# fluent-plugin-secure-forward
[Fluentd](http://fluentd.org) input/output plugin to forward fluentd messages over SSL with authentication.
This plugin makes you to be able to:
* protect your data from others in transferring with SSL
* with certificate signed and registered correctly
* with self-signed certificate (and generate certificate in in\_secure\_forward automatically)
* authenticate by shared\_key check from both of client(out\_secure\_forward) and server(in\_secure\_forward)
* authenticate with username / password pairs
## Installation
install with gem or fluent-gem command as:
### native gem
$ gem install fluent-plugin-secure-forward
### fluentd gem
$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-secure-forward
## Configuration
### SecureForwardInput
Default settings:
* listen
* `bind`
* `port 24285`
* allow to accept from any sources
* allow to connect without authentications
* use certificate automatically generated
* `generate_private_key_length 2048`
* `generate_cert_country US`
* `generate_cert_state CA`
* `generate_cert_locality Mountain View`
* `generate_cert_common_name SAME_WITH_SELF_HOSTNAME_PARAMETER`
Minimal configurations like below:
To check username/password from clients, like this:
To deny unknown source IP/hosts:
You can use both of username/password check and client check:
### SecureForwardOutput
Default settings:
* allow to connect server using self-signed certificates
Minimal configurations like this:
type secure_forward
shared_key secret_string
self_hostname client.fqdn.local
host server.fqdn.local # or IP
# port 24284
Without hostname ACL (and it's not implemented yet), `self_hostname` is not checked in any state. `${hostname}` placeholder is available for such cases.
type secure_forward
shared_key secret_string
self_hostname ${hostname}
host server.fqdn.local # or IP
# port 24284
When specified 2 or more ``, this plugin uses these nodes in simple round-robin order. And servers with `standby yes` will be selected until all of non-standby servers goes down.
If server requires username/password, set `username` and `password` in `` section:
type secure_forward
shared_key secret_string
self_hostname client.fqdn.local
host first.fqdn.local
hostlabel server.fqdn.local
username repeatedly
password sushi
host second.fqdn.local
hostlabel server.fqdn.local
username sasatatsu
password karaage
host standby.fqdn.local
hostlabel server.fqdn.local
username kzk
password hawaii
standby yes
Specify `hostlabel` if server (`in_forward`) have different hostname (`self_host` configuration of `in_forward`) from DNS name (`first.fqdn.local`, `second.fqdn.local` or `standby.fqdn.local`). This configuration variable will be used to check common name (CN) of certifications.
To specify keepalive timeouts, use `keepalive` configuration with seconds. SSL connection will be disconnected and re-connected for each 1 hour with configuration below. In Default (and with `keepalive 0`), connections will not be disconnected without any communication troubles. (This feature is for dns name updates, and SSL common key refreshing.)
type secure_forward
shared_key secret_string
self_hostname client.fqdn.local
keepalive 3600
host server.fqdn.local # or IP
# port 24284
## Senario (developer document)
* server
* in\_secure\_forward
* client
* out\_secure\_forward
### Setup Phase (server)
1. SSLContext
* with certificate file / private key file
1. read cert file
2. generate SSLContext object
* without certificate file
1. generate key pair
2. generate cert data
3. sign cert data with generated private key
2. shared key
* read shared key from configuration
3. username / password pairs
* read from configuration
### Setup Phase (client)
1. SSLContext
1. certificate
* with certificate file, read from file
* without certificate file, `new SSLContext` without any options
2. set SSLContext option which allow self signed key option or not
2. shared key
* read shared key from configuration
3. read server list with username / password pairs from configuration
### Handshake
1. (client) connect to server
* on SSL socket handshake, checks certificate and its significate (in client)
2. (server)
* check network/domain acl (if enabled)
* check client dns reverse lookup result (if enabled)
* disconnect when failed
3. (server) send HELO
* ['HELO', options(hash)]
* options:
* auth: string or blank\_string (string: authentication required, and its salt is this value)
* keepalive: bool (allowed or not)
4. (client) send PING
* ['PING', selfhostname, sharedkey\_salt, sha512\_hex(sharedkey\_salt + selfhostname + sharedkey), username || '', sha512\_hex(auth\_salt + username + password) || '']
5. (server) check PING
* check sharedkey
* check username / password (if required)
* send PONG FAILURE if failed
* ['PONG', false, 'reason of authentication failure', '', '']
6. (server) send PONG
* ['PONG', bool(authentication result), 'reason if authentication failed', selfhostname, sha512\_hex(salt + selfhostname + sharedkey)]
7. (client) check PONG
* check sharedkey
* disconnect when failed
8. connection established
* send data from client (until keepalive expiration)
### Data transferring
* Current version has no ACKs
* only supports burst transferring (same as ForwardInput/Output)
* ack for each message ?
* pipeline mode and one-by-one mode ?
* data sequence number in keepalive session ?
* test for non self-signed certificates
* ACK mode (protocol)
* support disabling keepalive (input/output)
* access control (input plugin)
* network acl / domain acl
* check connecting source ip and its dns reverse lookup result (for domaian acl)
* access deny on accept (against DoS)
* pluggable authentication database (input plugin)
* RDBMS, LDAP, or ...
* Authentication by clients certificate
* encryption algorithm option (output plugin)
## Copyright
* Copyright (c) 2013- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
* License
* Apache License, Version 2.0