## (December 23, 2021) - hash_ext: reworked keys_to_sym! - minor changes - deep_decode_datetime: added helper for conversion of timestrings in nested arrays and hashed - cache_client: rewritten as class - gemspec: raised activesupport to version 7 ## (December 07, 2021) - introduced cache_client as client to readcache ## (November 28, 2021) - data_client: fixing troublesome output in .command ## (November 28, 2021) - dataclient fixing = for false == - solving merge conflicts - Bump version to 0.2.2. ## (November 28, 2021) - Bump version to ## 0.2.2 (November 13, 2021) - some further improvements to DataClient - some fixes related to ib_contracts - some fixes related to DataClient ## (November 10, 2021) - Bump version to 0.2.1. ## 0.2.1 (November 10, 2021) - added new class 'dataclient' for communication with dataproxy - added .translate_ib_contract ## 0.2.0 (November 07, 2021) - added module Candlestick_Recognition - added instance_inspect method to 'scan' objects for contents of instance variables - symbols: made selection of symbols more versatile by key - added headers (:ib_symbol, :internal, :exchange, :currency) to symbol headers as well as symbol examples - added scripts/symbols to list (and filter) symbols from command line (put to PATH!) ## 0.1.10 (October 28, 2021) - added script cron_ruby_wrapper.sh (linkable as /usr/local/bin/cruw.sh) - added numeric ext .with_delimiter to support printing like 123_456_789.00121 - added micros to module - added Helpers.micros to symbols.rb - subpattern: excaping regex pattern to avoid ESC errors - minor change ## (July 24, 2021) - added missing module_functions - init: minor fix - datetime_ext: added warning comment / TODO, as switch from to daylight time will produce erroneous results - constants: minor fix (typo) - array_ext: added param to provide a default return value if result is an empty array ## (May 07, 2021) - moved 'get_id_set' to Cotcube::Helpers - minor fix to suppress some warning during build ## 0.1.9 (May 07, 2021) - added constants, init and symbols to helpers ## 0.1.8 (April 18, 2021) - datetime_ext: Date.cw provides a range of (Date..Date) representing the according calendar week ## (March 13, 2021) - hotfix on ## (March 13, 2021) - array_ext: pairwise and triplewise now support saving result in latter members []= ## (February 01, 2021) - adding #deep_freeze to Enumerable - range_ext: added #mod to modify an (actually) immutable range - simple_series_stats: minor fix ## (January 17, 2021) - bugfix ## 0.1.7 (January 17, 2021) - added new method 'simple_series_stats' ## 0.1.6 (January 15, 2021) - removing :ranges from Range#select_within - Added Array#select_right_by ## (January 02, 2021) ## (January 02, 2021) - hotfixing the hotfix (hello CI tools, c ya coming) ## (January 02, 2021) - hotfix problem in Range.to_time_intervals ## (January 02, 2021) - Hotfixing parallelize ## 0.1.5 (January 02, 2021) - applied new datetime helper to Range#to_time_intervals - added new DateTime extension, containing 'to_seconds_since_sunday_morning' - added #select_within to array_ext ## 0.1.4 (December 27, 2020) - applied cops - added README for reduce; minor changes ## 0.1.3 (December 22, 2020) - added .reduce(bars: , to: ,*args, &block) to reduce a series of bars to a higher timeframe (though only 1hour and 1day are supported yet) ## 0.1.2 (December 21, 2020) - minor changes - minor fix to parallelize and application of positional arguments - added license and README ## 0.1.1 (December 21, 2020)