/* Lesli Copyright (c) 2023, Lesli Technologies, S. A. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. Lesli · Ruby on Rails SaaS Development Framework. Made with ♥ by https://www.lesli.tech Building a better future, one line of code at a time. @contact hello@lesli.tech @website https://www.lesli.tech @license GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html // · ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ // · */ // · Loading core framework and libraries import { createPinia } from "pinia" import { createApp, nextTick } from "vue" import { createWebHistory, createRouter } from "vue-router"; import debug from "lesli-js/debug/browser" // custom console.log implementation for Lesli window.debug = debug // · Loading application layout components import lesliApplicationHeader from "Lesli/layouts/application-header.vue" import lesliApplicationEngines from "Lesli/layouts/application-engines.vue" import lesliApplicationContainer from "Lesli/layouts/application-container.vue" import lesliApplicationComponent from "Lesli/layouts/application-component.vue" /* import componentApplicationFooter from "Lesli/layouts/application-footer.vue" import componentApplicationSearch from "Lesli/layouts/application-search.vue" import componentApplicationSidebar from "Lesli/layouts/application-sidebar.vue" import componentApplicationAnnouncement from "Lesli/layouts/application-announcements.vue" import componentApplicationPanelTasks from "Lesli/panels/panel-tasks.vue" import componentApplicationPanelFiles from "Lesli/panels/panel-files.vue" import componentApplicationPanelTickets from "Lesli/panels/panel-tickets.vue" import componentApplicationPanelProfile from "Lesli/panels/panel-profile.vue" import componentApplicationPanelNotifications from "Lesli/panels/panel-notifications.vue" import componentApplicationPanelAnnouncements from "Lesli/panels/panel-announcements.vue" */ // · Loading global layout components import { // lesliElementAutocomplete, // lesliElementAvatar, LesliButton, // lesliElementButtonLink, // lesliElementCalendar, LesliCard, // lesliElementCollapse, LesliColumn, LesliColumns, LesliControl, // lesliElementDropdown, LesliEmpty, LesliForm, LesliHeader, // lesliElementIcon, // lesliElementInput, // lesliElementInputTag, LesliLink, LesliLoading, // lesliElementMap, // lesliElementNavbar, // lesliElementFileUploader, // lesliElementNavigationList, LesliPagination, LesliPanel, LesliSelect, LesliTable, LesliTabs, LesliTabItem, LesliToggle, LesliToolbar } from "lesli-vue/elements" // · Loading vue/pinia plugins as composables import { useLesliMsg, useLesliUrl, useLesliDate, useLesliHttp, useLesliUtils, useLesliDialog } from "lesli-vue/composables" // · engine: List of controllers apps loaded // · routes: Array of routes for Vue // · example: app("CloudAudit", []) export default (engine, routes=[]) => { // · Base path for the engines/core url's const base_path = "/"; // · Vue app configuration container let appbuilder = { } // · Loading Lesli local layout components appbuilder["components"] = { "lesli-application-header": lesliApplicationHeader, "lesli-application-engines": lesliApplicationEngines, /* "application-component-footer": componentApplicationFooter, "application-component-search": componentApplicationSearch, "application-component-sidebar": componentApplicationSidebar, "application-component-announcements": componentApplicationAnnouncement, "application-component-panel-tasks": componentApplicationPanelTasks, "application-component-panel-files": componentApplicationPanelFiles, "application-component-panel-tickets": componentApplicationPanelTickets, "application-component-panel-profile": componentApplicationPanelProfile, "application-component-panel-announcements": componentApplicationPanelAnnouncements, "application-component-panel-notifications": componentApplicationPanelNotifications */ } // · Use pinia as app state management const pinia = createPinia() // · Loading pinia handmade plugins pinia.use(() => ({ msg: useLesliMsg() })) pinia.use(() => ({ url: useLesliUrl() })) pinia.use(() => ({ http: useLesliHttp() })) pinia.use(() => ({ date: useLesliDate() })) pinia.use(() => ({ utils: useLesliUtils() })) pinia.use(() => ({ dialog: useLesliDialog() })) // · Global vue router const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(base_path), routes: routes.map(route => { // concat the base path to all routes // this allow to use the rails route constants // example: projects_path is equal to /crm/projects route.path = base_path.concat(lesli.engine_paths[engine]).concat(route.path) return route }) }) // · router.afterEach((to, from) => { // Use next tick to handle router history correctly nextTick(() => { // update the page title according to the working app document.title = `${lesli?.company?.name} · ${(to.path.substring(1) || 'Dashboard')}`; // default class for the specific instance document.body.className = lesli?.instance // using the path as class id for the body // the class will be: "engine-controller" var cssclass = to.path .substring(1) // remove the first slash .split("/") // create an array splited by slashes .filter(e => e != "") // remove empty strings .slice(0, 2) // get the first two items of the array .join("-"); // create a string joined by dashes // add the css class to the body if (cssclass) { document.body.classList.add("lesli-".concat(cssclass)) } }) }) // · Create a beautiful Vue 3 app const application = createApp(appbuilder) // · Provide composables to make them available in all the components application.provide('msg', useLesliMsg()) application.provide('url', useLesliUrl()) application.provide('http', useLesliHttp()) application.provide('date', useLesliDate()) application.provide('utils', useLesliUtils()) application.provide('dialog', useLesliDialog()) // · Extending vue application.use(pinia) application.use(router) // · Register global layouts application.component("lesli-application-container", lesliApplicationContainer) application.component("lesli-application-component", lesliApplicationComponent) // · Loading Lesli handmade global components // application.component("lesli-icon", lesliElementIcon) application.component("lesli-empty", LesliEmpty) application.component("lesli-header", LesliHeader) application.component("lesli-select", LesliSelect) application.component("lesli-toolbar", LesliToolbar) application.component("lesli-loading", LesliLoading) application.component("lesli-table", LesliTable) // application.component("lesli-collapse", lesliElementCollapse) application.component("lesli-column", LesliColumn) application.component("lesli-columns", LesliColumns) application.component("lesli-card", LesliCard) application.component("lesli-control", LesliControl) application.component("lesli-tabs", LesliTabs) application.component("lesli-tab-item", LesliTabItem) application.component("lesli-panel", LesliPanel) application.component("lesli-button", LesliButton) // application.component("lesli-button-link", lesliElementButtonLink) // application.component("lesli-calendar", lesliElementCalendar) // application.component("lesli-input-tag", lesliElementInputTag) // application.component("lesli-file-uploader", lesliElementFileUploader) // application.component("lesli-navigation-list", lesliElementNavigationList) // application.component("lesli-avatar", lesliElementAvatar) application.component("lesli-toggle", LesliToggle) // application.component("lesli-dropdown", lesliElementDropdown) // application.component("lesli-map", lesliElementMap) // //application.component("lesli-gallery", lesliElementGallery) // application.component("lesli-autocomplete", lesliElementAutocomplete) application.component("lesli-pagination", LesliPagination) application.component("lesli-form", LesliForm) // application.component("lesli-input", lesliElementInput) application.component("lesli-link", LesliLink) // · Mount app once DOM is ready document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { // · mount the app on the main html tag application.mount("#lesli-application") // · development message about vue app loaded if (lesli_application_development) { debug.info(`${engine} --> ${lesli.engine_paths[engine]}`, "vue/application") } // · console production message if (lesli_application_production) { console.clear() debug.lesli_message_warning(lesli?.company?.name) debug.info("Lesli application", lesli_application_version) } }); return application; }