/** * Module dependencies. */ var should = require('../') , assert = require('assert'); function err(fn, msg) { try { fn(); should.fail('expected an error'); } catch (err) { should.equal(msg, err.message); } } module.exports = { 'test .version': function(){ should.version.should.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/); }, 'test double require': function(){ require('../').should.equal(should); }, 'test assertion': function(){ 'test'.should.be.a.string; should.equal('foo', 'foo'); }, 'test true': function(){ true.should.be.true; false.should.not.be.true; (1).should.not.be.true; err(function(){ 'test'.should.be.true; }, "expected 'test' to be true") }, 'test ok': function(){ true.should.be.ok; false.should.not.be.ok; (1).should.be.ok; (0).should.not.be.ok; err(function(){ ''.should.be.ok; }, "expected '' to be truthy"); err(function(){ 'test'.should.not.be.ok; }, "expected 'test' to be falsey"); }, 'test false': function(){ false.should.be.false; true.should.not.be.false; (0).should.not.be.false; err(function(){ ''.should.be.false; }, "expected '' to be false") }, 'test .expected and .actual': function(){ try { 'foo'.should.equal('bar'); } catch (err) { assert('foo' == err.actual, 'err.actual'); assert('bar' == err.expected, 'err.expected'); } }, 'test arguments': function(){ var args = (function(){ return arguments; })(1,2,3); args.should.be.arguments; [].should.not.be.arguments; }, 'test .equal()': function(){ var foo; should.equal(undefined, foo); }, 'test typeof': function(){ 'test'.should.be.a('string'); err(function(){ 'test'.should.not.be.a('string'); }, "expected 'test' not to be a string"); err(function(){ 'test'.should.not.be.a('string', 'foo'); }, "expected 'test' not to be a string | foo"); (5).should.be.a('number'); err(function(){ (5).should.not.be.a('number'); }, "expected 5 not to be a number"); err(function(){ (5).should.not.be.a('number', 'foo'); }, "expected 5 not to be a number | foo"); }, 'test instanceof': function(){ function Foo(){} new Foo().should.be.an.instanceof(Foo); err(function(){ (3).should.an.instanceof(Foo); }, "expected 3 to be an instance of Foo"); err(function(){ (3).should.an.instanceof(Foo, 'foo'); }, "expected 3 to be an instance of Foo | foo"); }, 'test instanceOf (non-reserved)': function(){ function Foo(){} new Foo().should.be.an.instanceOf(Foo); err(function(){ (9).should.an.instanceOf(Foo); }, "expected 9 to be an instance of Foo"); err(function(){ (9).should.an.instanceOf(Foo, 'foo'); }, "expected 9 to be an instance of Foo | foo"); }, 'test within(start, finish)': function(){ (5).should.be.within(5, 10); (5).should.be.within(3,6); (5).should.be.within(3,5); (5).should.not.be.within(1,3); err(function(){ (5).should.not.be.within(4,6); }, "expected 5 to not be within 4..6"); err(function(){ (10).should.be.within(50,100); }, "expected 10 to be within 50..100"); err(function(){ (5).should.not.be.within(4,6, 'foo'); }, "expected 5 to not be within 4..6 | foo"); err(function(){ (10).should.be.within(50,100, 'foo'); }, "expected 10 to be within 50..100 | foo"); }, 'test above(n)': function(){ (5).should.be.above(2); (5).should.be.greaterThan(2); (5).should.not.be.above(5); (5).should.not.be.above(6); err(function(){ (5).should.be.above(6); }, "expected 5 to be above 6"); err(function(){ (10).should.not.be.above(6); }, "expected 10 to be below 6"); err(function(){ (5).should.be.above(6, 'foo'); }, "expected 5 to be above 6 | foo"); err(function(){ (10).should.not.be.above(6, 'foo'); }, "expected 10 to be below 6 | foo"); }, 'test below(n)': function(){ (2).should.be.below(5); (2).should.be.lessThan(5); (5).should.not.be.below(5); (6).should.not.be.below(5); err(function(){ (6).should.be.below(5); }, "expected 6 to be below 5"); err(function(){ (6).should.not.be.below(10); }, "expected 6 to be above 10"); err(function(){ (6).should.be.below(5, 'foo'); }, "expected 6 to be below 5 | foo"); err(function(){ (6).should.not.be.below(10, 'foo'); }, "expected 6 to be above 10 | foo"); }, 'test match(regexp)': function(){ 'foobar'.should.match(/^foo/) 'foobar'.should.not.match(/^bar/) err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.match(/^bar/i) }, "expected 'foobar' to match /^bar/i"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.not.match(/^foo/i) }, "expected 'foobar' not to match /^foo/i"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.match(/^bar/i, 'foo') }, "expected 'foobar' to match /^bar/i | foo"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.not.match(/^foo/i, 'foo') }, "expected 'foobar' not to match /^foo/i | foo"); }, 'test length(n)': function(){ 'test'.should.have.length(4); 'test'.should.not.have.length(3); [1,2,3].should.have.length(3); err(function(){ (4).should.have.length(3); }, 'expected 4 to have a property \'length\''); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.not.have.length(3); }, "expected 'asd' to not have a length of 3"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.have.length(4, 'foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to have a length of 4 but got 3 | foo"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.not.have.length(3, 'foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to not have a length of 3 | foo"); }, 'test eql(val)': function(){ 'test'.should.eql('test'); ({ foo: 'bar' }).should.eql({ foo: 'bar' }); (1).should.eql(1); '4'.should.not.eql(4); err(function(){ (4).should.eql(3); }, 'expected 4 to equal 3'); err(function(){ (4).should.eql(3, "foo"); }, 'expected 4 to equal 3 | foo'); err(function(){ (3).should.not.eql(3, "foo"); }, 'expected 3 to not equal 3 | foo'); }, 'test .json': function(){ var req = { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }; req.should.be.json; var req = { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } }; req.should.be.json; }, 'test equal(val)': function(){ 'test'.should.equal('test'); (1).should.equal(1); err(function(){ (4).should.equal(3); }, 'expected 4 to equal 3'); err(function(){ '4'.should.equal(4); }, "expected '4' to equal 4"); err(function(){ (3).should.equal(4, "foo"); }, "expected 3 to equal 4 | foo"); err(function(){ (4).should.not.equal(4, "foo"); }, "expected 4 to not equal 4 | foo"); var date = new Date; date.should.equal(date); }, 'test empty': function(){ ''.should.be.empty; [].should.be.empty; ({ length: 0 }).should.be.empty; err(function(){ ({}).should.be.empty; }, 'expected {} to have a property \'length\''); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.be.empty; }, "expected 'asd' to be empty"); err(function(){ ''.should.not.be.empty; }, "expected '' not to be empty"); }, 'test property(name)': function(){ 'test'.should.have.property('length'); (4).should.not.have.property('length'); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.have.property('foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to have a property 'foo'"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.have.property('foo', undefined, 'foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to have a property 'foo' | foo"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.not.have.property('length', undefined, 'foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to not have a property 'length' | foo"); }, 'test property(name, val)': function(){ 'test'.should.have.property('length', 4); 'asd'.should.have.property('constructor', String); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.have.property('length', 4); }, "expected 'asd' to have a property 'length' of 4, but got 3"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.not.have.property('length', 3); }, "expected 'asd' to not have a property 'length' of 3"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.not.have.property('foo', 3); }, "'asd' has no property 'foo'"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.have.property('constructor', Number); }, "expected 'asd' to have a property 'constructor' of [Function: Number], but got [Function: String]"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.have.property('length', 4, 'foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to have a property 'length' of 4, but got 3 | foo"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.not.have.property('length', 3, 'foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to not have a property 'length' of 3 | foo"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.not.have.property('foo', 3, 'foo'); }, "'asd' has no property 'foo' | foo"); err(function(){ 'asd'.should.have.property('constructor', Number, 'foo'); }, "expected 'asd' to have a property 'constructor' of [Function: Number], but got [Function: String] | foo"); }, 'test ownProperty(name)': function(){ 'test'.should.have.ownProperty('length'); 'test'.should.haveOwnProperty('length'); ({ length: 12 }).should.have.ownProperty('length'); err(function(){ ({ length: 12 }).should.not.have.ownProperty('length'); }, "expected { length: 12 } to not have own property 'length'"); err(function(){ ({ length: 12 }).should.not.have.ownProperty('length', 'foo'); }, "expected { length: 12 } to not have own property 'length' | foo"); err(function(){ ({ length: 12 }).should.have.ownProperty('foo', 'foo'); }, "expected { length: 12 } to have own property 'foo' | foo"); }, 'test include() with string': function(){ 'foobar'.should.include('bar'); 'foobar'.should.include('foo'); 'foobar'.should.not.include('baz'); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.include('baz'); }, "expected 'foobar' to include 'baz'"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.not.include('bar'); }, "expected 'foobar' to not include 'bar'"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.include('baz', 'foo'); }, "expected 'foobar' to include 'baz' | foo"); err(function(){ 'foobar'.should.not.include('bar', 'foo'); }, "expected 'foobar' to not include 'bar' | foo"); }, 'test include() with array': function(){ ['foo', 'bar'].should.include('foo'); ['foo', 'bar'].should.include('foo'); ['foo', 'bar'].should.include('bar'); [1,2].should.include(1); ['foo', 'bar'].should.not.include('baz'); ['foo', 'bar'].should.not.include(1); err(function(){ ['foo'].should.include('bar'); }, "expected [ 'foo' ] to include 'bar'"); err(function(){ ['bar', 'foo'].should.not.include('foo'); }, "expected [ 'bar', 'foo' ] to not include 'foo'"); err(function(){ ['foo'].should.include('bar', 'foo'); }, "expected [ 'foo' ] to include 'bar' | foo"); err(function(){ ['bar', 'foo'].should.not.include('foo', 'foo'); }, "expected [ 'bar', 'foo' ] to not include 'foo' | foo"); }, 'test include() with object': function(){ var tobi = { name: 'Tobi', age: 2 }; var jane = { name: 'Jane', age: 2 }; var user = { name: 'TJ', pet: tobi, age: 24 }; user.should.include({ pet: tobi }); user.should.include({ pet: tobi, name: 'TJ' }); user.should.not.include({ pet: tobi, name: 'Someone else' }); user.should.not.include({ pet: jane }); user.should.not.include({ pet: jane, name: 'TJ' }); err(function(){ user.should.include({ pet: { name: 'Luna' } }); }, "expected { name: 'TJ', pet: { name: 'Tobi', age: 2 }, age: 24 } to include an object equal to { pet: { name: 'Luna' } }"); }, 'test includeEql() with array': function(){ [['foo'], ['bar']].should.includeEql(['foo']); [['foo'], ['bar']].should.includeEql(['bar']); [['foo'], ['bar']].should.not.includeEql(['baz']); [].should.not.includeEql(['baz']); err(function(){ [['foo']].should.includeEql(['bar']); }, "expected [ [ 'foo' ] ] to include an object equal to [ 'bar' ]"); err(function(){ [['foo']].should.not.includeEql(['foo']); }, "expected [ [ 'foo' ] ] to not include an object equal to [ 'foo' ]"); err(function(){ [['foo']].should.includeEql(['bar'], 'foo'); }, "expected [ [ 'foo' ] ] to include an object equal to [ 'bar' ] | foo"); err(function(){ [['foo']].should.not.includeEql(['foo'], 'foo'); }, "expected [ [ 'foo' ] ] to not include an object equal to [ 'foo' ] | foo"); }, 'test keys(array)': function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(['foo']); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.have.keys(['foo', 'bar']); ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.have.keys('foo', 'bar'); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(); }, "keys required"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys([]); }, "keys required"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.not.have.keys([]); }, "keys required"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(['bar']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to have key 'bar'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(['bar', 'baz']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to have keys 'bar', and 'baz'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.have.keys(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to have keys 'foo', 'bar', and 'baz'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.not.have.keys(['foo']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to not have key 'foo'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1 }).should.not.have.keys(['foo']); }, "expected { foo: 1 } to not have key 'foo'"); err(function(){ ({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }).should.not.have.keys(['foo', 'bar']); }, "expected { foo: 1, bar: 2 } to not have keys 'foo', and 'bar'"); }, 'test chaining': function(){ var user = { name: 'tj', pets: ['tobi', 'loki', 'jane', 'bandit'] }; user.should.have.property('pets').with.lengthOf(4); err(function(){ user.should.have.property('pets').with.lengthOf(5); }, "expected [ 'tobi', 'loki', 'jane', 'bandit' ] to have a length of 5 but got 4"); user.should.be.a('object').and.have.property('name', 'tj'); }, 'test throw()': function(){ (function(){}).should.not.throw(); (function(){ throw new Error('fail') }).should.throw(); err(function(){ (function(){}).should.throw(); }, 'expected an exception to be thrown'); err(function(){ (function(){ throw new Error('fail'); }).should.not.throw(); }, 'expected no exception to be thrown, got "fail"'); }, 'test throw() with regex message': function(){ (function(){ throw new Error('fail'); }).should.throw(/fail/); err(function(){ (function(){}).should.throw(/fail/); }, 'expected an exception to be thrown'); err(function(){ (function(){ throw new Error('error'); }).should.throw(/fail/); }, "expected an exception to be thrown with a message matching /fail/, but got 'error'"); }, 'test throw() with string message': function(){ (function(){ throw new Error('fail'); }).should.throw('fail'); err(function(){ (function(){}).should.throw('fail'); }, 'expected an exception to be thrown'); err(function(){ (function(){ throw new Error('error'); }).should.throw('fail'); }, "expected an exception to be thrown with a message matching 'fail', but got 'error'"); } };