require 'rubygems' module Nytimes module Articles ## # The Article class represents a single article returned from the New York Times Article Search API. Note that an article can have many attributes # but these are not necessarily populated unless you explicitly request them in the reply from the server via the :fields parameter to # search (or use :fields => :all). class Article < Base RAW_FIELDS = %w(url) TEXT_FIELDS = %w(abstract author body byline lead_paragraph nytd_lead_paragraph nytd_title title) NUMERIC_FIELDS = %w(word_count) BOOLEAN_FIELDS = %w(fee small_image) IMAGE_FIELDS = %w(small_image small_image_url small_image_height small_image_width) MULTIMEDIA_FIELDS = %w(multimedia related_multimedia) ALL_FIELDS = TEXT_FIELDS + RAW_FIELDS + NUMERIC_FIELDS + BOOLEAN_FIELDS + MULTIMEDIA_FIELDS + Facet::ALL_FACETS + IMAGE_FIELDS EARLIEST_BEGIN_DATE = '19810101' attr_reader *ALL_FIELDS # special additional objects attr_reader :thumbnail # Scalar facets attr_reader :page, :column, :pub_month, :pub_year, :pub_day, :day_of_week, :desk, :date, :section_page, :source # Facets that return multiple values attr_reader :classifiers, :descriptions, :geo, :material_types, :organizations, :persons, :nytd_bylines, :nytd_descriptions, :nytd_geo, :nytd_organizations, :nytd_persons, :nytd_sections, :nytd_works_mentioned, :works_mentioned alias :people :persons alias :nytd_people :nytd_persons ## # Create a new Article from hash arguments. You really don't need to call this as Article instances are automatically returned from the API def initialize(params={}) params.each_pair do |k,v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) end end ## # Is this article available for a fee? alias :fee? :fee ## # Is this article available for free? def free? not(fee?) end ## # Creates a new Article from the a hash returned from the API. This is called on search results. You have no reason to call it. def self.init_from_api(params) article = :abstract => text_field(params['abstract']), :author => text_field(params['author']), :body => text_field(params['body']), :byline => text_field(params['byline']), :fee => boolean_field(params['fee']), :lead_paragraph => text_field(params['lead_paragraph']), :nytd_title => text_field(params['nytd_title']), :nytd_lead_paragraph => text_field(params['nytd_lead_paragraph']), :related_multimedia => nil, # FIXME :thumbnail => Thumbnail.init_from_api(params), :title => text_field(params['title']), :url => params['url'], :word_count => integer_field(params['word_count']), # FACETS THAT RETURN SCALARS :page => integer_field(params[Facet::PAGE]), :column => text_field(params[Facet::COLUMN]), :pub_month => integer_field(params[Facet::PUB_MONTH]), :pub_year => integer_field(params[Facet::PUB_YEAR]), :pub_day => integer_field(params[Facet::PUB_DAY]), :day_of_week => params[Facet::DAY_OF_WEEK], :desk => text_field(params[Facet::DESK]), :date => date_field(params[Facet::DATE]), :section_page => params[Facet::SECTION_PAGE], :source => text_field(params[Facet::SOURCE]), # FIXME! MORE FACET PARAMS # FACETS THAT RETURN ARRAYS :classifiers => facet_params(params, Facet::CLASSIFIERS), :descriptions => facet_params(params, Facet::DESCRIPTION), :geo => facet_params(params, Facet::GEO), :material_types => facet_params(params, Facet::MATERIAL_TYPE), :organizations => facet_params(params, Facet::ORGANIZATION), :persons => facet_params(params, Facet::PERSON), :nytd_bylines => facet_params(params, Facet::NYTD_BYLINE), :nytd_descriptions => facet_params(params, Facet::NYTD_DESCRIPTION), :nytd_geo => facet_params(params, Facet::NYTD_GEO), :nytd_organizations => facet_params(params, Facet::NYTD_ORGANIZATION), :nytd_persons => facet_params(params, Facet::NYTD_PERSON), :nytd_sections => facet_params(params, Facet::NYTD_SECTION), :nytd_works_mentioned => facet_params(params, Facet::NYTD_WORKS_MENTIONED), :works_mentioned => facet_params(params, Facet::WORKS_MENTIONED) ) article end ## # Executes a search against the Article Search API and returns a ResultSet of 10 articles. At its simplest form, can be invoked # with just a string like so # # 'dog food' # # which will do a text search against several text fields in the article and return the most basic fields for each # article, but it takes a large number of potential parameters. All of these fields and then some can be returned as display fields # in the articles retrieved from search (see the :fields argument below) # # == TEXT FIELDS # # If passed a string as the first argument, the text will be used to search against the title, byline and body fields of articles. This text takes # the following boolean syntax: # * dog food - similar to doing a boolean =AND search on both terms # * "ice cream" - matches the words as a phrase in the text # * ice -cream - to search text that doesn't contain a term, prefix with the minus sign. # # Should you wish to target text against specific text fields associated with the article, the following named parameters are supported: # * :abstract - A summary of the article, written by Times indexers # * :body - A portion of the beginning of the article. Note: Only a portion of the article body is included in responses. But when you search against the body field, you search the full text of the article. # * :byline - The article byline, including the author's name # * :lead_paragraph - The first paragraph of the article (as it appeared in the printed newspaper) # * :nytd_byline - The article byline, formatted for # * :nytd_lead_paragraph - The first paragraph of the article (as it appears on # * :nytd_title - The article title on (this field may or may not match the title field; headlines may be shortened and edited for the Web) # * :text - The text field consists of title + byline + body (combined in an OR search) and is the default field for keyword searches. # * :title - The article title (headline); corresponds to the headline that appeared in the printed newspaper # * :url - The URL of the article on # # == FACET SEARCHING # # Beyond query searches, the NY Times API also allows you to search against controlled vocabulary metadata associated with the article. This is powerful, if you want precise matching against specific # people, places, etc (eg, "I want stories about Ford the former president, not Ford the automative company"). The following Facet constants are supported. # # * Facet::CLASSIFIERS - Taxonomic classifiers that reflect Times content categories, such as _Top/News/Sports_ # * Facet::COLUMN - A Times column title (if applicable), such as _Weddings_ or _Ideas & Trends_ # * Facet::DATE - The publication date in YYYYMMDD format # * Facet::DAY_OF_WEEK - The day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday) the article was published (compare PUB_DAY, which is the numeric date rather than the day of the week) # * Facet::DESCRIPTION - Descriptive subject terms assigned by Times indexers (must be in UPPERCASE) # * Facet::DESK - The Times desk that produced the story (e.g., _Business/Financial Desk_) # * Facet::GEO - Standardized names of geographic locations, assigned by Times indexers (must be in UPPERCASE) # * Facet::MATERIAL_TYPE - The general article type, such as Biography, Editorial or Review # * Facet::ORGANIZATION - Standardized names of people, assigned by Times indexers (must be UPPERCASE) # * Facet::PAGE - The page the article appeared on (in the printed paper) # * Facet::PERSON - Standardized names of people, assigned by Times indexers. When used in a request, values must be UPPERCASE. # * Facet::PUB_DAY - The day (DD) segment of date, separated for use as facets # * Facet::PUB_MONTH - The month (MM) segment of date, separated for use as facets # * Facet::PUB_YEAR - The year (YYYY) segment of date, separated for use as facets # * Facet::SECTION_PAGE - The full page number of the printed article (e.g., _D00002_) # * Facet::SOURCE - The originating body (e.g., _AP_, _Dow Jones_, _The New York Times_) # * Facet::WORKS_MENTIONED - Literary works mentioned in the article # * Facet::NYTD_BYLINE - The article byline, formatted for # * Facet::NYTD_DESCRIPTION - Descriptive subject terms, assigned for use on (to get standardized terms, use the TimesTags API). When used in a request, values must be Mixed Case # * Facet::NYTD_GEO - Standardized names of geographic locations, assigned for use on (to get standardized terms, use the TimesTags API). When used in a request, values must be Mixed Case # * Facet::NYTD_ORGANIZATION - Standardized names of organizations, assigned for use on (to get standardized terms, use the TimesTags API). When used in a request, values must be Mixed Case # * Facet::NYTD_PERSON - Standardized names of people, assigned for use on (to get standardized terms, use the TimesTags API). When used in a request, values must be Mixed Case. # * Facet::NYTD_SECTION - The section the article appears in (on # * Facet::NYTD_WORKS_MENTIONED - Literary works mentioned (titles formatted for use on # # Note that for your convenience you can also search with symbol versions of the constants (:geo => ['MANHATTAN']). Even pluralization is supported. To get the string API version of the facet use Facet#symbol_name # # The following two search fields are used for facet searching: # * :only_facets - takes a single value or array of facets to search. Facets can either be specified as array pairs (like [Facet::GEOGRAPHIC, 'CALIFORNIA']) or facets returned from a previous search can be passed directly. A single string can be passed as well if you have hand-crafted string. # * :except_facets - similar to :only_facets but is used to specify a list of facets to exclude. # # == TIME SEARCHES # * :begin_date, :end_date - the parameters are used to specify a start and end date for search results. BOTH of these must be provided or the API will return an error. Accepts either a Time/Date argument or a string of the format YYYYMMDD. For convenience the following alternative methods are provided # * :before - an alternative to :end_date. Automatically adds a :before_date of sometime in 1980 if no :since argument is also provided. # * :since - An alternative to :begin_date. Automatically adds an :end_date of if no :before argument is provided. # # == OTHER SEARCH FIELDS # * :fee - if set to true, only returns articles that must be purchased. If false, returns only free articles. If not specified, returns all articles # * :has_thumbnail - returns only articles that have thumbnail images associated. Note that to see the thumbnails, you must specify either :thumbnail or :all in the :fields argument). # * :has_multimedia - to be implemented # # == FACET SUMMARIES # # The :facets argument can be used to specify up to 5 facet fields to be returned alongside the search that provide overall counts # of how much each facet term appears in the search results. FIXME provide list of available facets as well as description of :nytd parameter. # # == ARTICLE FIELDS # # The :fields parameter is used to indicate what fields are returned with each article from the search results. If not specified, only # the following fields are returned for each article: body, byline, date, title, and url. To return specific fields, any of the search fields # from above can be explicitly specified in a comma-delimited list, as well as the additional display-only (not searchable) fields below (these # are strings or symbols): # # * :all - return all fields for the article # * :none - display only the facet breakdown and no article results # * :multimedia - return any related multimedia links for the article # * :thumbnail - return information for a related thumbnail image (if the article has one) # * :word_count - the word_count of the article. def, params={}) params = params.dup case query when String params[:query] = query when Hash params.merge! query end api_params = {} add_query_params(api_params, params) add_facet_conditions_params(api_params, params) add_boolean_params(api_params, params) add_facets_param(api_params, params) add_fields_param(api_params, params) add_rank_params(api_params, params) add_date_params(api_params, params) add_offset_params(api_params, params) reply = invoke(api_params) parse_reply(reply) end private def self.date_argument(field_name, arg) return arg if arg.is_a? String return arg.strftime("%Y%m%d") if arg.respond_to? :strftime raise ArgumentError, "Only a string or Date/Time object is allowed as a parameter to the #{field_name} input" end def self.facet_params(params, facet_name) return nil if params[facet_name].nil? params[facet_name].map {|f|, f, nil) } end def self.text_argument(field, argument) arg = argument.dup subquery = [] while term = arg.slice!(%r{("[^"]+")|\S+}) if term =~ /^\-/ subquery << "-#{field}:#{term[1..term.length]}" else subquery << "#{field}:#{term}" end end subquery.join(' ') end def self.parse_reply(reply) ResultSet.init_from_api(reply) end def self.add_facets_param(out_params, in_params) if in_params[:facets] out_params['facets'] = in_params[:facets] {|f| Facet.symbol_name(f)}.join(',') end end def self.field_param(name) case name.to_s when 'thumbnail' IMAGE_FIELDS.join(',') else name.to_s end end def self.add_fields_param(out_params, in_params) case in_params[:fields] when nil # do nothing when :all out_params['fields'] = ALL_FIELDS.join(',') when :none out_params['fields'] = ' ' unless out_params['facets'] out_params['facets'] = Facet::DEFAULT_RETURN_FACETS.join(',') end when String, Symbol out_params['fields'] = field_param(in_params[:fields]) when Array out_params['fields'] = in_params[:fields].map {|f| field_param(f)}.join(',') else raise ArgumentError, "Fields must either be :all, a single field name, or an array of field names (either strings or symbols)" end end def self.add_query_params(out_params, in_params) query = [] query << in_params[:query] # Also add other text params to the query TEXT_FIELDS.each do |tf| if in_params[tf.to_sym] query << text_argument(tf, in_params[tf.to_sym]) end end out_params['query'] = query.compact.join(' ') out_params['query'] = nil if out_params['query'].empty? end def self.facet_argument(name, value, exclude = false) if name.is_a? Symbol name = Facet.symbol_name(name) end "#{'-' if exclude}#{name}:[#{value}]" end def self.parse_facet_params(facets, exclude = false) facet_args = [] case facets when nil # do nothing when String facet_args = [facets] when Facet facet_args = [facet_argument(facets.facet_type, facets.term, exclude)] when Array unless facets.all? {|f| f.is_a? Facet } raise ArgumentError, "Only Facet instances can be passed in as an array; use Hash for Facet::Name => values input" end facet_hash = {} facets.each do |f| unless facet_hash[f.facet_type] facet_hash[f.facet_type] = [] end facet_hash[f.facet_type] << f.term end facet_hash.each_pair do |k,v| if v.is_a? Array facet_args += {|el| facet_argument(k, el, exclude)} else facet_args << facet_argument(k, v, exclude) end end when Hash facets.each_pair do |k,v| if v.is_a? Array facet_args += {|el| facet_argument(k, el, exclude)} else facet_args << facet_argument(k, v, exclude) end end end facet_args end def self.add_facet_conditions_params(out_params, in_params) query = out_params['query'] search_facets = parse_facet_params(in_params[:only_facets]) exclude_facets = parse_facet_params(in_params[:except_facets], true) unless search_facets.empty? && exclude_facets.empty? out_params['query'] = ([query] + search_facets + exclude_facets).compact.join(' ') end end def self.add_boolean_params(out_params, in_params) bool_params = [] query = out_params['query'] unless in_params[:fee].nil? bool_params << "#{'-' unless in_params[:fee]}fee:Y" end unless in_params[:has_multimedia].nil? bool_params << "#{'-' unless in_params[:has_multimedia]}related_multimedia:Y" end unless in_params[:has_thumbnail].nil? bool_params << "#{'-' unless in_params[:has_thumbnail]}small_image:Y" end unless bool_params.empty? out_params['query'] = ([query] + bool_params).compact.join(' ') end end def self.add_rank_params(out_params, in_params) if in_params[:rank] unless [:newest, :oldest, :closest].include?(in_params[:rank]) raise ArgumentError, "Rank should only be :newest | :oldest | :closest" end out_params['rank'] = in_params[:rank].to_s end end def self.add_date_params(out_params, in_params) if in_params[:begin_date] out_params['begin_date'] = date_argument(:begin_date, in_params[:begin_date]) end if in_params[:end_date] out_params['end_date'] = date_argument(:end_date, in_params[:end_date]) end if in_params[:since] if in_params[:begin_date] raise ArgumentError, "You can't specify both :begin_date and :since as arguments" end out_params['begin_date'] = date_argument(:since, in_params[:since]) end if in_params[:before] if in_params[:end_date] raise ArgumentError, "You can't specify both :end_date and :before as arguments" end out_params['end_date'] = date_argument(:before, in_params[:before]) end if in_params[:before] && out_params['begin_date'].nil? out_params['begin_date'] = EARLIEST_BEGIN_DATE end if in_params[:since] && out_params['end_date'].nil? out_params['end_date'] = date_argument(:end_date, end end def self.add_offset_params(out_params, in_params) if in_params[:page] unless in_params[:page].is_a? Integer raise ArgumentError, "Page must be an integer" end unless in_params[:page] >= 1 raise ArgumentError, "Page must count up from 1" end # Page counts from 1, offset counts from 0 out_params['offset'] = in_params[:page] - 1 end if in_params[:offset] unless in_params[:offset].is_a? Integer raise ArgumentError, "Offset must be an integer" end out_params['offset'] = in_params[:offset] end end end end end