begin require "active_record" rescue LoadError abort "You need the activerecord gem in order to use the ActiveRecord cockpit store" end module Cockpit module AR module Support def self.included(base) base.class_eval do has_many :settings, :as => :configurable, :class_name => "::Cockpit::AR::Setting", :dependent => :destroy class << self def setting_sum(key, conditions = {}) conditions[:configurable_type] ||= self.sti_classes conditions[:key] = key if defined?(::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter) && connection.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter) select = "INTEGER" else select = "SIGNED" end select = "CAST(#{::Cockpit::AR::Setting.quoted_table_name}.value AS #{select})" Setting.sum(:value, :conditions => conditions, :select => select) end alias setting_total setting_sum def setting_average(key, conditions = {}) conditions[:configurable_type] ||= self.sti_classes conditions[:key] = key if defined?(::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter) && connection.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter) select = "INTEGER" else select = "SIGNED" end select = "CAST(#{::Cockpit::AR::Setting.quoted_table_name}.value AS #{select})" Setting.average(:value, :conditions => conditions, :select => select) end alias setting_avg setting_average def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s =~ /(total|sum|average|avg)_(\w+)/ self.send("setting_#{$1}", $2, args.extract_options!) else super(method, *args, &block) end end end unless respond_to?("get") def get(key) cockpit[key] end end unless respond_to?("set") def set(key, value) cockpit[key] = value end end end end end class Setting < ::ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'settings' belongs_to :configurable, :polymorphic => true def cockpit configurable ? configurable.cockpit : end def parsed_value value#['root'] end end class Store attr_reader :record, :cache, :context def initialize(record, context = "default") @record = record @context = context end def key?(key) !!find_setting(key) end def has_key?(key) key?(key) end def [](key) setting = find_setting(key) setting ? setting.parsed_value : nil end def []=(key, value) if record && record.new_record? setting = find_setting(key) #{:value => {'root' => value}.to_json} attributes = {:value => value.to_json}.merge(configurable_attributes) if setting setting.update_attributes!(attributes) else setting = setting.key = key record.settings << setting if record setting[:configurable_type] = attributes[:configurable_type] end @cache = nil setting.parsed_value end def delete(key) setting = find_setting(key) if setting setting.destroy setting.parsed_value record.reload if record end end def clear record.settings.destroy_all end def update_setting(setting)! do |item| == ? setting : item end if cache end def cache if record @cache ||= record.settings.all else @cache ||= Setting.all(:conditions => configurable_attributes) end @cache end private def find_setting(key) cache.detect { |i| i.key == key } end def configurable_attributes conditions = {} if record conditions[:configurable_type] = conditions[:configurable_id] = else conditions[:configurable_type] = nil conditions[:configurable_id] = nil end conditions[:context] = context conditions end end end end