# Runnable A Ruby gem that allow programmer to control UNIX system commands as a Ruby class. # Usage All you have to do is to create a class named exactly as command and make it inherit from class Runnable. class LS < Runnable end That gives you the basics to control the execution of ```ls``` command. Now you can create an instance like this: my_command = LS.new And run the command as follows my_command.run Many other options are available; you can stop the command, kill it or look for some important information about the command and its process. Entire documentation of this gem can be generated using ```yardoc```. To do this use ```rake doc```. ## Return values Runnable uses another gems called ```Publisher```. It allow Runnable to fire events that can be processed or ignored. When a command ends its execution, Runnable always fire and event: ```:finish``` if commands finalized in a correct way or ```:fail``` if an error ocurred. In case something went wrong and a ```:fail``` events was fired, Runnable also provide an array containing the command return value as the parameter of a SystemCallError exception and optionally others exceptions ocurred at runtime. This is an example of how can we receive the return value of a command: class LS < Runnable end my_command = LS.new my_command.when :finish do puts "Everything went better than expected :)" end my_command.when :fail do |exceptions| puts "Something went wrong" exceptions.each do |exception| puts exception.message end end my_command.run ## Custom exceptions As we saw in previous chapter, if a command execution does not ends succesfully, Runnable fires a ```:fail``` event whit an exceptions array. We can add exceptions to that array based on the output of command. For example, we can controll that parameters passed to a command are valids if we know the command output for an invalid parameters. First we have to do is override the method ```exceptions``` defined in runnable as follows class LS < Runnable def exceptions { /ls: (invalid option.*)/ => ArgumentError } end end ```exceptions``` method should return a hash containing a regular expression which will be match against the command output, and a value which will be the exception added to exception array. This means that if the command output match the regular expression, a new exception will be include in ```:fail``` event parameter. # About Runnable is a gem developed by [NoSoloSoftware](http://nosolosoftware.biz). # License Runnable is Copyright 2011 NoSoloSoftware, it is free software. Runnable is distributed under GPLv3 license. More details can be found at COPYING file.