module Validatable module Macros # call-seq: validates_each(*args) # # Validates that the logic evaluates to true # # class Address # include Validatable # validates_each :zip_code, :logic => lambda {|*x| errors.add(:zip_code, "is not valid") if ZipCodeService.allows(zip_code) } # end # # The logic option is required. # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * logic - A block that executes to perform the validation # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies def validates_each(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesEach) end # call-seq: validates_format_of(*args) # # Validates whether the value of the specified attribute is of the # correct form by matching it against the regular expression provided. # # class Person # include Validatable # validates_format_of :first_name, :with => /[ A-Za-z]/ # end # # A regular expression must be provided or else an exception will be raised. # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * with - The regular expression used to validate the format # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups def validates_format_of(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesFormatOf) end # call-seq: validates_length_of(*args) # # Validates that the specified attribute matches the length restrictions supplied. # # class Person # include Validatable # validates_length_of :first_name, :maximum=>30 # validates_length_of :last_name, :minimum=>30 # end # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * minimum - The minimum size of the attribute # * maximum - The maximum size of the attribute # * is - The size the attribute must be # * within - A range that the size of the attribute must fall within # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups def validates_length_of(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesLengthOf) end # call-seq: validates_numericality_of(*args) # # Validates that the specified attribute is numeric. # # class Person # include Validatable # validates_numericality_of :age # end # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups # * only_integer - Whether the attribute must be an integer (default is false) def validates_numericality_of(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesNumericalityOf) end # call-seq: validates_acceptance_of(*args) # # Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate the acceptance of a terms of service check box (or similar agreement). Example: # # class Person # include Validatable # validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service # validates_acceptance_of :eula, :message => "must be abided" # end # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups def validates_acceptance_of(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesAcceptanceOf) end # call-seq: validates_confirmation_of(*args) # # Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate a password or email address field with a confirmation. Example: # # Class: # class PersonPresenter # include Validatable # validates_confirmation_of :user_name, :password # validates_confirmation_of :email_address, :message => "should match confirmation" # end # # View: # <%= password_field "person", "password" %> # <%= password_field "person", "password_confirmation" %> # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * case_sensitive - Whether or not to apply case-sensitivity on the comparison. Defaults to true. # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups def validates_confirmation_of(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesConfirmationOf) end # call-seq: validates_presence_of(*args) # # Validates that the specified attributes are not nil or an empty string # # class Person # include Validatable # validates_presence_of :first_name # end # # The first_name attribute must be in the object and it cannot be nil or empty. # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups def validates_presence_of(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesPresenceOf) end # call-seq: validates_true_for(*args) # # Validates that the logic evaluates to true # # class Person # include Validatable # validates_true_for :first_name, :logic => lambda {|*x| first_name == 'Jamie' } # end # # The logic option is required. # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups # * logic - A block that executes to perform the validation def validates_true_for(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesTrueFor) end def validates_exclusion_of(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesExclusionOf) end def validates_inclusion_of(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesInclusionOf) end # call-seq: validates_associated(*args) # # Checks the validity of an associated object or objects and adds a single # error if validation fails. # # class Person # include Validatable # attr_accessor :addresses # validates_associated :addresses # end # # Configuration options: # # * after_validate - A block that executes following the run of a validation # * message - The message to add to the errors collection when the validation fails # * times - The number of times the validation applies # * level - The level at which the validation should occur # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur # * group - The group that this validation belongs to. A validation can belong to multiple groups def validates_associated(*args) add_validations(args, ValidatesAssociated) end # call-seq: include_validations_from(attribute) # # Includes all the validations that are defined on the attribute. # class Person # include Validatable # validates_presence_of :name # end # # class PersonPresenter # include Validatable # include_validataions_from :person # attr_accessor :person # def name # # end # # def initialize(person) # @person = person # end # end # # presenter = # presenter.valid? #=> false # presenter.errors.on(:name) #=> "can't be blank" # # The name attribute whose validations should be added. def include_validations_from(attribute_to_validate, options = {}) validations_to_include << end # call-seq: include_errors_from(attribute_to_validate, options = {}) # # Validates the specified attributes. # class Person # include Validatable # validates_presence_of :name # attr_accessor :name # end # # class PersonPresenter # include Validatable # include_errors_from :person, :map => { :name => :namen }, :if => lambda {|*x| not person.nil? } # attr_accessor :person # # def initialize(person) # @person = person # end # end # # presenter = # presenter.valid? #=> false # presenter.errors.on(:namen) #=> "can't be blank" # # The person attribute will be validated. # If person is invalid the errors will be added to the PersonPresenter errors collection. # # Configuration options: # # * map - A hash that maps attributes of the child to attributes of the parent. # * if - A block that when executed must return true of the validation will not occur. def include_errors_from(attribute_to_validate, options = {}) children_to_validate <<, options[:map] || {}, options[:if] || lambda {|*x| true }) end def include_validations_for(attribute_to_validate, options = {}) #:nodoc: puts "include_validations_for is deprecated; use include_errors_from instead" children_to_validate <<, options[:map] || {}, options[:if] || lambda {|*x| true }) end # call-seq: before_validation(&block) # # Is called before valid? or valid_for_*? # # class Person # include Validatable # before_validation do # = "default name" # end # # attr_accessor :name # end # def before_validation(&block) before_validations << block end end end