# $Id$ # # Author:: Francis Cianfrocca (gmail: blackhedd) # Homepage:: http://rubyeventmachine.com # Date:: 8 April 2006 # # See EventMachine and EventMachine::Connection for documentation and # usage examples. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (C) 2006-07 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved. # Gmail: blackhedd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either: 1) the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version; or 2) Ruby's License. # # See the file COPYING for complete licensing information. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # $:.unshift "../lib" require 'eventmachine' require 'test/unit' class TestHeaderAndContentProtocol < Test::Unit::TestCase TestHost = "" TestPort = 8905 class SimpleTest < EventMachine::Protocols::HeaderAndContentProtocol attr_reader :first_header, :my_headers, :request def receive_first_header_line hdr @first_header ||= [] @first_header << hdr end def receive_headers hdrs @my_headers ||= [] @my_headers << hdrs end def receive_request hdrs, content @request ||= [] @request << [hdrs, content] end end def test_no_content the_connection = nil EventMachine.run { EventMachine.start_server( TestHost, TestPort, SimpleTest ) do |conn| the_connection = conn end EventMachine.add_timer(4) {raise "test timed out"} client = Module.new do def unbind EM.add_timer(0.1) { EM.stop } end def post_init send_data [ "aaa\n", "bbb\r\n", "ccc\n", "\n" ].join close_connection_after_writing end end EventMachine.connect( TestHost, TestPort, client ) } assert_equal( ["aaa"], the_connection.first_header ) assert_equal( [%w(aaa bbb ccc)], the_connection.my_headers ) assert_equal( [[%w(aaa bbb ccc), ""]], the_connection.request ) end def test_content the_connection = nil content = "A" * 50 headers = ["aaa", "bbb", "Content-length: #{content.length}", "ccc"] EventMachine.run { EventMachine.start_server( TestHost, TestPort, SimpleTest ) do |conn| the_connection = conn end EventMachine.add_timer(4) { assert(false, 'test timeout'); EM.stop } client = Module.new do define_method(:headers) { headers } define_method(:content) { content } def unbind EM.add_timer(0.1) { EM.stop } end def post_init headers.each { |h| send_data "#{h}\r\n" } send_data "\n" send_data content close_connection_after_writing end end EventMachine.connect( TestHost, TestPort, client ) } assert_equal( ["aaa"], the_connection.first_header ) assert_equal( [headers], the_connection.my_headers ) assert_equal( [[headers, content]], the_connection.request ) end def test_several_requests the_connection = nil content = "A" * 50 headers = ["aaa", "bbb", "Content-length: #{content.length}", "ccc"] EventMachine.run { EventMachine.start_server( TestHost, TestPort, SimpleTest ) do |conn| the_connection = conn end EventMachine.add_timer(4) { assert(false, 'test timeout'); EM.stop } client = Module.new do define_method(:headers) { headers } define_method(:content) { content } def unbind EM.add_timer(0.1) { EM.stop } end def post_init 5.times do headers.each { |h| send_data "#{h}\r\n" } send_data "\n" send_data content end close_connection_after_writing end end EventMachine.connect( TestHost, TestPort, client ) } assert_equal( ["aaa"] * 5, the_connection.first_header ) assert_equal( [headers] * 5, the_connection.my_headers ) assert_equal( [[headers, content]] * 5, the_connection.request ) end # def x_test_multiple_content_length_headers # # This is supposed to throw a RuntimeError but it throws a C++ exception instead. # the_connection = nil # content = "A" * 50 # headers = ["aaa", "bbb", ["Content-length: #{content.length}"]*2, "ccc"].flatten # EventMachine.run { # EventMachine.start_server( TestHost, TestPort, SimpleTest ) do |conn| # the_connection = conn # end # EventMachine.add_timer(4) {raise "test timed out"} # test_proc = proc { # t = TCPSocket.new TestHost, TestPort # headers.each {|h| t.write "#{h}\r\n" } # t.write "\n" # t.write content # t.close # } # EventMachine.defer test_proc, proc { # EventMachine.stop # } # } # end def test_interpret_headers the_connection = nil content = "A" * 50 headers = [ "GET / HTTP/1.0", "Accept: aaa", "User-Agent: bbb", "Host: ccc", "x-tempest-header:ddd" ] EventMachine.run { EventMachine.start_server( TestHost, TestPort, SimpleTest ) do |conn| the_connection = conn end EventMachine.add_timer(4) {raise "test timed out"} client = Module.new do define_method(:headers) { headers } define_method(:content) { content } def unbind EM.add_timer(0.1) { EM.stop } end def post_init headers.each { |h| send_data "#{h}\r\n" } send_data "\n" send_data content close_connection_after_writing end end EventMachine.connect( TestHost, TestPort, client ) } hsh = the_connection.headers_2_hash( the_connection.my_headers.shift ) expect = { :accept => "aaa", :user_agent => "bbb", :host => "ccc", :x_tempest_header => "ddd" } assert_equal(expect, hsh) end end