module Squib class Deck # Renders a png file at the given location. # # See {file:samples/image.rb samples/image.rb} and {file:samples/tgc-overlay.rb samples/tgc-overlay.rb} as examples. # @example # png file: 'img.png', x: 50, y: 50 # # @option opts range [Enumerable, :all] (:all) the range of cards over which this will be rendered. See { Specifying Ranges} # @option opts file [String] ((empty)) file(s) to read in. If it's a single file, then it's use for every card in range. If the parameter is an Array of files, then each file is looked up for each card. If any of them are nil or '', nothing is done. See { Specifying Files}. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts x [Integer] (0) the x-coordinate to place. Supports Arrays, see {file:README#Arrays_and_Singleton_Expansion Arrays and Singleon Expansion}. Supports Unit Conversion, see { Units}. # @option opts y [Integer] (0) the y-coordinate to place. Supports Arrays, see {file:README#Arrays_and_Singleton_Expansion Arrays and Singleon Expansion}. Supports Unit Conversion, see { Units}. # @option opts width [Integer] (:native) the pixel width that the image should scale to. Scaling PNGs is not recommended for professional-looking cards. When set to `:native`, uses the DPI and units of the loaded SVG document. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion}. Supports Unit Conversion, see { Units}. # @option opts height [Integer] (:native) the pixel width that the image should scale to. Scaling PNGs is not recommended for professional-looking cards. When set to `:native`, uses the DPI and units of the loaded SVG document. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion}. Supports Unit Conversion, see { Units}. # @option opts layout [String, Symbol] (nil) entry in the layout to use as defaults for this command. See { Custom Layouts}. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts alpha [Decimal] (1.0) the alpha-transparency percentage used to blend this image. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts blend [:none, :multiply, :screen, :overlay, :darken, :lighten, :color_dodge, :color_burn, :hard_light, :soft_light, :difference, :exclusion, :hsl_hue, :hsl_saturation, :hsl_color, :hsl_luminosity] (:none) the composite blend operator used when applying this image. See Blend Modes at Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts angle [FixNum] (0) Rotation of the in radians. Note that this rotates around the upper-left corner, making the placement of x-y coordinates slightly tricky. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts mask [String] (nil) If specified, the image will be used as a mask for the given color/gradient. Transparent pixels are ignored, opaque pixels are the given color. Note: the origin for gradient coordinates is at the given x,y, not at 0,0 as it is most other places. # @return [nil] Returns nil # @api public def png(opts = {}) opts = needs(opts, [:range, :files, :x, :y, :width, :height, :alpha, :layout, :blend, :angle, :mask]) Dir.chdir(@img_dir) do @progress_bar.start('Loading PNG(s)', opts[:range].size) do |bar| opts[:range].each do |i| @cards[i].png(opts[:file][i], opts[:x][i], opts[:y][i], opts[:width][i], opts[:height][i], opts[:alpha][i], opts[:blend][i], opts[:angle][i], opts[:mask][i]) bar.increment end end end end # Renders an entire svg file at the given location. Uses the SVG-specified units and DPI to determine the pixel width and height. # # See {file:samples/load-images.rb samples/load-images.rb} and {file:samples/tgc-overlay.rb samples/tgc-overlay.rb} as examples. # @example # svg 1..2, 'icon.svg', '#stone', x: 50, y:50 # # @option opts range [Enumerable, :all] (:all) the range of cards over which this will be rendered. See { Specifying Ranges} # @option opts file [String] ('') file(s) to read in. If it's a single file, then it's use for every card in range. If the parameter is an Array of files, then each file is looked up for each card. If any of them are nil or '', nothing is done. See { Specifying Files}. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts id [String] (nil) if set, then only render the SVG element with the given id. Prefix '#' is optional. Note: the x-y coordinates are still relative to the SVG document's page. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts force_id [Boolean] (false) if set, then this svg will not be rendered at all if the id is empty or nil. If not set, the entire SVG is rendered. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts x [Integer] (0) the x-coordinate to place. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion}. Supports Unit Conversion, see { Units}. # @option opts y [Integer] (0) the y-coordinate to place. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion}. Supports Unit Conversion, see { Units}. # @option opts width [Integer] (:native) the pixel width that the image should scale to. SVG scaling is done with vectors, so the scaling should be smooth. When set to `:native`, uses the DPI and units of the loaded SVG document. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion}. Supports Unit Conversion, see { Units}. # @option opts height [Integer] (:native) the pixel width that the image should scale to. SVG scaling is done with vectors, so the scaling should be smooth. When set to `:native`, uses the DPI and units of the loaded SVG document. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion}. Supports Unit Conversion, see { Units}. # @option opts layout [String, Symbol] (nil) entry in the layout to use as defaults for this command. See { Custom Layouts}. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts alpha [Decimal] (1.0) the alpha-transparency percentage used to blend this image. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts blend [:none, :multiply, :screen, :overlay, :darken, :lighten, :color_dodge, :color_burn, :hard_light, :soft_light, :difference, :exclusion, :hsl_hue, :hsl_saturation, :hsl_color, :hsl_luminosity] (:none) the composite blend operator used when applying this image. See Blend Modes at Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts angle [FixNum] (0) Rotation of the in radians. Note that this rotates around the upper-left corner, making the placement of x-y coordinates slightly tricky. Supports Arrays, see { Arrays and Singleon Expansion} # @option opts mask [String] (nil) If specified, the image will be used as a mask for the given color/gradient. Transparent pixels are ignored, opaque pixels are the given color. Note: the origin for gradient coordinates is at the given x,y, not at 0,0 as it is most other places. # @return [nil] Returns nil # @api public def svg(opts = {}) p = needs(opts,[:range, :files, :svgid, :force_svgid, :x, :y, :width, :height, :layout, :alpha, :blend, :angle, :mask]) Dir.chdir(@img_dir) do @progress_bar.start('Loading SVG(s)', p[:range].size) do |bar| p[:range].each do |i| unless p[:force_id][i] && p[:id][i].to_s.empty? @cards[i].svg(p[:file][i], p[:id][i], p[:x][i], p[:y][i], p[:width][i], p[:height][i], p[:alpha][i], p[:blend][i], p[:angle][i],p[:mask][i]) end bar.increment end end end end end end