require 'helper' require 'fluent/config/element' require "fluent/config/dsl" DSL_CONFIG_EXAMPLE = %q[ worker { hostname = "myhostname" (0..9).each { |i| source { type :tail path "/var/log/httpd/access.part#{i}.log" filter ('bar.**') { type :hoge val1 "moge" val2 ["foo", "bar", "baz"] val3 10 id :hoge subsection { foo "bar" } subsection { foo "baz" } } filter ('foo.**') { type "pass" } match ('{foo,bar}.**') { type "file" path "/var/log/httpd/access.#{hostname}.#{i}.log" } } } } ] DSL_CONFIG_EXAMPLE_WITHOUT_WORKER = %q[ hostname = "myhostname" source { type :tail path "/var/log/httpd/access.part.log" element { name "foo" } match ('{foo,bar}.**') { type "file" path "/var/log/httpd/access.full.log" } } ] DSL_CONFIG_RETURNS_NON_ELEMENT = %q[ worker { } [] ] DSL_CONFIG_WRONG_SYNTAX1 = %q[ match ] DSL_CONFIG_WRONG_SYNTAX2 = %q[ match('aa','bb'){ type :null } ] DSL_CONFIG_WRONG_SYNTAX3 = %q[ match('aa','bb') ] module Fluent::Config class TestDSLParser < ::Test::Unit::TestCase sub_test_case 'with worker tag on top level' do def setup @root = Fluent::Config::DSL::Parser.parse(DSL_CONFIG_EXAMPLE, 'dsl_config.rb') end sub_test_case '.parse' do test 'makes root element' do assert_equal('ROOT', assert_predicate(@root.arg, :empty?) assert_equal(0, @root.keys.size) end test 'makes worker element for worker tag' do assert_equal(1, @root.elements.size) worker = @root.elements.first assert_equal('worker', assert_predicate(worker.arg, :empty?) assert_equal(0, worker.keys.size) assert_equal(10, worker.elements.size) end test 'makes subsections for blocks, with variable substitution' do ele4 = @root.elements.first.elements[4] assert_equal('source', assert_predicate(ele4.arg, :empty?) assert_equal(2, ele4.keys.size) assert_equal('tail', ele4['type']) assert_equal("/var/log/httpd/access.part4.log", ele4['path']) end test 'makes user-defined sections with blocks' do filter0 = @root.elements.first.elements[4].elements.first assert_equal('filter', assert_equal('bar.**', filter0.arg) assert_equal('hoge', filter0['type']) assert_equal('moge', filter0['val1']) assert_equal(JSON.dump(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']), filter0['val2']) assert_equal('10', filter0['val3']) assert_equal('hoge', filter0['id']) assert_equal(2, filter0.elements.size) assert_equal('subsection', filter0.elements[0].name) assert_equal('bar', filter0.elements[0]['foo']) assert_equal('subsection', filter0.elements[1].name) assert_equal('baz', filter0.elements[1]['foo']) end test 'makes values with user-assigned variable substitutions' do match0 = @root.elements.first.elements[4].elements.last assert_equal('match', assert_equal('{foo,bar}.**', match0.arg) assert_equal('file', match0['type']) assert_equal('/var/log/httpd/access.myhostname.4.log', match0['path']) end end end sub_test_case 'without worker tag on top level' do def setup @root = Fluent::Config::DSL::Parser.parse(DSL_CONFIG_EXAMPLE_WITHOUT_WORKER, 'dsl_config_without_worker.rb') end sub_test_case '.parse' do test 'makes root element' do assert_equal('ROOT', assert_predicate(@root.arg, :empty?) assert_equal(0, @root.keys.size) end test 'does not make worker element implicitly because DSL configuration does not support v10 compat mode' do assert_equal(1, @root.elements.size) assert_equal('source', refute(@root.elements.find { |e| == 'worker' }) end end end sub_test_case 'with configuration that returns non element on top' do sub_test_case '.parse' do test 'does not crash' do root = Fluent::Config::DSL::Parser.parse(DSL_CONFIG_RETURNS_NON_ELEMENT, 'dsl_config_returns_non_element.rb') end end end sub_test_case 'with configuration with wrong arguments for specific elements' do sub_test_case '.parse' do test 'raises ArgumentError correctly' do assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Fluent::Config::DSL::Parser.parse(DSL_CONFIG_WRONG_SYNTAX1, 'dsl_config_wrong_syntax1') } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Fluent::Config::DSL::Parser.parse(DSL_CONFIG_WRONG_SYNTAX2, 'dsl_config_wrong_syntax1') } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Fluent::Config::DSL::Parser.parse(DSL_CONFIG_WRONG_SYNTAX3, 'dsl_config_wrong_syntax1') } end end end sub_test_case 'with ruby keyword, that provides ruby Kernel module features' do sub_test_case '.parse' do test 'can get result of by' do uname_string = `uname -a` root = Fluent::Config::DSL::Parser.parse(< from erb').result } source { version ruby_version } } DSL worker = root.elements.first assert_equal('worker', source = worker.elements.first assert_equal('source', assert_equal(1, source.keys.size) assert_equal("#{RUBY_VERSION} from erb", source['version']) end test 'raises NoMethodError when configuration DSL elements are written in ruby block' do conf = <