require 'spec_helper' describe "atpay_buttons" do let(:session) { mock } let(:file_info) { 'test_data.txt' } let(:public_key) { '06zK82iu9NUUMmDiZsEvoUH25tbIE6R3R+zPnDK8YGQ=' } let(:private_key) { 'plBs9X+Zvr65z6iCa0oLNdAEGYZ85Dzf74Qy1yPTris=' } let(:options) { {partner_id: 1, public_key: public_key, private_key: private_key, amount: '12', env: :sandbox, user_data: 'aaaaaaaa'} } let(:cli_input) { "bin/atpay_buttons --amount 5.0 --private-key #{private_key} --public-key #{public_key} --partner-id #{options[:partner_id]} --subject subject --image-url imageurl --background-color color --foreground-color color --title title --wrap false --env sandbox --input #{file_info}" } let(:cli_output) {`#{cli_input}`} describe "button creation" do it "creates a string based on passed in parameters" do refute_empty(cli_output) cli_output.must_be_instance_of String end it "contains button identifier text" do cli_output.must_include 'mailto' end it "generates valid usage information" do assert_match(/--help, -h: Show this message/,`bin/atpay_buttons -h`) end #it "displays a message if the input file is missing" do # cli_output = `atpay-button-generator -n missing.txt` # assert_match(/Error: file or url for option '-n' cannot be opened: No such file or directory/, cli_output) #end end end