_link(column, direction, params, extra_parameters = {}) #:nodoc: column_attribute_name = if column.attribute.index('.') || column.main_table column.attribute else column.table_alias_or_table_name + '.' + column.attribute end query_params = { @grid.name => { ORDER_PARAMETER_NAME => column_attribute_name, ORDER_DIRECTION_PARAMETER_NAME => direction } } cleaned_params = Wice::WgHash.deep_clone params cleaned_params.merge!(extra_parameters) cleaned_params.delete(:controller) cleaned_params.delete(:action) query_params = Wice::WgHash.rec_merge(cleaned_params, query_params) '?' + query_params.to_query end protected def filter_columns(method_name = nil) #:nodoc: method_name ? @columns.select(&method_name) : @columns end def omit_empty_query(url) #:nodoc: # /foo? --> /foo # /foo?grid= --> /foo # /foo?grid=&page=1 --> /foo?page=1 # /foo?grid=some_value --> /foo?grid=some_value empty_hash_rx = Regexp.new "([&?])#{Regexp.escape @grid.name}=([&?]|$)" # c.f., issue #140 url.gsub(empty_hash_rx, '\1').gsub(/\?+$/, '') end end end