# encoding: utf-8
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator
# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
# regenerated.
module Azure::ARM::Web
module Models
# Resource validation request content.
class ValidateRequest
include MsRestAzure
# @return [String] Resource name to verify.
attr_accessor :name
# @return [ValidateResourceTypes] Resource type used for verification.
# Possible values include: 'ServerFarm', 'Site'
attr_accessor :type
# @return [String] Expected location of the resource.
attr_accessor :location
# @return [String] ARM resource ID of an App Service plan that would host
# the app.
attr_accessor :server_farm_id
# @return [String] Name of the target SKU for the App Service plan.
attr_accessor :sku_name
# @return [Boolean] true
if App Service plan is for Linux
# workers; otherwise, false
attr_accessor :need_linux_workers
# @return [Integer] Target capacity of the App Service plan (number of
# VM's).
attr_accessor :capacity
# @return [String] Name of App Service Environment where app or App
# Service plan should be created.
attr_accessor :hosting_environment
# Mapper for ValidateRequest class as Ruby Hash.
# This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
def self.mapper()
required: false,
serialized_name: 'ValidateRequest',
type: {
name: 'Composite',
class_name: 'ValidateRequest',
model_properties: {
name: {
required: true,
serialized_name: 'name',
type: {
name: 'String'
type: {
required: true,
serialized_name: 'type',
type: {
name: 'String'
location: {
required: true,
serialized_name: 'location',
type: {
name: 'String'
server_farm_id: {
required: false,
serialized_name: 'properties.serverFarmId',
type: {
name: 'String'
sku_name: {
required: false,
serialized_name: 'properties.skuName',
type: {
name: 'String'
need_linux_workers: {
required: false,
serialized_name: 'properties.needLinuxWorkers',
type: {
name: 'Boolean'
capacity: {
required: false,
serialized_name: 'properties.capacity',
constraints: {
InclusiveMinimum: 1
type: {
name: 'Number'
hosting_environment: {
required: false,
serialized_name: 'properties.hostingEnvironment',
type: {
name: 'String'