module Fog
  module Storage
    class AWS
      class Real

        require 'fog/aws/parsers/storage/list_parts'

        # List parts for a multipart upload
        # @param bucket_name [String] Name of bucket to list parts for
        # @param object_name [String] Name of object to list parts for
        # @param upload_id [String] upload id to list objects for
        # @param options [Hash] config arguments for list.  Defaults to {}.
        # @option options max-parts [Integer] limits number of parts returned
        # @option options part-number-marker [String] limits parts to only those that appear lexicographically after this part number.
        # @return [Excon::Response] response:
        #   * body [Hash]:
        #     * Bucket [string] Bucket where the multipart upload was initiated
        #     * Initiator [Hash]:
        #       * DisplayName [String] Display name of upload initiator
        #       * ID [String] Id of upload initiator
        #     * IsTruncated [Boolean] Whether or not the listing is truncated
        #     * Key [String] Key where multipart upload was initiated
        #     * MaxParts [String] maximum number of replies alllowed in response
        #     * NextPartNumberMarker [String] last item in list, for further pagination
        #     * Part [Array]:
        #       * ETag [String] ETag of part
        #       * LastModified [Timestamp] Last modified for part
        #       * PartNumber [String] Part number for part
        #       * Size [Integer] Size of part
        #     * PartNumberMarker [String] Part number after which listing begins
        #     * StorageClass [String] Storage class of object
        #     * UploadId [String] upload id of upload containing part
        # @see
        def list_parts(bucket_name, object_name, upload_id, options = {})
          options['uploadId'] = upload_id
            :expects  => 200,
            :headers  => {},
            :host     => "#{bucket_name}.#{@host}",
            :idempotent => true,
            :method   => 'GET',
            :parser   =>,
            :path     => CGI.escape(object_name),
            :query    => options.merge!({'uploadId' => upload_id})
